class Hoodoo::Client

Hoodoo::Client provides a high-level abstracted interface for making calls to Resource implementations. A Client instance is created and used as a factory for objects representing individual Resources. Callers use a consistent, high level interface in these objects to make requests to those Resources and do not usually need to worry about where implementations are, or how they are being contacted.

Please see the constructor documentation for full details.

Public Class Methods

new( base_uri: nil, drb_uri: nil, drb_port: nil, discoverer: nil, locale: nil, session_id: nil, auto_session: :true, auto_session_resource: 'Session', auto_session_version: 1, caller_id: nil, caller_secret: nil ) click to toggle source

Create a client instance. This is used as a factory for endpoint instances which communicate with Resource implementations.


Suppose you have Resources with only public_actions so that no sessions are needed, with resource implementations running at host “” on paths which follow downcase/pluralisation conventions. In this case, creating a Client instance can be as simple as:

client =
  base_uri:     '',
  auto_session: false

Ask this client for an endpoint of Resource “Member” implementing version 2 of its interface:

members = client.resource( :Member, 2 )

Perform operations on the endpoints according to the methods in the base class - see these for details:

The above reference describes the basic approach for each call, with common parameters such as the query hash or body hash data described in the base class constructor, Hoodoo::Client::Endpoint#new.

As an example, we could list records 50-79 inclusive of “Member” sorted by created_at ascending, embedding an “account” for each, where field ‘surname’ matches ‘Smith’ - assuming there’s an implementation of such a Resource interface available! - as follows:

results = members.list(
  offset:    50,
  limit:     25,
  sort:      'created_at',
  direction: 'asc',
  search:    { 'surname' => 'Smith' },
  _embed:    'account'

This will return a Hoodoo::Client::AugmentedArray. This is an Array subclass which will contain the (up to) 25 results from the above call and supports Hoodoo::Client::AugmentedArray#dataset_size which (if the called Resource endpoint implementation provides the information) gives the total size of the data set at the time of calling. Hoodoo::Client::AugmentedArray#estimated_dataset_size likewise gives access to the estimated count, if available.

The other 4 methods return a Hoodoo::Client::AugmentedHash. This is a Hash subclass. Both the Array and Hash subclasses provide a common standard way to handle errors. See the documentation of these classes for details; in brief, you must always check for errors before examining the Hash or Array data with a pattern such as this:

if results.platform_errors.has_errors?
  # Examine results.platform_errors, which is a
  # Hoodoo::Errors instance, and deal with the contents.
  # Treat 'results' as a Hash containing the Resource
  # data (String keys) or Array of Hashes of such data.

Session management

By default, the Hoodoo::Client constructor assumes you want automatic session management.

If you want to use automatic sessions, a Resource endpoint which implements the Session Resource interface is required. This must accept a POST (create) action with a payload of two JSON fields: caller_id and authentication_secret. It must return a Resource with an “id” value that contains the session ID to quote in future requests via the X-Session-ID HTTP header; or it should return an error if the Caller ID and/or authentication secret are incorrect.

The Resource is assumed to live at the same base URI and/or be discovered by the same mechanism (e.g. by convention) as everything else you’ll use the client instance for. For more about discovery related paramters, see later.

You will need to provide the caller_id and authentication_secret (as named parameter caller_secret) to the constructor. If the name of the Resource implementing the Session interface is not ‘Session’, or not at version 1, then you can also provide alternatives. For example, suppose we want to use automatic session management for Caller ID “0123” and secret “ABCD” via version 2 of “CustomSession”:

client =
  base_uri:              '',
  auto_session_resource: 'CustomSession',
  auto_session_version:  2,
  caller_id:             '0123',
  caller_secret:         'ABCD'

Finally, you can manually supply a session ID externally for the X-Session-ID header through the session_id parameter. This may be used in conjunction with auto-session management; in that case, the given session is used until it expires (a “platform.invalid_session” error is encountered), after which a new one will be obtained.

Discovery parameters

The Client instance needs to be able to find the place where the requested Resource implementations are located, which it does using the Hoodoo::Services::Discovery framework. You should read the description of this framework to get a feel for how that works first.

One of the following named parameters must be supplied in order to choose a discovery engine for finding Resource endpoints:


The Client needs a Discoverer to map from resource names and versions to locations on the Internet of the actual resource endpoint implementation. Via the discoverer parameter, you can explicitly pass a Hoodoo::Services::Discovery subclass instance customised to your own requirements. There are also convenience parameters available - see below - that create discoverer instances for you, covering common use cases. If provided, the discoverer parameter takes precedence over any other parameters below.


When given, Resource discovery is done by Hoodoo::Services::Discovery::ByConvention. The path that the by-convention discoverer creates is appended to the base URI to build the full URI at which a server implementing each requested Resource endpoint must be listening (else a 404 / ‘platform.not_found’ response arises). Specify as a String. If provided, the base_uri parameter takes precedence over any other parameters below.


When given, Resource discovery is done by Hoodoo::Services::Discovery::ByDRb. A DRb service providing discovery data must be running at the given URI. Specify as a String. See Hoodoo::Services::Discovery::ByDRb::DRbServer and file drb_server_start.rb for more.


