Package edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.externalSubjects

Interface Summary
ExternalSubjectAttributeStorable interface to implement to keep external subjects somewhere besides in the Grouper DB
ExternalSubjectStorable implement this to change how external subjects are stored

Class Summary
ExternalSubject database object for external subject
ExternalSubjectAttrFramework data and logic about attributes for external subjects
ExternalSubjectAttribute attribute on an external subject, configured in the
ExternalSubjectAttributeDbStorage Grouper built in storage for external subject attributes
ExternalSubjectAutoSourceAdapter if we are auto creating the source, then this is the class based on the view
ExternalSubjectConfig wrapper around config info for external subjects
ExternalSubjectConfig.ExternalSubjectAttributeConfigBean attributes configured
ExternalSubjectConfig.ExternalSubjectAutoaddBean //#add multiple group assignment actions by URL param: externalSubjectInviteName //externalSubject.autoadd.testingLibrary.externalSubjectInviteName=library //#comma separated groups to add for this type of invite //externalSubject.autoadd.testingLibrary.groups= //#should be insert, update, or insert,update //externalSubject.autoadd.testingLibrary.actions=insert,update //#should be insert, update, or insert,update //externalSubject.autoadd.testingLibrary.expireAfterDays= cache the auto add config
ExternalSubjectConfig.ExternalSubjectConfigBean cache the config stuff
ExternalSubjectInviteBean bean to hold invite
ExternalSubjectSave Use this class to insert or update a external subject
ExternalSubjectStorageController this finds the storable implementation and calls methods