Last updated: 2018-08-02

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    Rmd 0e165ca Jason Willwerscheid 2018-08-02 wflow_publish(c(“analysis/MASHvOHF.Rmd”, “analysis/index.Rmd”))
    html a91ab89 Jason Willwerscheid 2018-08-02 Build site.
    Rmd cebcb57 Jason Willwerscheid 2018-08-02 wflow_publish(“analysis/MASHvOHF.Rmd”)


In the previous analysis, I proposed several workflows for fitting MASH and FLASH objects to GTEx data. Here and in the next few analyses I examine differences among fits. I begin by comparing the MASH fit to the OHF fit.

For the code used to obtain the fits, see the previous analysis.

Loading required package: ashr
Loading flashr
gtex <- readRDS(gzcon(url("")))
strong <- t(gtex$strong.z)

fpath <- "./output/MASHvFLASHgtex2/"
m_final <- readRDS(paste0(fpath, "m.rds"))
fl_final <- readRDS(paste0(fpath, "OHF.rds"))

m_lfsr <- t(get_lfsr(m_final))
m_pm <- t(get_pm(m_final))

fl_lfsr <- readRDS(paste0(fpath, "fllfsr.rds"))
fl_lfsr <- fl_lfsr[[1]]
fl_pm <- flash_get_fitted_values(fl_final)

Introduction to plots

The main tool I will use in these analyses is a function that plots observed values vs. MASH or FLASH posterior means for a single test (over all 44 conditions).

The observed \(z\)-scores are plotted as hollow circles. Posterior means are plotted as triangles if the effect is judged to be significant (LFSR \(\le .05\)) and as squares otherwise. Larger triangles indicate lower LFSRs, with the largest triangles corresponding to “highly significant” effects (LFSR \(\le .01\)). The posterior means are colored using the GTEx colors used in previous analyses.

missing.tissues <- c(7, 8, 19, 20, 24, 25, 31, 34, 37)
gtex.colors <- read.table("", sep = '\t', comment.char = '')[-missing.tissues, 2]

plot_test <- function(n, lfsr, pm, method_name) {
  plot(strong[, n], pch=1, col="black", xlab="", ylab="", cex=0.6,
       main=paste0("Test #", n, "; ", method_name))
  size = rep(0.6, 44)
  shape = rep(15, 44)
  signif <- lfsr[, n] <= .05
  shape[signif] <- 17
  size[signif] <- 1.35 - 15 * lfsr[signif, n]
  size <- pmin(size, 1.2)
  points(pm[, n], pch=shape, col=as.character(gtex.colors), cex=size)
  abline(0, 0)

compare_methods <- function(lfsr1, lfsr2) {
  res <- list()
  res$first_not_second <- find_A_not_B(lfsr1, lfsr2)
  res$lg_first_not_second <- find_large_A_not_B(lfsr1, lfsr2)
  res$second_not_first <- find_A_not_B(lfsr2, lfsr1)
  res$lg_second_not_first <- find_large_A_not_B(lfsr2, lfsr1)

# Find tests where many conditions are significant according to
#   method A but not according to method B.
find_A_not_B <- function(lfsrA, lfsrB) {
  select_tests(colSums(lfsrA <= 0.05 & lfsrB > 0.05))

# Find tests where many conditions are highly significant according to
#   method A but are not significant according to method B.
find_large_A_not_B <- function(lfsrA, lfsrB) {
  select_tests(colSums(lfsrA <= 0.01 & lfsrB > 0.05))

# Get at least four (or min_n) "top" tests.
select_tests <- function(colsums, min_n = 4) {
  n <- 45
  n_tests <- 0
  while (n_tests < min_n && n > 0) {
    n <- n - 1
    n_tests <- sum(colsums >= n)
  return(which(colsums >= n))

Significant for OHF, not MASH

By far the most common case is one in which FLASH finds a combination of a small equal effect and a large unique effect, while MASH only finds the unique effect to be significant. (Here, it is possibly relevant to recall that my simulation study suggested that FLASH outperforms MASH when the “true” effect is a combination of an equal effect and a unique effect.) In such cases, FLASH usually (but not always) applies far less shrinkage to the unique effect. Some typical examples follow.

