Source: model.js

var crypto = require('crypto');

 * Current version supports only two colours of checkers and two players as
 * the author is not yet aware of rules with three or more types of checkers
 * and/or players.
 * @readonly
 * @enum {number}
var PieceType = {
  /** White piece */
  WHITE : 0,
  /** Black piece */
  BLACK : 1

 * Common utilities
 * @constructor
function Utils() {


 * Generate unique ID for an object in model
 * @returns {number}
Utils.generateID = function () {
  // TODO: Use a better approach - eg. a database ObjectID?
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999999);

 * Sanitize rule's name so that it is safe to use as a filename
 * @param {string} name - Rule's name to sanitize (eg. 'RuleBgCasual')
 * @returns {string}
Utils.sanitizeName = function (name) {
  return name.replace(/[^-_A-Za-z0-9]/gi, "");

 * Load rule object by path and class name
 * @param {string} path - Path where rule files are stored ('../../lib/rules/' in browser sample)
 * @param {string} ruleName - Name of rule - equal to rule's class name (eg. 'RuleBgCasual')
 * @returns {Rule} - Rule object
Utils.loadRule = function (ruleName) {
  var path = './rules/';
  var fileName = Utils.sanitizeName(ruleName);
  var file = path + fileName + '.js';
  console.log('Loading rule in file ' + file);
  var rule = require(file); = fileName;
  return rule;

 * Extract item object from array
 * @param {Array} array - Array of elements
 * @param {Object} item - Element to remove from array
 * @returns {} - The element removed from array or null, if not found
Utils.extractItem = function (array, item) {
  for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    if (array[i] === item) {
      array.splice(i, 1);

 * Remove item from array
 * @param {Array} array - Array of elements
 * @param {Object} item - Element to remove from array
Utils.removeItem = function (array, item) {
  Utils.extractItem(array, item);

 * Rotate array elements left.
 * Example:
 * [6, 4, 1] becomes [4, 1, 6]
 * @param {Array} array - Array of elements
Utils.rotateLeft = function (array) {

 * Create shallow copy of object.
 * @param {Object} oldObj - Object to copy
 * @returns {Object} - Shallow copy of object
Utils.shallowCopy = function (oldObj) {
  var newObj = {};
  for(var i in oldObj) {
    if(oldObj.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
      newObj[i] = oldObj[i];
  return newObj;

 * Create deep copy of a value object.
 * The object should have no functions/methods.
 * @param {Object} oldObj - Object to copy
 * @returns {Object} - Deep copy of object
Utils.deepCopy = function (oldObj) {
  return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(oldObj));

 * Simulate server load/hosting throttling
 * @param {Object} oldObj - Object to copy
 * @returns {Object} - Deep copy of object
Utils.simulateServerLoad = function () {
  for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
    for (var k = 1; k < 1000; k++) {
      var q = Math.sqrt(1000000007);

 * Get random element from an array
 * @param {Array} arr - Array to choose element from
 * @returns {Object} - Random element in array
Utils.getRandomElement = function (arr) {
  var idx = Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length);
  return arr[idx];

 * Random generator.
 * @constructor
function Random() {


 * Get random number from 1 to 6
 * @returns {number} - Random value from 1 to 6
Random.get = function() {
  // TODO: replace with quality random generator
  // Combine Math random generator with crypto one
  var buffer = crypto.randomBytes(1);
  var value = buffer.readUInt8(0);
  if (value > 255) {
    value = 255;
  var k = value / 256;
  return (Math.floor(k * 6) + 1);

 * Pieces are round checkers that are being moved around the board.
 * @constructor
 * @param {PieceType} type - Type of piece
 * @param {number} id - ID of piece
function Piece(type, id) {
   * Type of piece (white/black)
   * @type {PieceType}
  this.type = type;

   * ID of piece
   * @type {number}
   */ = id;

 * Dice with basic functionality to roll using good random generator.
 * @constructor
function Dice() {
   * Values of the two dice
   * @type {Array}
  this.values = [0, 0];

   * List of moves the player can make. Usually moves are equal to values,
   * but in most rules doubles (eg. 6:6) are played four times, instead of
   * two, in which case moves array will contain four values in stead of
   * only two (eg. [6, 6, 6, 6]).
   * @type {Array}
  this.moves = [];

