class Hoodoo::TransientStore

A simple abstraction over transient storage engines such as Memcached or Redis, making it it easier for client code to switch engines with very few changes. If the storage engine chosen when creating instances of this object is defined in application-wide configuration data, all you would need to do is change the configuration for all new TransientStore instances to use the new engine.



Read this instance’s default item maximum lifespan, in seconds. See also ::new.


Read this instance’s default storage namespace, as a String. See also ::new.


Read this instance’s storage engine; see ::supported_storage_engines and ::new.


Read the storage engine instance for the storage_engine - this allows engine-specific configuration to be set where available, though this is strongly discouraged as it couples client code to the engine in use, defeating the main rationale behind the TransientStore abstraction.

Public Class Methods

deregister( as: ) click to toggle source

Remove a storage engine plugin class from the supported collection. Any existing Hoodoo::TransientStore instances using the removed class will not be affected, but new instances cannot be made.

Named parameters are:


The value given to register in the corresponding as parameter.

# File lib/hoodoo/transient_store/transient_store.rb, line 69
def self.deregister( as: )
  @@supported_storage_engines.delete( as )
new( storage_engine:, storage_host_uri:, default_maximum_lifespan: 604800, default_namespace: 'nz_co_loyalty_hoodoo_transient_store_' ) click to toggle source

Instantiate a new Transient storage object through which temporary data can be stored or retrieved.

The TransientStore abstraction is a high level and simple abstraction over heterogenous data storage engines. It does not expose the many subtle configuration settings usually available in such. If you need to take advantage of those at an item storage level, you’ll need to use a lower level interface and thus lock your code to the engine of choice.

Engine plug-ins are recommended to attempt to gain and test a connection to the storage engine when this object is constructed, so if building a TransientStore instance, ensure your chosen storage engine is running first. Exceptions may be raised by storage engines, so you will probably want to catch those with more civilised error handling code.

Named parameters are:


An entry from ::supported_storage_engines.


The engine-dependent connection URI. Consult documentation for your chosen engine to find out its connection URI requirements, along with the documentation for the constructor method of the plug-in in use, since in some cases requirements may be unusual (e.g. in Hoodoo::TransientStore::MemcachedRedisMirror).


The default time-to-live for data items, in, seconds; can be overridden per item; default is 604800 seconds or 7 days.


Storage engine keys are namespaced with nz_co_loyalty_hoodoo_transient_store_ by default, though this can be overridden here. Pass a String or Symbol.

# File lib/hoodoo/transient_store/transient_store.rb, line 143
def initialize(
  default_maximum_lifespan: 604800,
  default_namespace:        'nz_co_loyalty_hoodoo_transient_store_'

  unless self.class.supported_storage_engines().include?( storage_engine )

    # Be kind and use 'inspect' to indicate that we expect Symbols here
    # in the exception, because of the arising leading ':' in the output.
    engines = self.class.supported_storage_engines().map { | symbol | "'#{ symbol.inspect }'" }
    allowed = engines.join( ', ' )

    raise "Hoodoo::TransientStore: Unrecognised storage engine '#{ storage_engine.inspect }' requested; allowed values: #{ allowed }"

  @default_maximum_lifespan = default_maximum_lifespan
  @default_namespace        = ( default_namespace || '' ).to_s()
  @storage_engine           = storage_engine
  @storage_engine_instance  = @@supported_storage_engines[ storage_engine ].new(
    storage_host_uri: storage_host_uri,
    namespace:        @default_namespace

register( as:, using: ) click to toggle source

Register a new storage engine plugin class. It MUST inherit from and thus follow the template laid out in Hoodoo::TransientStore::Base.

Named parameters are:


The name, as a Symbol, for the ::new storage_engine input parameter, to select this plugin.


The class reference of the Hoodoo::TransientStore::Base subclass to be associated with the name given in as.


  as:    :memcached,
  using: Hoodoo::TransientStore::Memcached
# File lib/hoodoo/transient_store/transient_store.rb, line 45
def self.register( as:, using: )
  as = as.to_sym

  @@supported_storage_engines = {} unless defined?( @@supported_storage_engines )

  unless using < Hoodoo::TransientStore::Base
    raise "Hoodoo::TransientStore.register requires a Hoodoo::TransientStore::Base subclass - got '#{ using.to_s }'"

  if @@supported_storage_engines.has_key?( as )
    raise "Hoodoo::TransientStore.register: A storage engine called '#{ as }' is already registered"

  @@supported_storage_engines[ as ] = using
supported_storage_engines() click to toggle source

Return an array of the names of all supported storage engine names known to the Hoodoo::TransientStore class. Any one of those names can be used with the ::new storage_engine parameter.