ohf.v.mash <- compare_methods(fl_lfsr, m_lfsr) <- c(15828, 1480, 15711, 10000)

par(mfrow=c(1, 2))
for (n in {
  plot_test(n, fl_lfsr, fl_pm, "OHF")
  plot_test(n, m_lfsr, m_pm, "MASH")

Expand here to see past versions of ohf_not_mash-1.png:
Version Author Date
a91ab89 Jason Willwerscheid 2018-08-02

Expand here to see past versions of ohf_not_mash-2.png:
Version Author Date
a91ab89 Jason Willwerscheid 2018-08-02

Expand here to see past versions of ohf_not_mash-3.png:
Version Author Date
a91ab89 Jason Willwerscheid 2018-08-02

Expand here to see past versions of ohf_not_mash-4.png:
Version Author Date
a91ab89 Jason Willwerscheid 2018-08-02

Significant for MASH, not OHF

To understand the typical situation where MASH finds significant effects but OHF does not, recall from my analysis of GTEx workflows that the MASH fit puts large mixture weights on data-driven covariance matrices (around 0.6 on “ED_tPCA” and 0.25 on “ED_PCA_2”) and a comparatively small weight (around 0.1) on the “equal effects” covariance structure. In contrast, the equal effects loading accounts for about 70% of the variance explained by the OHF fit. This, I think, is why OHF is so much more likely to find an equal effect in the tests above. MASH, on the contrary, is more likely to find a pattern of covariance that derives from the data-driven structures. Notice the similarity of the MASH estimates in the following tests (in the last example, signs are reversed):

par(mfrow=c(1, 2))

mash.covar <- c(2868, 9716, 10368, 9716)

for (n in mash.covar) {
  plot_test(n, fl_lfsr, fl_pm, "OHF")
  plot_test(n, m_lfsr, m_pm, "MASH")

Expand here to see past versions of mash_not_ohf-1.png:
Version Author Date
a91ab89 Jason Willwerscheid 2018-08-02

Expand here to see past versions of mash_not_ohf-2.png:
Version Author Date
a91ab89 Jason Willwerscheid 2018-08-02

Expand here to see past versions of mash_not_ohf-3.png:
Version Author Date
a91ab89 Jason Willwerscheid 2018-08-02

Expand here to see past versions of mash_not_ohf-4.png:
Version Author Date
a91ab89 Jason Willwerscheid 2018-08-02

At first, it seems bizarre that effects with posterior means near zero are judged to be significant. My guess is that in each of these cases, the observations follow a pattern that closely matches the data-driven covariance structures, so that MASH can be highly confident in the sign of the effect even if the effect is not very large.

Session information

R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6

Matrix products: default
BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] flashr_0.5-12 mashr_0.2-7   ashr_2.2-10  

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_0.12.17        pillar_1.2.1        compiler_3.4.3     
 [4] git2r_0.21.0        plyr_1.8.4          workflowr_1.0.1    
 [7] R.methodsS3_1.7.1   R.utils_2.6.0       iterators_1.0.9    
[10] tools_3.4.3         testthat_2.0.0      digest_0.6.15      
[13] tibble_1.4.2        gtable_0.2.0        evaluate_0.10.1    
[16] memoise_1.1.0       lattice_0.20-35     rlang_0.2.0        
[19] Matrix_1.2-12       foreach_1.4.4       commonmark_1.4     
[22] yaml_2.1.17         parallel_3.4.3      ebnm_0.1-12        
[25] mvtnorm_1.0-7       xml2_1.2.0          withr_2.1.1.9000   
[28] stringr_1.3.0       knitr_1.20          roxygen2_6.0.1.9000
[31] devtools_1.13.4     rprojroot_1.3-2     grid_3.4.3         
[34] R6_2.2.2            rmarkdown_1.8       rmeta_3.0          
[37] ggplot2_2.2.1       magrittr_1.5        whisker_0.3-2      
[40] scales_0.5.0        backports_1.1.2     codetools_0.2-15   
[43] htmltools_0.3.6     MASS_7.3-48         assertthat_0.2.0   
[46] softImpute_1.4      colorspace_1.3-2    stringi_1.1.6      
[49] lazyeval_0.2.1      munsell_0.4.3       doParallel_1.0.11  
[52] pscl_1.5.2          truncnorm_1.0-8     SQUAREM_2017.10-1  
[55] R.oo_1.21.0        

This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr 1.0.1