   * After dice is rolled, movesLeft contains the same values as moves.
   * When the player makes a move, the corresponding value is removed from
   * movesLeft array. If the player wants to undo the moves made, movesLeft is
   * replaced with moves.
   * @type {Array}
  this.movesLeft = [];
   * After a piece is moved, the value of the die used is added to movesPlayed array.
   * @type {Array}
  this.movesPlayed = [];

 * Roll dice and return result as a new Dice object
 * @returns {Dice} - New dice with random values
Dice.roll = function() {
  var dice = new Dice();
  dice.values[0] = Random.get();
  dice.values[1] = Random.get();
  dice.values.sort(function (a, b) { return b - a; });
  return dice;

 * Roll dice and return result as a new Dice object
 * @param {Dice} dice - New dice with random values
 * @param {number} move - New dice with random values
Dice.markAsPlayed = function (dice, move) {
  for (var i = 0; i < dice.movesLeft.length; i++) {
    if (dice.movesLeft[i] === move) {
      dice.movesLeft.splice(i, 1);
  throw new Error("No such move!");

 * Check if the dice object has double (equal) values.
 * @param {Dice} dice - New dice with random values
 * @returns {boolean} - True if dice object has dobule values, false otherwise
Dice.isDouble = function (dice) {
  return dice.values[0] === dice.values[1];

 * Get remaining moves from dice object - moves that have not been played.
 * @param {Dice} dice - Dice object
 * @returns {Array} - Array containing remaining move values
Dice.getRemainingMoves = function (dice) {
  var remaining = [];
  var played = [];
  played = played.concat(dice.movesPlayed);

  for (var i = 0; i < dice.moves.length; i++) {
    var index = played.indexOf(dice.moves[i]);
    if (index >= 0) {
      played.splice(index, 1);
    else {
  return remaining;

 * State contains points and pieces and very basic methods to move pieces
 * around without enforcing any rules. Those methods are responsible for
 * required changes to internal state only, the UI layer should handle
 * graphical movement of pieces itself.
 * @constructor
function State() {
   * All popular variants of the game have a total of 24 positions on the board
   * and two positions outside - the place on the bar where pieces go when
   * hit and the place next to board where pieces go when beared off.
   * Number of positions is not strictly defined here to allow more options
   * when creating new rules.
   * The points, bar, outside and pieces properties should be initialized by the
   * Rule object. Each element in those properties should contain a stack
   * (last in, first out).
   * @type {Array}
  this.points = [];

   * Players have separate bar places and so separate list.
   * First element of array is for white pieces and second one for black.
   * @type {Array[]}
   */ = [[],[]];
  this.whiteBar =[PieceType.WHITE];
  this.blackBar =[PieceType.BLACK];

   * Players have separate outside places and so separate list.
   * First element of array is for white pieces and second one for black.
   * @type {Array[]}
  this.outside = [[],[]];
  this.whiteOutside = this.outside[PieceType.WHITE];
  this.blackOutside = this.outside[PieceType.BLACK];

   * A two dimensional array is also used to store references to all white and
   * black pieces independent of their position - just for convenience.
  this.pieces = [[],[]];
  this.whitePieces = this.pieces[PieceType.WHITE];
  this.blackPieces = this.pieces[PieceType.BLACK];

   * Counter for generating unique IDs for pieces within this state
   * @type {number}
  this.nextPieceID = 1;

 * Clear state
 * @param {State} state - Board state
State.clear = function(state) {
  state.nextPieceID = 1;
  for (var i = 0; i < state.points.length; i++) {
    state.points[i].length = 0;
  state.whiteBar.length = 0;
  state.blackBar.length = 0;
  state.whiteOutside.length = 0;
  state.blackOutside.length = 0;
  state.whitePieces.length = 0;
  state.blackPieces.length = 0;

 * Count number of pieces of specified type at selected position
 * @param {State} state - Board state
 * @param {number} position - Denormalized point position
 * @param {PieceType} type - Piece type
 * @returns {number} - Number of pieces of specified type
State.countAtPos = function(state, position, type) {
  var cnt = 0;

  for (var i = 0; i < state.points[position].length; i++) {
    if (state.points[position][i].type == type) {

  return cnt;

