Source: rules/rule.js

var model = require('../model.js');

 * Rules define specific characteristics of each variant of the game.
 * All rules should inherit from this base class and define the following
 * properties:
 * - Maximum number of points (usually 26 - 24 on board, one on bar, and one outside)
 * - Maximum number of checkers (usually 15 per player/colour)
 * and methods for:
 * - Rolling dice (and a list of moves the player has to make
 *   after drawing a specific dice)
 * - Reset state to initial position of pieces.
 * - Validating a move
 * - Checking if game has ended
 * - Checking which player won
 * - Checking how much points the player won
 * @constructor
 * @abstract
function Rule() {
  if (this.constructor === Rule) {
    throw new Error("Can't instantiate abstract class!");

   * Rule name, matching the class name (eg. 'RuleBgCasual')
   * @type {string}
   */ = '';

   * Short title describing rule specifics
   * @type {string}
  this.title = '';

   * Full description of rule
   * @type {string}
  this.description = '';

   * Full name of country where this rule (variant) is played.
   * To list multiple countries use a pipe ('|') character as separator.
   * @type {string}
   */ = '';

   * Two character ISO code of country where this rule (variant) is played.
   * To list multiple codes use a pipe ('|') character as separator.
   * List codes in same order as countries in the field above.
   * @type {string}
  this.countryCode = '';

  // TODO: Make maxPoints a fixed constant. No need to be extensible, as all variants we are interested in are using 24 points.
  this.maxPoints = 24;

   * The number of pieces each player has
   * @type {number}
  this.maxPieces = 15;

 * Initialize state.
 * @memberOf Rule
 * @param {State} state - Board state to initialize
Rule.prototype.initialize = function(state) {

  // Create points
  state.points.length = 0;
  for (var i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
    var point = [];

 * Roll dice and generate list of moves the player has to make according to
 * current rules.
 * Descendants rules would normally override this method in order to properly determine
 * the allowed move values that correspond to a specific die combination (eg. doubles).
 * @memberOf Rule
 * @param {Game} game - Game object. Used to check if it is the first turn of the game.
 * @param {number[]} [values] - Optional parameter containing the dice values to use,
 *                              instead of generating random values. Used by some rules
 *                              as RuleBgGulbara.
 * @returns {Dice} - Dice object containing random values and allowed moves
Rule.prototype.rollDice = function(game, values) {
  // Create dice object with 2 random values
  var dice = model.Dice.roll();
  if (typeof values !== "undefined") {
    dice.values[0] = values[0];
    dice.values[1] = values[1];

  // Add those values to moves list - the individual moves the player has to make
  dice.moves = dice.moves.concat(dice.values);

  // Dices with equal values are played four times, so add two more moves
  if (dice.moves[0] == dice.moves[1]) {
    dice.moves = dice.moves.concat(dice.values);

  // Sort moves in descending order for convenience later in enforcing
  // move rules
  dice.moves.sort(function (a, b) { return b - a; });
  // TODO: Put in movesLeft only moves that are playable.
  var weight = this.calculateMoveWeights(game.state, dice.moves, game.turnPlayer.currentPieceType, null, true);
  dice.moves = weight.playableMoves;
  // Copy move values to movesLeft array. Moves will be removed from movesLeft
  // after being played by player, whereas values in moves array will remain
  // in case the player wants to undo his actions.
  dice.movesLeft = dice.movesLeft.concat(dice.moves);
  console.log('Playable moves:', weight.playableMoves);

  return dice;

 * Reset state to initial position of pieces according to current rule.
 * @memberOf Rule
 * @abstract
 * @param {State} state - Board state
Rule.prototype.resetState = function(state) {
  throw new Error("Abstract method!");

 * Increment position by specified number of steps and return an incremented position
 * @memberOf Rule
 * @abstract
 * @param {number} position - Position
 * @param {PieceType} type - Type of piece
 * @param {number} steps - Number of steps to increment towards first home position
 * @returns {number} Incremented position (denormalized)
Rule.prototype.incPos = function(position, type, steps) {
  throw new Error("Abstract method!");

 * Check if there are any pieces on the bar.
 * @memberOf Rule
 * @param {State} state - State to check
 * @param {PieceType} type - Type of piece (white/black)
 * @returns {boolean} - True if there are any pieces on the bar
Rule.prototype.havePiecesOnBar = function(state, type) {
  return[type].length > 0;

