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one size fits one

Rather than attempting to fit every human under the sun in the same box with minimal stretching capabilities, one size fits one tailors every box to a person’s specific needs. Everyone is different, a mix of different desires, capabilities and backgrounds. This means what people look for is different and while the popular design may satisfy most people, it does not completely satisfy everyone. In school, a student who is fidgeting, whether it is due to sugar and caffeine, excitement due to an upcoming event or due to their disposition as a kinesthetic learner, is in an unsatisfactory setting because the classroom neither grabs their attention or provides them time or resources to burn off the extra energy.

Accessibility issues can arise due to happenstance or setting. Such as watching a video in a library but with no headphones or watching a video but with broken speakers. The information in the video is now inaccessible because there is no way to hear the audio.

A purple circle is being tape measured length wise by a yellow triangle who is a tailor. With modern technology it is possible to create a flexible system that can adapt to different people in different situations. A person with trouble reading small letters can increase the font size rather than grabbing a magnifying glass. People with aphantasia, inability to conjure up mental images, can use software that conjures virtual 3D models that they may play with. Students can find and access lessons after school should they have been distracted during class or even find additional resources that explain the material and share it with other students. Videos can have captions so the viewer can obtain information without audio. Technology can offer and create multiple methods to learn, connect or share on one platform so that all the information is the same but it is tailored to work best with each and every individual person.