Base class for endpoint code.

This base class defines the API to which subclasses must adhere, so that endpoint users don't need to care how the endpoint actually communicates with a target resource.

ENDPOINTS ARE NOT INTENDED TO BE THREAD SAFE. Whenever you want to use one from a particular thread, instantiate an endpoint for use by just that thread. Don't share instances between threads via e.g. controlling class instance variables recording a reference to a single endpoint object.

[R] interaction

The value of the interaction option key passed to the constructor. See the constructor and endpoint_for for more.

[RW] locale

The locale passed to the constructor or some value provided later; a String, e.g. “en-gb”, or if nil, uses “en-nz” by default.

[R] resource

The resource name passed to the constructor, as a String.

[RW] session_id

The session UUID passed to the constructor or some value provided later; used for the calls to the target resource via the X-Session-ID HTTP header or an equivalent. If nil, only public actions in the target resource will be accessible.

[R] version

The version number passed to the constructor, as an Integer.

Class Public methods
endpoint_for( resource, version, options )

Endpoint factory - instantiates and endpoint for the given resource and implemented API version, using the given discoverer.


Resource name the endpoint targets, e.g. :Purchase. String or symbol.


Optional required interface (API) version for that endpoint. Integer. Default is 1.


Options Hash. Options are described below. Note that this Hash may be modified during processing.

Items in the options hash are required, unless explicitly listed as optional. They are:


A Hoodoo::Services::Discovery “By…” family member instance, e.g. a Hoodoo::Services::Discovery::ByDRb instance. This is used to look up a service instance. The returned discovery data type is used to determine the required endpoint type; for example, a Hoodoo::Services::Discovery::ForHTTP result yields a Hoodoo::Client::Endpoint::HTTP instance.


A session UUID, for the X-Session-ID HTTP header or an equivalent. Optional, but if omitted, only public resource actions will be accessible.


Optional Hoodoo::Services::Middleware::Interaction instance which describes a source interaction at hand. This is a middleware concept and most of the time, only the middleware would use this; the middleware is handling some API call which the source interaction data describes but the resource which is handling the call needs to make an inter-resource call, which is why an Endpoint is being created.


Locale string for request/response, e.g. “en-gb”. Optional. If omitted, defaults to “en-nz”.


See Hoodoo::Client::Headers' HEADER_TO_PROPERTY. All such option keys MUST be Symbols.

Returns a Hoodoo::Services::Discovery “For…” family member instance (e.g. Hoodoo::Services::Discovery::ForHTTP) which can be used to talk to the resource in question. Getting an instance does not mean the resource endpoint is found - you will not know that until you try to talk to it and get a 404 expressed as a platform error in the response data. See Hoodoo::Client::AugmentedHash and Hoodoo::Client::AugmentedArray.

Callers dealing with inter-resource call code may want to consult their discoverer to see if the resource is locally available before bothering to instantiate an endpoint.

If the deja_vu option is set, then a confirmed case of deja vu results in an empty Hash being returned, with no platform errors associated. This is the high-level transport neutral equivalent of (say) a 204 HTTP response with no body.

# File lib/hoodoo/client/endpoint/endpoint.rb, line 88
def self.endpoint_for( resource, version, options )
  discoverer       = options.delete( :discoverer )
  discovery_result = resource.to_sym, version.to_i )

  klass = if discovery_result.is_a?( Hoodoo::Services::Discovery::ForHTTP )
  elsif discovery_result.is_a?( Hoodoo::Services::Discovery::ForAMQP )
  elsif discovery_result.nil?

  options[ :discovery_result ] = discovery_result

  if klass.nil?
    raise "Hoodoo::Client::Endpoint::endpoint_for: Unrecognised discoverer result class of '#{ }'"
    return resource, version, options )
new( resource, version = 1, options )

Create an endpoint instance that will be used to make requests to a given resource.


Resource name the endpoint targets, e.g. :Purchase. String or symbol.


Optional required interface (API) version for that endpoint. Integer. Default is 1.


Options Hash. Options are described below. Note that this Hash may be modified during processing.

Items in the options hash are required, unless explicitly listed as optional. They are:


A Hoodoo::Services::Discovery “For…” family member instance, e.g. a Hoodoo::Services::Discovery::ForHTTP instance. Each subclass describes its required discovery result type, so see its documentation for details.


As in the options for endpoint_for.


As in the options for endpoint_for.


As in the options for endpoint_for.


See Hoodoo::Client::Headers' HEADER_TO_PROPERTY. All such option keys MUST be Symbols.