 * Count pieces of specified type at higher positions
 * @memberOf Rule
 * @param {State} state - State to check
 * @param {number} position - Normalized position (inclusive)
 * @param {PieceType} type - Type of piece (white/black)
 * @returns {number} - Number of pieces at positions higher than position
Rule.prototype.countAtHigherPos = function(state, position, type) {
  var cnt = 0;

  for (var i = 23; i >= position; i--) {
    var denormPos = this.denormPos(i, type);

    cnt = cnt + model.State.countAtPos(state, denormPos, type);

  return cnt;

 * Check if all pieces are in the home field.
 * @memberOf Rule
 * @param {State} state - State to change
 * @param {PieceType} type - Type of piece (white/black)
 * @returns {boolean} - True if all pieces are in home field
Rule.prototype.allPiecesAreHome = function(state, type) {
  return this.countAtHigherPos(state, 6, type) <= 0;

 * Validate player's turn.
 * This is the base method for validation of moves that make a few general
 * checks like:
 * - Is the game started and is finished?
 * - Is it player's turn?
 * @memberOf Rule
 * @param {Game} game - Game
 * @param {Player} player - Player
 * @returns {boolean} True if move is valid and should be allowed.
Rule.prototype.validateTurn = function(game, player) {
  if (!game.hasStarted) {
    console.log('Game with ID ' + + ' is not yet started!');
    return false;

  if (game.isOver) {
    console.log('Game with ID ' + + ' is over!');
    return false;

  if (!model.Game.isTypeTurn(game, player.currentPieceType)) {
    console.log('Cannot move piece, it isn\'t player ' + player.currentPieceType + ' turn!');
    return false;

  return true;

 * Validate piece move.
 * This is the base method for validation of moves that make a few general
 * checks like:
 * - Is the game started and is finished?
 * - Is it player's turn?
 * - Was dice rolled?
 * - Are moves with values equal to the steps left?
 * Descendant rules must extend this method and add additional validation checks
 * according to the rule specifics.
 * @memberOf Rule
 * @param {Game} game - Game
 * @param {Player} player - Player requesting move
 * @param {Piece} piece - Piece to move
 * @param {number} steps - Number of steps to make forward to the first home position
 * @returns {boolean} True if move is valid and should be allowed.
Rule.prototype.validateMove = function(game, player, piece, steps) {
  if (!this.validateTurn(game, player)) {
    return false;

  if (!model.Game.diceWasRolled(game)) {
    console.log('Dice was not rolled!');
    return false;

  if (!model.Game.hasMove(game, steps)) {
    console.log('No such move left!');
    return false;
  if (piece.type !== player.currentPieceType) {
    console.log('Piece is of wrong type!');
    return false;
  if (this.isMoveActionRestricted(game.state, game.turnDice.movesLeft, piece, steps)) {
    return false;
  return true;

 * Validate confirmation of moves.
 * This is the base method for validation of moves that make a few general
 * checks like:
 * - Is the game started and is finished?
 * - Is it player's turn?
 * - Was dice rolled?
 * - Are all moves played?
 * - Not confirmed already?
 * Descendant rules must extend this method and add additional validation checks
 * according to the rule specifics.
 * @memberOf Rule
 * @param {Game} game - Game
 * @param {Player} player - Player
 * @returns {boolean} True if confirmation is allowed
Rule.prototype.validateConfirm = function(game, player) {
  if (!this.validateTurn(game, player)) {
    return false;

  if (!model.Game.diceWasRolled(game)) {
    console.log('Dice was not rolled!');
    return false;

  if (model.Game.hasMoreMoves(game)) {
    console.log('Not all moves have been played!');
    return false;

  if (game.turnConfirmed) {
    console.log('Moves have already been confirmed!');
    return false;

  return true;

 * Validate request for undoing moves.
 * This is the base method for validation of undo that make a few general
 * checks like:
 * - Is the game started and is finished?
 * - Is it player's turn?
 * - Was dice rolled?
 * - Are all moves played?
 * - Not confirmed already?
 * Descendant rules can extend this method and add additional validation checks
 * according to the rule specifics.
 * @memberOf Rule
 * @param {Game} game - Game
 * @param {Player} player - Player
 * @returns {boolean} True if confirmation is allowed
Rule.prototype.validateUndo = function(game, player) {
  if (!this.validateTurn(game, player)) {
    return false;

  if (!model.Game.diceWasRolled(game)) {
    console.log('Dice was not rolled!');
    return false;

  if (game.turnConfirmed) {
    console.log('Moves have already been confirmed!');
    return false;

  return true;

