class Hoodoo::TransientStore::Redis

Hoodoo::TransientStore plugin supporting Redis. The redis-rb gem is used for server communication.

Public Class Methods

new( storage_host_uri:, namespace: ) click to toggle source

See Hoodoo::TransientStore::Base::new for details.

Do not instantiate this class directly. Use Hoodoo::TransientStore::new.

The redis-rb gem is used to talk to Redis and requires connection UIRs with a redis protocol, such as redis://localhost:6379.

TCP keep-alive is enabled for the server connection.

Calls superclass method Hoodoo::TransientStore::Base::new
# File lib/hoodoo/transient_store/transient_store/redis.rb, line 36
def initialize( storage_host_uri:, namespace: )
  super # Pass all arguments through -> *not* 'super()'
  @client = connect_to_redis( storage_host_uri )

Public Instance Methods

close() click to toggle source

See Hoodoo::TransientStore::Base#close for details.

# File lib/hoodoo/transient_store/transient_store/redis.rb, line 71
def close
delete( key: ) click to toggle source

See Hoodoo::TransientStore::Base#delete for details.

# File lib/hoodoo/transient_store/transient_store/redis.rb, line 64
def delete( key: )
  @client.del( namespaced_key( key ) )
get( key: ) click to toggle source

See Hoodoo::TransientStore::Base#get for details.

# File lib/hoodoo/transient_store/transient_store/redis.rb, line 57
def get( key: )
  result = @client.get( namespaced_key( key ) )
  return result.nil? ? nil : ( JSON.parse( result ) rescue nil )
set( key:, payload:, maximum_lifespan: ) click to toggle source

See Hoodoo::TransientStore::Base#set for details.

The payload is encoded into JSON for storage and automatically decoded by get; so callers don’t need to do marshalling to Strings themselves.

# File lib/hoodoo/transient_store/transient_store/redis.rb, line 46
def set( key:, payload:, maximum_lifespan: )
  nk = namespaced_key( key )

  @client.set( nk, JSON.fast_generate( payload ) )
  @client.expire( nk, maximum_lifespan )