The out-of-the box initialiser sets up the data for the resource, version, discovery_result, interaction, session_id, locale, dated_at and dated_from accessors using this data, so subclass authors don't need to.

The endpoint is then used with list, show, create, update or delete methods to perform operations on the target resource. See each of those methods for details of their specific requirements; however all have common parameters some or all of which are used across the method 'family':


Identifier. This is usually a UUID but some Resources support e.g. a “show” action based on either a UUID or some other unique value (such as a product code, a credit/debit card number or so-on - defined by the Resource in question in its documentation).


A hash of unencoded data that can be encoded to form a query string. Search and filter data is represented with nested hashes. Embed and reference data uses an array. All keys are Strings. Example:

  offset:    75,
  limit:     50,
  sort:      'created_at', # ...or an Array of sort fields
  direction: 'asc',        # ...or a matching Array of directions
  search:    {
    member_id: "...some UUID..."
  _embed:    [
  # and/or ...filter: {}..., _reference: []...

This parameter is always optional.


The Hash representation of the body data that might be sent in an HTTP request (i.e. JSON, as a Hash).

# File lib/hoodoo/client/endpoint/endpoint.rb, line 214
def initialize( resource, version = 1, options )
  @resource         = resource.to_sym
  @version          = version.to_i

  @discovery_result = options[ :discovery_result ]
  @interaction      = options[ :interaction      ]

  self.session_id   = options[ :session_id ]
  self.locale       = options[ :locale     ]

  Hoodoo::Client::Headers::HEADER_TO_PROPERTY.each do | rack_header, description |
    property        = description[ :property        ]
    property_writer = description[ :property_writer ]

    self.send( property_writer, options[ property ] ) if options.has_key?( property )

  configure_with( @resource, @version, options )
Instance Public methods
create( body_hash, query_hash = nil )

Create a resource instance.


See the constructor for details.


See the constructor for details.

Returns a Hoodoo::Client::AugmentedHash representation of the new resource instance.

Call Hoodoo::Client::AugmentedBase#platform_errors (or for service authors implementing resource endpoints, possibly call Hoodoo::Client::AugmentedBase#adds_errors_to? instead) on the returned instance to detect and resolve error conditions before examining its Hash-derived fields.

The hash contents are undefined when errors are returned.

# File lib/hoodoo/client/endpoint/endpoint.rb, line 410
def create( body_hash, query_hash = nil )
  raise "Subclasses must implement Hoodoo::Client::Endpoint\#create"
delete( ident, query_hash = nil )

Delete a resource instance.


See the constructor for details.


See the constructor for details.

Returns a Hoodoo::Client::AugmentedHash representation of the now-deleted resource instance,from the instant before deletion.

Call Hoodoo::Client::AugmentedBase#platform_errors (or for service authors implementing resource endpoints, possibly call Hoodoo::Client::AugmentedBase#adds_errors_to? instead) on the returned instance to detect and resolve error conditions before examining its Hash-derived fields.

The hash contents are undefined when errors are returned.

# File lib/hoodoo/client/endpoint/endpoint.rb, line 451
def delete( ident, query_hash = nil )
  raise "Subclasses must implement Hoodoo::Client::Endpoint\#delete"
list( query_hash = nil )

Obtain a list of resource instance representations.


See the constructor for more. This is the only way to search or filter the list, via the target Resource's documented supported search/filter parameters and the platform's common all-Resources behaviour.

Returns a Hoodoo::Client::AugmentedArray representation of the requested list of resource instances.

Call Hoodoo::Client::AugmentedBase#platform_errors (or for service authors implementing resource endpoints, possibly call Hoodoo::Client::AugmentedBase#adds_errors_to? instead) on the returned instance to detect and resolve error conditions before examining its Array-derived contents.

The array will be empty in successful responses if no items satisfying the list conditions were found. The array contents are undefined in the case of errors.

Call Hoodoo::Client::PaginatedEnumeration#enumerate_all to enumerate over the list of resource instances with automatic pagination.

# File lib/hoodoo/client/endpoint/endpoint.rb, line 370
def list( query_hash = nil )
  raise "Subclasses must implement Hoodoo::Client::Endpoint\#list"
show( ident, query_hash = nil )

Obtain a resource instance representation.


See the constructor for details.


See the constructor for details.

Returns a Hoodoo::Client::AugmentedHash representation of the requested resource instance.

Call Hoodoo::Client::AugmentedBase#platform_errors (or for service authors implementing resource endpoints, possibly call Hoodoo::Client::AugmentedBase#adds_errors_to? instead) on the returned instance to detect and resolve error conditions before examining its Hash-derived fields.

The hash contents are undefined when errors are returned.