 * Recursively try out all combinations for the specified player (by piece type)
 * and check the "weight" of each combination. Weight is the sum of all piece
 * movements for a particular combination of moves (called "branch")
 * @param {State} state - State
 * @param {number[]} movesLeft - Move values left
 * @param {PieceType} pieceType - Type of piece (white/black)
 * @param {Piece} rootPiece - Check only branches starting from a specific piece
 * @param {boolean} stopAtMax - Stop calculation if a branch that allows all moves to be played has been found.
 * @returns {Object} - Map containing maximum weight for each branch, indexed by piece ID
 *                     and total maximum weight for all branches, accessed with 'max' index
Rule.prototype.calculateMoveWeights = function(state, movesLeft, pieceType, rootPiece, stopAtMax) {
  var weight = {};
  weight.max = 0;
  weight.playableMoves = [];
  var self = this;
  var movesLeftSum = 0;
  for (var i = 0; i < movesLeft.length; i++) {
    movesLeftSum += movesLeft[i];
  // TODO: Replace recursion with linear loop over a queue
  //       Don't check moves twice (eg. 5:2 and 2:5 for the same pieces)
  function calculateBranchWeights(st, moves, id, branchSum, level, branchMoves) {
    // 1. Try out all possible moves (for all of player's pieces).
    // 2. Sum the move values for all resulting branches with possible moves.
    // 3. Check if the move request of the player can be used in a branch that allows
    //    all move values to be used.
    // 4. If there are no better branches than the one chosen by the player, allow the
    //    move
     * Check if recursion should stop because a branch that allows
     * the player to use all moves has been found.
    function shouldStop() {
      if (stopAtMax) {
        // If a branch that allows the player to use all moves
        // has been found, do not iterate other branches
        if (weight.max >= movesLeftSum) {
          console.log('Stop permutations. A branch was found that allows all moves to be played');
          return true;
      return false;
    /** Local copy of moves left */
    var movesLeft = moves.slice();
    // Get steps (value) for next move
    var steps = movesLeft.shift();
    if (!steps) {
    //console.log('Piece type:', pieceType);
    console.log(Array(level + 2).join("-") + ' Begin consider move ' + steps);
    // Iterate all of player's pieces
    for (var p = 0; p < st.pieces[pieceType].length; p++) {
      var piece = st.pieces[pieceType][p];
      if ((!piece) || (piece.type !== pieceType)) {
      // If a root piece has been specified, check
      // only the branches that start at this piece.
      // Ignore other branches
      if (level === 0 && rootPiece) {
        if ( !== {
      // Do not check pieces that are already outside the board
      if (model.State.isPieceOutside(st, piece)) {
      console.log('Piece ID',;
      console.log('Outside', st.outside);
      if ( === 5) {
      // Check if the player has any pieces on bar. If that is the
      // case only pieces on the bar can be moved
      if (model.State.havePiecesOnBar(st, pieceType)) {
        // Player can only move the top piece on the bar.
        // If there are more pieces on the bar they could be moved on next
        // move, but not on this one
        if (model.State.getBarTopPiece(st, pieceType).id !== {
      else {
        // If there are no pieces on the bar, make sure this piece is the
        // top piece at its position. Only top pieces can be moved
        var pos = model.State.getPiecePos(st, piece);
        if (model.State.getTopPiece(st, pos).id !== {
        //console.log('Pos', pos);

      // Make a deep copy of the state. Moves will be applied to the copy. The
      // copy will be passed one level down - to the move (next node of the branch).
      var tempState = model.Utils.deepCopy(st);
      // Check if current piece can be moved
      var actions = self.getMoveActions(tempState, piece, steps);
      //console.log('Piece ID',;
      if (actions.length === 0) {
        //console.log('No actions, next piece');
      // If yes, apply the move action to the temporary state.
      //console.log('Actions', actions);
      self.applyMoveActions(tempState, actions);
      var tempMoves = branchMoves.slice();
      // If we are still at level 0, create a new branch
      var pieceID = (id !== 0) ? id:;
      if (!weight[pieceID]) {
        weight[pieceID] = {
          max: 0,
          moves: []
      // Keep track of the maximum weight for this branch. The branch starts with the first
      // piece moved (the root node) and check if the moves in this branch (in the nodes so far,
      // it might extend on next recursion) have a total sum greather than the one saved for this
      // branch (the root node - associated with the first piece being moved).
      var w = branchSum + steps;
      if (w > weight[pieceID].max) {
        weight[pieceID].max = w;
      weight[pieceID].moves = tempMoves;
      if (w > weight.max) {
        weight.max = w;
        weight.playableMoves = tempMoves;
      if (shouldStop()) {