Instead of drb_uri, you can provide the port number of a DRb server on localhost. See Hoodoo::Services::Discovery::ByDRb for which of drb_uri or drb_port take precedence, if both are provided.

As an example of using a custom Discoverer, consider a simple HTTP case with the base_uri parameter. The default “by convention” discoverer pluralises all paths, but let’s say you have exceptions for Version and Health singleton resources which you’ve elected to place on singular, not plural, paths. You will need to construct a custom discoverer with these exceptions. See the documentation for Hoodoo::Services::Discovery::ByConvention to understand the options passed in for the custom routing information.

base_uri = ''

discoverer =
  :base_uri => base_uri,
  :routing  => {
    :Version => { 1 => '/v1/version' },
    :Health  => { 1 => '/v1/health'  }

client =
  :discoverer => discoverer,
  # ...other options...

Other parameters

The following additional named parameters are all optional:


The String given in Content-Language and Accept-Language HTTP headers for requests; default is “en-nz”.


An optional session ID to be used for the initial X-Session-ID request header value.


If false, automatic session management is disabled. Default is true.


Name of the Resource to use for automatic session management as a String or Symbol. Default is +“Session”+.


Version of the Resource to use for automatic session management as an Integer. Default is 1.


If using automatic session management, a Caller UUID must be provided. It is used as the caller_id field’s value in the POST (create) call to the session Resource endpoint.


If using automatic session management, a Caller authentication secret must be provide. It is used as the authentication_secret field’s value in the POST (create) call to the session Resource endpoint.

If curious about the implementation details of automatic session management, see the Hoodoo::Client::Endpoints::AutoSession class’s code.

# File lib/hoodoo/client/client.rb, line 242
def initialize( base_uri:              nil,
                drb_uri:               nil,
                drb_port:              nil,
                discoverer:            nil,

                locale:                nil,

                session_id:            nil,
                auto_session:          :true,
                auto_session_resource: 'Session',
                auto_session_version:  1,
                caller_id:             nil,
                caller_secret:         nil )

  @base_uri = base_uri
  @drb_uri  = drb_uri
  @drb_port = drb_port

  @locale   = locale

  @discoverer = if discoverer != nil
  elsif @base_uri != nil
    if defined?( Hoodoo::Services::Discovery::ByConvention )
        :base_uri => @base_uri
      raise 'Hoodoo::Client: The constructor parameters indicate the use of a "by convention" discoverer. This discoverer requires ActiveSupport; ensure the ActiveSupport gem is present and "require"-able.'
  elsif @drb_uri != nil || @drb_port != nil
      :drb_uri  => @drb_uri,
      :drb_port => @drb_port
    raise 'Hoodoo::Client: Please pass one of the "discoverer", "base_uri", "drb_uri" or "drb_port" parameters.'

  # If doing automatic sessions, acquire a session creation endpoint

  @session_id    = session_id
  @caller_id     = caller_id
  @caller_secret = caller_secret

  if auto_session
    @auto_session_endpoint = Hoodoo::Client::Endpoint.endpoint_for(
      { :discoverer => @discoverer }

Public Instance Methods

endpoint( resource, version = 1, options = {} )

Alias of resource, as syntax sugar for those who prefer to think of the return value as an endpoint that is used to contact a resource, rather than a remote abstraction of the resource as an entity.

Alias for: resource
resource( resource, version = 1, options = {} ) click to toggle source

Get an endpoint instance which you can use for talking to a Resource. See the constructor for full information.

You’ll always get an endpoint instance back from this call. If an implementation of the given version of the given Resource cannot be contacted, you will only get a 404 (‘platform.not_found’) or 408 (‘platform.timeout’) response when you try to make a call to it.


Resource name as a Symbol or String (e.g. :Purchase).


Endpoint version as an Integer; optional; default is 1.


Optional options Hash (see below).

The options Hash key/values are as follows:


Locale string for request/response, e.g. “en-gb”. Optional. If omitted, defaults to the locale set in this Client instance’s constructor.


See Hoodoo::Client::HeadersHEADER_TO_PROPERTY. All such option keys MUST be Symbols.

# File lib/hoodoo/client/client.rb, line 319
def resource( resource, version = 1, options = {} )

  endpoint_options = {
    :discoverer => @discoverer,
    :session_id => @session_id,
    :locale     => options[ :locale ] || @locale

  Hoodoo::Client::Headers::HEADER_TO_PROPERTY.each do | rack_header, description |
    property = description[ :property ]
    endpoint_options[ property ] = options[ property ] if options.has_key?( property )

  endpoint = Hoodoo::Client::Endpoint.endpoint_for(

  unless @auto_session_endpoint.nil?
    remote_discovery_result =
      :resource         => resource,
      :version          => version,
      :wrapped_endpoint => endpoint

    endpoint =
      :caller_id        => @caller_id,
      :caller_secret    => @caller_secret,
      :session_endpoint => @auto_session_endpoint,
      :discovery_result => remote_discovery_result

  return endpoint
Also aliased as: endpoint