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noncommercial images

What are they?

Noncommercial images are images that are open for public use. When using images found on the internet you must insure that the image is non-commercial. There are multiple ways to do this but there are two very simple ways.

Using Google Images

A square gesturing to where in google can one find the different reuse label search tools.

Go to Google Images and type your search term into the search bar.

  1. Visit the ‘search tools’ button, located directly below the search bar.
  2. It is automatically set to ‘Not filtered by license’; however, there are also many other options.
  3. Select “Labeled for reuse’. Or any other option that suits your needs.
  4. Now, all the images that appeared are noncommercial.

Using Flickr

The flickr page with the copyright restrictions dropdown menu open.
  1. Go to Flicker Search in the toolbar, select the “Any license” option near the top left of the screen.
  2. A list will appear scan the selection for the “No known copyright restriction” option and the list of noncommercial images will appear.
  3. Now, all the images that appeared are noncommercial.