Package edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.filter

This package contains classes which help query for Groups, Stems, etc


Interface Summary
QueryFilter<ValueType> Interface for querying the Groups Registry.

Class Summary
BaseQueryFilter<ValueType> Base QueryFilter that all other query filters should extend.
ChildGroupFilter Query filter that retrieves child groups.
ChildStemFilter Query filter that retrieves child stems.
ComplementFilter Returns the compliment of two other query filters.
GroupAlternateNameExactFilter Query by exact group alternate name.
GroupAlternateNameFilter Query by approximate group alternate name.
GroupAnyAttributeFilter Query by all group attributes.
GroupAttributeExactFilter Query by group attribute exactly, not with like or lower.
GroupAttributeFilter Query by group attribute.
GroupCreatedAfterFilter Query by groups created after the specified date.
GroupCreatedBeforeFilter Query by groups created before the specified date.
GroupCurrentNameExactFilter Query by exact group name (current group name only).
GroupCurrentNameFilter Query by approximate group name (current group name, display name, extension, display extension only).
GrouperQuery Perform arbitrary queries against the Groups Registry.
GroupMemberFilter Query for groups with a member.
GroupMembershipModifiedAfterFilter Query by groups that had a membership change after the specified date.
GroupMembershipModifiedBeforeFilter Query by groups that had a membership change before the specified date.
GroupModifiedAfterFilter Query by groups modified after the specified date.
GroupModifiedBeforeFilter Query by groups modified before the specified date.
GroupNameExactFilter Query by exact group name or alternate name.
GroupNameFilter Query by group name.
GroupsInStemFilter Query by stem name exact, and get all children, or just immediate

GroupTypeFilter Query by GroupType.
GroupUuidFilter Query by group uuid.
IntersectionFilter Returns the intersection of two other query filters.
MembershipCreatedAfterFilter Query by memberships created after the specified date.
MembershipCreatedBeforeFilter Query by memberships created before the specified date.
NullFilter Null QueryFilter that will never return any results.
StemAnyAttributeFilter Query by all stem attributes.
StemAttributeFilter Query by stem attribute (granted they arent real attributes as in another table, but the 4 name columns).
StemCreatedAfterFilter Query by stems created after the specified date.
StemCreatedBeforeFilter Query by stems created after the specified date.
StemDisplayExtensionFilter Query by stem attribute.
StemDisplayNameFilter Query by stem attribute.
StemExtensionFilter Query by stem attribute.
StemNameAnyFilter Query by stem name.
StemNameExactFilter Query by exact stem name.
StemNameFilter Query by stem attribute.
StemsInStemFilter Query by stem name exact, and get all stem children, or just immediate

StemUuidFilter Query by stem uuid.
UnionFilter Returns the union of two other query filters.

Package edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.filter Description

This package contains classes which help query for Groups, Stems, etc