# File lib/hoodoo/transient_store/transient_store.rb, line 77
def self.supported_storage_engines

Public Instance Methods

close() click to toggle source

If you aren’t going to use this instance again, it is good manners to immediately close its connection(s) to any storage engines by calling here.

No useful return value is generated and exceptions are ignored.

# File lib/hoodoo/transient_store/transient_store.rb, line 323
def close
  @storage_engine_instance.close() rescue nil
delete( key: ) click to toggle source

Delete data previously stored with set.

Named parameters are:


Key previously given to set.


  • true if deletion was successful, if the item has already expired or if the key is simply not recognised so there is no more work to do.

  • false if deletion failed but the reason is unknown.

  • An Exception instance if deletion failed and the storage engine raised an exception describing the problem.

Only non-empty String or Symbol keys are permitted, else an exception will be raised.

# File lib/hoodoo/transient_store/transient_store.rb, line 299
def delete( key: )
  key = normalise_key( key, 'delete' )

    result = @storage_engine_instance.delete( key: key )

    if result != true && result != false
      raise "Hoodoo::TransientStore\#delete: Engine '#{ @storage_engine }' returned an invalid response"

  rescue => e
    result = e


  return result
get( key:, allow_throw: false ) click to toggle source

Retrieve data previously stored with set.

Named parameters are:


Key previously given to set.


If true, exceptions raised by the underlying storage engine are thrown, else ignored and nil is returned. Optional; default is false.

Returns nil if the item is not found - either the key is wrong, the stored data has expired or the stored data has been evicted early from the storage engine’s pool.

Only non-empty String or Symbol keys are permitted, else an exception will be raised.

# File lib/hoodoo/transient_store/transient_store.rb, line 272
def get( key:, allow_throw: false )
  key = normalise_key( key, 'get' )

    @storage_engine_instance.get( key: key )
    raise if allow_throw
set( key:, payload:, maximum_lifespan: nil ) click to toggle source

Set (write) a given payload into the storage engine with the given payload and maximum lifespan.

Payloads must only contain simple types such as Hash, Array, String and Integer. Complex types like Symbol, Date, Float, BigDecimal or custom objects are unlikely to serialise properly but since this depends upon the storage engine in use, errors may or may not be raised for misuse.

Storage engines usually have a maximum payload size limit; consult your engine administrator for information. For example, the default - but reconfigurable - maximum payload size for Memcached is 1MB.

For maximum possible compatibility:

  • Use only Hash payloads with String key/value paids and no nesting. You may choose to marshal the data into a String manually for unusual data requirements, manually converting back when reading stored data.

  • Keep the payload size as small as possible - large objects belong in bulk storage engines such as Amazon S3.

These are only guidelines though - heterogenous storage engine support and the ability of system administrators to arbitrarily configure those storage engines makes it impossible to be more precise.


  • true if storage was successful

  • false if storage failed but the reason is unknown

  • An Exception instance if storage failed and the storage engine raised an exception describing the problem.

Named parameters are:


Storage key to use in the engine, which is then used in subsequent calls to get and possibly eventually to delete. Only non-empty Strings or Symbols are permitted, else an exception will be raised.


Payload data to store under the given key. A flat Hash is recommended rather than simple types such as String (unless marshalling a complex type into such) in order to make potential additions to stored data easier to implement. Note that nil is prohibited.


Optional maximum lifespan, seconds. Storage engines may chooset to evict payloads sooner than this; it is a maximum time, not a guarantee. Omit to use this TransientStore instance’s default value - see ::new. If you know you no longer need a piece of data at a particular point in the execution flow of your code, explicitly delete it via delete rather than leaving it to expire. This maximises the storage engine’s pool free space and so minimises the chance of early item eviction.

# File lib/hoodoo/transient_store/transient_store.rb, line 227
def set( key:, payload:, maximum_lifespan: nil )
  key = normalise_key( key, 'set' )

  if payload.nil?
    raise "Hoodoo::TransientStore\#set: Payloads of 'nil' are prohibited"

  maximum_lifespan ||= @default_maximum_lifespan

    result = @storage_engine_instance.set(
      key:              key,
      payload:          payload,
      maximum_lifespan: maximum_lifespan

    if result != true && result != false
      raise "Hoodoo::TransientStore\#set: Engine '#{ @storage_engine }' returned an invalid response"

  rescue => e
    result = e


  return result