      if (movesLeft.length > 0) {
        calculateBranchWeights(tempState, movesLeft, pieceID, w, level + 1, tempMoves);
    console.log(Array(level + 2).join("-") + ' End consider move ' + steps);
  console.time('Recursion time');
  // Simulate moving the piece with all dice values, starting from highest die value
  // (eg. for dice 5:3 try moving 5 first and after that 3). Try this for all pieces
  // (multiple branches)
  console.log('moves 1:', movesLeft);
  calculateBranchWeights(state, movesLeft, 0, 0, 0, []);
  console.log('Intermediate weight:', weight);
  // Then try playing from lowest die value first
  // (eg. for dice 5:3 try moving 3 first and after that 5). Also try this for all pieces
  // (more branches)
  // No need to do that for pair values (eg. 5:5)
  if ((movesLeft.length > 1) && (movesLeft[0] != movesLeft[movesLeft.length - 1])) {
    movesLeft = movesLeft.slice();
    console.log('moves2:', movesLeft);
    calculateBranchWeights(state, movesLeft, 0, 0, 0, []);
  console.log('Final weight:', weight);

  console.timeEnd('Recursion time');
  return weight;

 * Checks if a specific move action is restricted. If there are any move combinations
 * that would allow the player to use all dice values, then the player is obliged to
 * use one of those combination. If playing both dice values are not possible and the
 * player should choose which one of them to play, they must play the higher value
 * (as long as it is possible).
 * @memberOf Rule
 * @param {State} state - State
 * @param {number[]} movesLeft - Move values left
 * @param {Piece} piece - Piece to move
 * @param {number} steps - Number of steps to move
 * @returns {boolean} - Returns true if move is restricted (not allowed).
Rule.prototype.isMoveActionRestricted = function(state, movesLeft, piece, steps) {
  // 1. Try out all possible moves (for all of player's pieces).
  // 2. Sum the move values for all resulting branches with possible moves.
  // 3. Check if the move request of the player can be used in a branch that allows
  //    all move values to be used.
  // 4. If there are no better branches than the one chosen by the player, allow the
  //    move
  var weight = this.calculateMoveWeights(state, movesLeft, piece.type, piece, false);
  var maxWeight = weight.max;
  if ((!weight[]) || (weight[].max < maxWeight)) {
    console.log('There is better move. Piece weight:', weight[]);
    return true;

  return false;

 * Call this method after a request for moving a piece has been made.
 * Determines if the move is allowed and what actions will have to be made as
 * a result. Actions can be `move`, `hit`, `recover` or `bear`.
 * If move is allowed or not depends on the current state of the game. For example,
 * if the player has pieces on the bar, they will only be allowed to recover pieces.
 * Multiple actions can be returned, if required. Placing (or moving) a piece over
 * an opponent's blot will result in two actions: `hit` first, then `recover` (or `move`).
 * The list of actions returned would usually be appllied to game state and then
 * sent to client. The client's UI would play the actions (eg. with movement animation)
 * in the same order.
 * @memberOf Rule
 * @abstract
 * @param {State} state - State to change
 * @param {Piece} piece - Piece to move
 * @param {number} steps - Number of steps to increment towards first home position
 * @returns {MoveAction[]} - List of actions if move is allowed, empty list otherwise.
 * @see {@link RuleBgCasual.getMoveActions} for an example on how to implement this method
Rule.prototype.getMoveActions = function(state, piece, steps) {
  throw new Error("Abstract method!");

 * Call this method to apply a list of actions to a game state.
 * Actions depend on rule and usually are `move`, `hit`, `recover` or `bear`.
 * @memberOf Rule
 * @abstract
 * @param {State} state - State to change
 * @param {MoveAction[]} actionList - List of action to apply.
Rule.prototype.applyMoveActions = function(state, actionList) {
  throw new Error("Abstract method!");

 * Place one or more pieces from player set to board point.
 * @memberOf Rule
 * @param {State} state - Board state
 * @param {number} number - Number of pieces to place
 * @param {PieceType} type - Type of pieces to place
 * @param {number} position - Position at which to place piece(s)
 */ = function (state, number, type, position) {
  for (var i = 0; i < number; i++) {
    var piece = new model.Piece(type, state.nextPieceID);