 * Count number of all pieces at selected position, regardless of type
 * @param {State} state - Board state
 * @param {number} position - Denormalized point position
 * @returns {number} - Number of pieces of specified type
State.countAllAtPos = function(state, position) {
  var cnt = 0;

  for (var i = 0; i < state.points[position].length; i++) {

  return cnt;

 * Check if there are no pieces at the specified point
 * @param {State} state - Board state
 * @param {number} position - Denormalized point position
 * @returns {boolean} - Returns true if there are no pieces at that point
State.isPosFree = function(state, position) {
  return state.points[position].length <= 0;

 * Get top piece, checking type in the process
 * @param {State} state - Board state
 * @param {number} position - Denormalized point position
 * @param {PieceType} type - Piece type
 * @returns {boolean} - Returns true if top piece at position is of the specified type. Returns false if there are no pieces at that point.
State.checkTopPieceType = function(state, position, type) {
  if (state.points[position].length > 0) {
    var numPieces = state.points[position].length;
    var piece = state.points[position][numPieces - 1];
    if (piece.type === type) {
      return true;

  return false;

 * Get top piece at specified position
 * @param {State} state - Board state
 * @param {number} position - Denormalized point position
 * @returns {Piece} - Returns type of top piece or null if there are no pieces at that position
State.getTopPiece = function(state, position) {
  var point = state.points[position];
  //console.log(state, position);
  if (point.length === 0) {
    return null;
  return point[point.length - 1];

 * Get type of top piece at specified position
 * @param {State} state - Board state
 * @param {number} position - Denormalized point position
 * @returns {PieceType} - Returns type of top piece or null if there are no pieces at that position
State.getTopPieceType = function(state, position) {
  var point = state.points[position];
  //console.log(state, position);
  if (point.length === 0) {
    return null;
  return point[point.length - 1].type;

 * Check if there are any pieces on the bar.
 * @param {State} state - State to check
 * @param {PieceType} type - Type of piece (white/black)
 * @returns {boolean} - True if there are any pieces on the bar
State.havePiecesOnBar = function(state, type) {
  return[type].length > 0;

 * Check if a specific piece is on the bar.
 * @param {State} state - State to check
 * @param {Piece} piece - Piece
 * @returns {boolean} - True if there are any pieces on the bar
State.isPieceOnBar = function(state, piece) {
  var bar =[piece.type];
  for (var i = 0; i < bar.length; i++) {
    if (bar[i].id === {
      return true;
  return false;

 * Check if the piece is outside.
 * @param {State} state - State to check
 * @param {Piece} piece - Piece
 * @returns {boolean} - True if there are any pieces on the bar
State.isPieceOutside = function(state, piece) {
  var outside = state.outside[piece.type];
  for (var i = 0; i < outside.length; i++) {
    if (outside[i].id === {
      return true;
  return false;

 * Get top piece at bar
 * @param {State} state - Board state
 * @param {PieceType} type - Type of piece (white/black)
 * @returns {Piece} - Returns type of top piece or null if there are no pieces at that position
State.getBarTopPiece = function(state, type) {
  var point =[type];
  if (point.length === 0) {
    return null;
  return point[point.length - 1];

 * Get position of piece on board. Return null if the piece is on bar or outside the board.
 * @param {State} state - Game
 * @param {Piece} piece - Piece
 * @returns {number} - Position of piece on board or null if on bar/outside the board
State.getPiecePos = function (state, piece) {
  var i, k;
  for (i = 0; i < state.points.length; i++) {
    for (k = 0; k < state.points[i].length; k++) {
      if (state.points[i][k].id === {
        return i;
  return null;

 * Creates a deep copy of state object
 * @param {State} state - Game state
 * @returns {State} - New state object
State.clone = function (state) {
  var newState = Utils.deepCopy(state);
  newState.whiteBar =[PieceType.WHITE];
  newState.blackBar =[PieceType.BLACK];
  newState.whiteOutside = newState.outside[PieceType.WHITE];
  newState.blackOutside = newState.outside[PieceType.BLACK];
  newState.whitePieces = newState.pieces[PieceType.WHITE];
  newState.blackPieces = newState.pieces[PieceType.BLACK];
  return newState;

