class Hoodoo::Services::Discovery

The service discovery mechanism is a way to find Resource implementations running inside service applications that may be available at HTTP URIs, over an AMQP queue or, potentially, any other system. Subclasses implement a particular distinct discovery approach. When implementations of services start up, they announce themselves (via Hoodoo::Services::Middleware) to the discovery engine. When other Resources (or Hoodoo::Client) want to find them, they query the same discovery engine to find out the original announcement information.

Depending on how a discovery engine shares information about announced Resource endpoints, Resources might only be found if they are are on the same local machine; or the same remote host or queue; or they might perhaps be available even if scattered across multiple hosts and/or transport types.

Implementations of service announcement and discovery code must be a subclass of this class, then optionally implement configure_with and (almost certainly, but still optionally) announce_remote; and must always implement discover_remote.

Public Class Methods

new( options = {} ) click to toggle source

Create a new instance.


Passed to the subclass in use via configure_with. Subclasses define their options. Only instantiate such subclasses, not this ‘Base’ class; see the subclass documentation for option details.

# File lib/hoodoo/services/discovery/discovery.rb, line 44
def initialize( options = {} )
  @known_local_resources = {}
  configure_with( options )

Public Instance Methods

announce( resource, version = 1, options = {} ) click to toggle source

Indicate that a resource is available locally and broacast its location to whatever discovery service a subclass supports via announce_remote.


Resource name as a Symbol or String (e.g. :Purchase).


Endpoint version as an Integer; optional; default is 1.


Defined by whatever subclass is in use. See that subclass’s documentation for details.

Returns the result of calling announce_remote (in the subclass in use) with the same parameters. See the protected method definition in this base class for details.

# File lib/hoodoo/services/discovery/discovery.rb, line 66
def announce( resource, version = 1, options = {} )
  resource = resource.to_sym
  version  = version.to_i
  result   = announce_remote( resource, version, options )

  @known_local_resources[ resource ] ||= {}
  @known_local_resources[ resource ][ version ] = result

  return result
discover( resource, version = 1 ) click to toggle source

Find a resource endpoint. This may be recorded locally or via whatever remote discovery mechanism a subclass implements.


Resource name as a Symbol or String (e.g. :Purchase).


Endpoint version as an Integer; optional; default is 1.

Returns the result of calling discover_remote (in the subclass in use) with the same parameters. See the protected method definition in this base class for details.

Use is_local? if you need to know that an endpoint was announced through this same instance (“locally”).

# File lib/hoodoo/services/discovery/discovery.rb, line 93
def discover( resource, version = 1 )
  resource = resource.to_sym
  version  = version.to_i

  if ( is_local?( resource, version ) )
    return @known_local_resources[ resource ][ version ]
    return discover_remote( resource, version )
is_local?( resource, version = 1 ) click to toggle source

Was a resource announced in this instance (“locally”)? Returns true if so, else false.

This only returns true if annouce has been called for the given resource and version.


Resource name as a Symbol or String (e.g. :Purchase).


Endpoint version as an Integer; optional; default is 1.

# File lib/hoodoo/services/discovery/discovery.rb, line 116
def is_local?( resource, version = 1 )
  resource = resource.to_sym
  version  = version.to_i

  return @known_local_resources.has_key?( resource ) &&
         @known_local_resources[ resource ].has_key?( version )

Protected Instance Methods

announce_remote( resource, version, options = {} ) click to toggle source

Announce a resource endpoint. Subclasses optionally implement this method to broadcast information to other instances of the same subclass by some subclass-implemented mechanism.

Discovery instance users do not call this method directly. Call announce instead.

Subclasses must return one of the Discovery “For” class instances, e.g. a Hoodoo::Services::Discovery::ForHTTP or Hoodoo::Services::Discovery::ForAMQP instance. This encapsulates the HTTP details required to contact the endpoint, or AMQP (queue) details required to contact the endpoint, respectively.

Subclasses must return nil if it has a problem announcing and cannot provide information for the given resource / version.


Resource name as a String.


Endpoint version as an Integer.


See subclass documentation for option details.

# File lib/hoodoo/services/discovery/discovery.rb, line 156
def announce_remote( resource, version, options = {} )
  # Implementation is optional and up to subclasses to do.
configure_with( options ) click to toggle source

Configure a new instance. Subclasses optionally implement this method to store configuration information relevant to that subclass. Subclasses must document their options.


See subclass documentation for option details.

# File lib/hoodoo/services/discovery/discovery.rb, line 132
def configure_with( options )
  # Implementation is optional and up to subclasses to do.
discover_remote( resource, version ) click to toggle source

Discover the location of a resource endpoint. Subclasses must implement this method to retrieve information about the location of resource endpoints by some subclass-implemented mechanism.

Discovery instance users do not call this method directly. Call discover instead.

Subclasses must return one of the Discovery “For” class instances, e.g. a Hoodoo::Services::Discovery::ForHTTP or Hoodoo::Services::Discovery::ForAMQP instance. This encapsulates the HTTP details required to contact the endpoint, or AMQP (queue) details required to contact the endpoint, respectively.

If the requested endpoint is not found, subclasses must return nil.


Resource name as a String.


Endpoint version as an Integer.

# File lib/hoodoo/services/discovery/discovery.rb, line 180
def discover_remote( resource, version )
  raise "Hoodoo::Services::Discovery::Base subclass does not implement remote discovery required for resource '#{ resource }' / version '#{ version }'"