 * Move piece to specified point, without enforcing any rules or performing any validation.
 * @memberOf Rule
 * @param {State} state - Board state
 * @param {Piece} piece - Piece to move
 * @param {number} toPos - Position to which to move the piece to
 * @throws Throws an error if there is no piece at fromPos or piece is of wrong type
Rule.prototype.move = function(state, piece, toPos) {
  // Find the current position of the piece
  var fromPos = model.State.getPiecePos(state, piece);
  var topPiece = state.points[fromPos].pop();
  if (!topPiece) {
    throw new Error("No piece found at position " + parseInt(fromPos) +  " !");

  if ( !== {
    console.log(fromPos, toPos, topPiece);
    throw new Error("The top piece at position " + fromPos + " is different than the one the player wants to move!");


 * Bear piece - remove from board and place outside
 * @memberOf Rule
 * @param {State} state - Board state
 * @param {Piece} piece - Piece to bear
 * @throws Throws an error if there is no piece at fromPos or piece is of wrong type
Rule.prototype.bear = function (state, piece) {
  // Find the current position of the piece
  var fromPos = model.State.getPiecePos(state, piece);
  var topPiece = state.points[fromPos].pop();
  if (!topPiece) {
    throw new Error("No piece found at position " + parseInt(fromPos) +  " !");

  if ( !== {
    console.log(fromPos, topPiece);
    throw new Error("The top piece at position " + fromPos + " is different than the one the player wants to move!");


 * Hit piece - send piece to bar
 * @memberOf Rule
 * @param {State} state - Board state
 * @param {Piece} piece - Piece to hit
 * @throws Throws an error if there is no piece at fromPos or piece is of wrong type
Rule.prototype.hit = function (state, piece) {
  // Find the current position of the piece
  var fromPos = model.State.getPiecePos(state, piece);
  var topPiece = state.points[fromPos].pop();
  if (!topPiece) {
    throw new Error("No piece found at position " + parseInt(fromPos) +  " !");

  if ( !== {
    console.log(fromPos, topPiece);
    throw new Error("The top piece at position " + fromPos + " is different than the one the player wants to move!");

 * Recover piece - place from bar to board
 * @memberOf Rule
 * @param {State} state - Board state
 * @param {Piece} piece - Piece to recover
 * @param {number} position - Position to  which to place the piece
 * @throws Throws an error if there is no piece at fromPos or piece is of wrong type
Rule.prototype.recover = function (state, piece, position) {
  var topPiece =[piece.type].pop();
  if (!topPiece) {
    throw new Error("No piece found at bar!");

  if ( !== {[piece.type].push(topPiece);
    throw new Error("The top piece at bar is different than the one the player wants to move!");


 * Mark move as played
 * @memberOf Rule
 * @abstract
 * @param {Game} game - Game
 * @param {number} move - Move (number of steps)
Rule.prototype.markAsPlayed = function (game, move) {
  model.Dice.markAsPlayed(game.turnDice, move);

 * Check game state and determine if the specified player has won the game.
 * This method assumes that the specified player was on turn and has played
 * and confirmed his move.
 * @memberOf Rule
 * @abstract
 * @param {State} state - Game state
 * @param {Player} player - Player
 * @returns {boolean} - True if player has won the game
Rule.prototype.hasWon = function (state, player) {
  return state.outside[player.currentPieceType].length === this.maxPieces;

 * Check game state and determine how much points the player
 * should be awared for this state.
 * If opponent player has not borne any pieces, award 2 points.
 * If opponent has not borne any pieces, and still has pieces in home field of player, award 3 points.
 * In all other cases award 1 point.
 * @memberOf Rule
 * @abstract
 * @param {State} state - Game state
 * @param {Player} player - Player
 * @returns {boolean} - True if player has won the game
Rule.prototype.getGameScore = function (state, player) {
  var oppType = (player.currentPieceType === model.PieceType.WHITE) ?
  if (state.outside[oppType].length <= 0) {
    // The opponent has not borne any pieces, so we need to check
    // if the player should be awarded 2 or 3 points
    if ((this.countAtHigherPos(state, 18, oppType) > 0) || (model.State.havePiecesOnBar(state, oppType))) {
      return 3;
    else {
      return 2;
  else {
    // The opponent has already borne a piece, so player
    // receives only one point
    return 1;

 * Proceed to next turn.
 * Start next turn:
 * 1. Reset turn
 * 2. Change players
 * 3. Roll new dice 
 * @memberOf Rule
 * @abstract
 * @param {Match} match - Match
Rule.prototype.nextTurn = function (match) {
  var game = match.currentGame;
  game.turnConfirmed = false;
  game.turnDice = null;
  game.turnPlayer = ( == ? match.guest :;
  game.turnNumber += 1;

module.exports = Rule;