 * Player's statistics
 * @constructor
function PlayerStats() {
   * Total number of wins
   * @type {number}
  this.wins = 0;

   * Total number of loses
   * @type {number}
  this.loses = 0;

   * Percent of doubles rolled relative to total number of dice rolled
   * @type {number}
  this.doubles = 0;

 * Player
 * @constructor
function Player() {
   * Unique ID
   * @type {number}
   */ = 0;

   * Username
   * @type {string}
   */ = '';
   * Reference to current match
   * @type {Match}
  this.currentMatch = null;

   * Reference to current game
   * @type {Game}
  this.currentGame = null;

   * Reference to rule for current game
   * @type {Rule}
  this.currentRule = null;

   * Player's piece type for current game
   * @type {PieceType}
  this.currentPieceType = null;

   * Player's statistics
   * @type {PlayerStats}
  this.stats = new PlayerStats();

  // TODO: Remove socketID from this class
   * ID of player's socket
   * @type {string}
  this.socketID = null;

 * Create new player object with unique ID.
 * Player object is not saved to database.
 * @returns {Player} - New player object
Player.createNew = function() {
  var player = new Player(); = Utils.generateID();
  return player;

 * Game
 * @constructor
function Game() {
   * Unique ID of game
   * @type {number}
   */ = 0;

   * Board state
   * @type {State}
  this.state = null;

   * Flag that shows if game has started
   * @type {boolean}
  this.hasStarted = false;

   * Flag that shows if game is over/has finished
   * @type {boolean}
  this.isOver = false;
   * Number (index) of turn
   * @type {number}
  this.turnNumber = 0;

   * Show which player's turn it is
   * @type {Player}
  this.turnPlayer = null;

   * Dice for current turn. Should be null if dice haven't been rolled yet.
   * @type {Dice}
  this.turnDice = null;

   * Flag that shows if the moves made in current turn have been confirmed by the player.
   * @type {boolean}
  this.turnConfirmed = false;

   * Previous game state, used for undoing moves
  this.previousState = null;

   * Previous dice state, used for undoing moves
  this.previousTurnDice = null;

   * Sequence number that is incremented each time a piece is moved during the game
  this.moveSequence = 0;

 * Create new game object with unique ID and initialize it.
 * Game object is not saved in database.
 * @param {Rule} rule - Rule object to use
 * @returns {Game} - A new game object with unique ID
Game.createNew = function(rule) {
  var game = new Game(); = Utils.generateID();
  Game.init(game, rule);
  return game;

 * Initialize game object
 * @param {Game} game - Game to initialize
 * @param {Rule} rule - Rule to use
Game.init = function (game, rule) {
  game.state = new State();

 * Check if it is specified player's turn
 * @param {Game} game - Game
 * @param {Player} player - Specified player
 * @returns {boolean} - True if it is specified player's turn
Game.isPlayerTurn = function (game, player) {
  return (game.turnPlayer) &&
    (player) &&
    ( ===;

 * Check if it is specified player's turn, but check by their piece type, and not player object
 * @param {Game} game - Game
 * @param {PieceType} type - Player's piece type
 * @returns {boolean} - True if it is specified player's turn
Game.isTypeTurn = function (game, type) {
  return (game.turnPlayer) &&
    (game.turnPlayer.currentPieceType === type);

 * Check if dice has been rolled
 * @param {Game} game - Game
 * @returns {boolean} - True if dice has been rolled (turnDice is not null)
Game.diceWasRolled = function (game) {
  return (game.turnDice != null);

 * Check if there are more moves to make
 * @param {Game} game - Game
 * @returns {boolean} - True if there are any moves left to make
Game.hasMoreMoves = function (game) {
  return (game.turnDice) &&
    (game.turnDice.movesLeft.length > 0);

 * Check if a specific move value is available in movesLeft
 * @param {Game} game - Game
 * @param {number} value - Move value to check for
 * @returns {boolean} - True if specified move value is available
Game.hasMove = function (game, value) {
  return (game.turnDice) &&
    (game.turnDice.movesLeft.indexOf(value) > -1);

