abdrive library  v0.9.84
Differential servo and encoder drive library for the Parallax ActivityBot
libabdrive Directory Reference


file  abdrive.c
file  abdrive.h [code]
 This library takes care of encoder monitoring and servo signaling, and provides a simple set of functions for making the ActivityBot go certain distances and speeds.

For more information, go here:


file  calibrationResults.c
file  Display.c
file  encoderLeds.c
file  feedback.c
file  getticks.c
file  goto.c
file  gotoMode.c
file  gotoStatus.c
file  libabdrive.c
file  monitor.c
file  ramp.c
file  rampStep.c
file  servoPins.c
file  setAcceleration.c
file  setMaxSpeed.c
file  setRampStep.c
file  speed.c