Describe a resource endpoint location in a way that allows it to be contacted over HTTP.

[RW] ca_file

An optional String indicating a relative or absolute file path to the location of a .pem format Certificate Authority file (trust store), which may include multliple certificates. The certificates in the file will be used by Net::HTTP to validate the SSL Ceritificate Chain presented by remote servers, when calling endpoints over HTTPS with Hoodoo::Client.

Default nil value should be used in nearly all cases and uses Ruby OpenSSL defaults which are generally Operating System provided.

[RW] endpoint_uri

Full URI (as a URI object) at which the resource endpoint implementation can be contacted.

[RW] http_open_timeout

Optional Float indicating the Net::HTTP open timeout value.

This is a value in seconds (default 60) for which the client will wait while attempting to connect to a server.

If the connection attempt is still running after the timeout, the request is aborted and a platform.timeout error returned.

See also http_timeout.

This operates at the HTTP transport level and is independent of any higher level timeouts that might be set up.

[RW] http_timeout

Optional Float indicating the Net::HTTP read timeout value.

This is a value in seconds (default 60) for which the client will wait while attempting to read data from a server in any individual TCP read operation. The timeout becomes active immediately after a server connection is established.

If a read attempt is still running after the timeout, the request is aborted and a platform.timeout error returned.

See also http_open_timeout.

This operates at the HTTP transport level and is independent of any higher level timeouts that might be set up.

[RW] proxy_uri

Full URI (as a URI object) of an HTTP proxy to use as an override to ENV['HTTP_PROXY'] which Ruby itself will otherwise read. Will be nil for no proxy override.

[RW] resource

The resource name described, as a Symbol (e.g. :Purchase).

[RW] version

Resource endpoint version, as an Integer (e.g. 2).

Class Public methods
new( resource:, version:, endpoint_uri:, proxy_uri: nil, ca_file: nil, http_timeout: nil, http_open_timeout: nil )

Create an instance with named parameters as follows:


See resource.


See version.


See endpoint_uri.


See proxy_uri. Optional.


See ca_file. Optional.


See http_timeout. Optional.


See http_open_timeout. Optional.

# File lib/hoodoo/services/discovery/results/for_http.rb, line 95
def initialize( resource:,
                proxy_uri:         nil,
                ca_file:           nil,
                http_timeout:      nil,
                http_open_timeout: nil )

  self.resource          = resource.to_sym
  self.version           = version.to_i
  self.endpoint_uri      = endpoint_uri
  self.proxy_uri         = proxy_uri
  self.ca_file           = ca_file
  self.http_timeout      = http_timeout
  self.http_open_timeout = http_open_timeout