 * Store current game state - in case the player wants to undo moves later
 * @param {Game} game - Game
Game.snapshotState = function (game) {
  game.previousState = State.clone(game.state);
  game.previousTurnDice = Utils.deepCopy(game.turnDice);

 * Restore game state from last snapshot - if player requested to undoing of moves
 * @param {Game} game - Game
Game.restoreState = function (game) {
  game.state = State.clone(game.previousState);
  game.turnDice = Utils.deepCopy(game.previousTurnDice);

 * Match
 * @constructor
function Match() {
   * Unique ID of match object
   * @type {number}
   */ = 0;

   * Player that created the match
   * @type {Player}
   */ = null;

   * Player that joined the match
   * @type {Player}
  this.guest = null;

   * List of all players participating in the match
   * @type {Array}
  this.players = [];

   * Name of the rule used for current match.
   * Equals the class name of the rule (eg. 'RuleBgCasual').
   * @type {string}
  this.ruleName = '';
   * Match length - the score needed to win the match.
   * @type {number}
  this.length = 5;
   * Score of players for current match
   * @type {Array}
  this.score = [];
   * Current game
   * @type {Game}
  this.currentGame = null;
   * Is match over
   * @type {boolean}
  this.isOver = false;

 * Create new match object with unique ID and initialize it.
 * Match object is not saved in database.
 * @param {Rule} rule - Rule object to use
 * @returns {Match} - A new match object with unique ID
Match.createNew = function(rule) {
  var match = new Match(); = Utils.generateID();
  match.ruleName =;
  match.score = [0, 0];
  return match;

 * Create new game for this match. Fill game object with data from match
 * Game object is not saved in database.
 * @param {Rule} rule - Rule object to use
 * @returns {Match} - A new match object with unique ID
Match.createNewGame = function(match, rule) {
  var game = Game.createNew(rule);
  match.currentGame = game;
  return game;

 * Add host player to match
 * @param {Match} match - Match to add player to
 * @param {Player} player - Player to add
 * @throws Throws error if the match already has a host player
Match.addHostPlayer = function (match, player) {
  if (
    throw new Error("Match already has a host player!");
  } = player;

 * Add guest player
 * @param {Match} match - Match to add player to
 * @param {Player} player - Player to add
 * @throws Throws error if the match already has a guest player
Match.addGuestPlayer = function (match, player) {
  if (match.guest)
    throw new Error("Match already has a guest player!");

  match.guest = player;

 * Check if specified player is the host of the match
 * @param {Match} match - Match
 * @param {Player} player - Specified player
 * @returns {boolean} - True if there is a host player and their ID matches that of the player parameter
Match.isHost = function (match, player) {
  return ( &&
    (player) &&
    ( ===;

 * Check if another player has joined the match
 * @param {Match} match - Match
 * @returns {boolean} - True if a another player has joined the match
Match.hasGuestJoined = function (match) {
  return (match.guest != null);

 * Move action types are determined by rules. This is only a default list
 * of actions that are shared by most rules.
 * @readonly
 * @enum {string}
var MoveActionType = {
  /** MOVE: Move piece from one point to another */
  MOVE: 'move',
  /** RECOVER: Recover piece from bar and place it on board */
  RECOVER: 'recover',
  /** HIT: Hit opponent's piece and sent it to bar */
  HIT: 'hit',
  /** BEAR: Bear piece - move it outside the board */
  BEAR: 'bear'

 * Actions that can result from making a piece move.
 * Rules can assign additional properties to those, depending on the action
 * type
 * @constructor
function MoveAction() {
   * Action type, depends on rule (eg. move, bear, hit)
   * @type {MoveActionType|string}
  this.type = '';

module.exports = {
  'PieceType': PieceType,
  'Utils': Utils,
  'Random': Random,
  'Piece': Piece,
  'Dice': Dice,
  'State': State,
  'PlayerStats': PlayerStats,
  'Player': Player,
  'Game': Game,
  'Match': Match,
  'MoveActionType': MoveActionType,
  'MoveAction': MoveAction