# File lib/hoodoo/client/endpoint/endpoint.rb, line 390
def show( ident, query_hash = nil )
  raise "Subclasses must implement Hoodoo::Client::Endpoint\#show"
update( ident, body_hash, query_hash = nil )

Update a resource instance.


See the constructor for details.


See the constructor for details.


See the constructor for details.

Returns a Hoodoo::Client::AugmentedHash representation of the updated resource instance.

Call Hoodoo::Client::AugmentedBase#platform_errors (or for service authors implementing resource endpoints, possibly call Hoodoo::Client::AugmentedBase#adds_errors_to? instead) on the returned instance to detect and resolve error conditions before examining its Hash-derived fields.

The hash contents are undefined when errors are returned.

# File lib/hoodoo/client/endpoint/endpoint.rb, line 431
def update( ident, body_hash, query_hash = nil )
  raise "Subclasses must implement Hoodoo::Client::Endpoint\#update"
Instance Protected methods
configure_with( resource, version, options )

This protected method is implemented by subclasses and called from the initializer. Subclasses should store resource and version data however they want and validate any required options, raising errors if need be.


Resource name the endpoint targets, e.g. :Purchase. Symbol.


Optional required interface (API) version for that endpoint. Integer.


Options Hash. Same as for initialize.

# File lib/hoodoo/client/endpoint/endpoint.rb, line 253
def configure_with( resource, version, options )
  raise "Subclasses must implement Hoodoo::Client::Endpoint\#configure_with"
copy_updated_options_to( target_endpoint )

Copy the current value of writable options in this Endpoint instance, to another Endpoint instance. This is useful when one is wrapping another, but to the external user of the wrapping endpoint, they should just be able to set options in that item and have it act as if they'd set them on the thing which it is (not that the caller would know) wrapping.

This includes copying over a session_id field value, though often it'll subsequently be rewritten by the wrapping endpoint as it's wrapping something to provide special session management.

WARNING: Any nil internal state values will not be copied.

# File lib/hoodoo/client/endpoint/endpoint.rb, line 303
def copy_updated_options_to( target_endpoint )
  target_endpoint.session_id = self.session_id unless self.session_id.nil?
  target_endpoint.locale     = self.locale     unless self.locale.nil?

  Hoodoo::Client::Headers::HEADER_TO_PROPERTY.each do | rack_header, description |
    property        = description[ :property        ]
    property_writer = description[ :property_writer ]

    value = self.send( property )

    target_endpoint.send( property_writer, value ) unless value.nil?
generate_404_response_for( action )

Utility method to aid subclass authors. Not usually overridden.

Return an instance of Hoodoo::Client::AugmentedArray or Hoodoo::Client::AugmentedHash with an associated 404 error (as a fully formed platform error) describing 'Not Found' for the target resource, version and given action.


A Symbol from Hoodoo::Services::Middleware::ALLOWED_ACTIONS.

# File lib/hoodoo/client/endpoint/endpoint.rb, line 280
def generate_404_response_for( action )
  data = response_class_for( action ).new
    'reference' => { :entity_name => "v#{ @version } of #{ @resource } interface endpoint" }

  return data
inject_enumeration_state( augmented_array, query_hash )

Set the augmented_array's next_page_proc attribute to a Proc that will call the list endpoint to retrieve the next batch of of Resources using the same query parameters.


The Hoodoo::Client::AugmentedArray instance containing the initial set of Resources to be enumerated through.


The query parameters to be used for this enumeration. See the constructor for more.

Returns the augmented_array passed in, with the next_page_proc value set.

# File lib/hoodoo/client/endpoint/endpoint.rb, line 331
def inject_enumeration_state( augmented_array, query_hash )
  endpoint   = self
  query_hash = Hoodoo::Utilities.stringify( query_hash || {} )
  batch_size = [ 1, augmented_array.size ].max

  augmented_array.next_page_proc = do
    query_hash[ 'offset' ] = ( query_hash[ 'offset' ] || 0 ) + batch_size
    endpoint.list( query_hash )

  return augmented_array
response_class_for( action )

Utility method to aid subclass authors. Not usually overridden.

Determine the response class needed for a given action - returns Hoodoo::Client::AugmentedArray or Hoodoo::Client::AugmentedHash (class references, not instances).


A Symbol from Hoodoo::Services::Middleware::ALLOWED_ACTIONS.

# File lib/hoodoo/client/endpoint/endpoint.rb, line 266
def response_class_for( action )
  return action.equal?( :list ) ? Hoodoo::Client::AugmentedArray : Hoodoo::Client::AugmentedHash