
Sourcery is a command line tool, you can either run it manually or in a custom build phase using following command:

$ ./sourcery --sources <sources path> --templates <templates path> --output <output path>


this command may be different depending on the way in which you installed Sourcery (see Installing)

Command line options

  • --sources - Path to a source swift files. You can provide multiple paths using multiple --sources option.
  • --templates - Path to templates. File or Directory. You can provide multiple paths using multiple --templates options.
  • --output [default: current path] - Path to output. File or Directory.
  • --config [default: current path] - Path to config file. File or Directory. See Configuration file.
  • --args - Additional arguments to pass to templates. Each argument can have explicit value or will have implicit true value. Arguments should be separated with , without spaces (i.e. --args arg1=value,arg2) or should be passed one by one (i.e --args arg1=value --args arg2). Arguments are accessible in templates via To pass in string you should use escaped quotes (\") .
  • --watch [default: false] - Watch both code and template folders for changes and regenerate automatically.
  • --verbose [default: false] - Turn on verbose logging
  • --quiet [default: false] - Turn off any logging, only emit errors
  • --disableCache [default: false] - Turn off caching of parsed data
  • --prune [default: false] - Prune empty generated files
  • --version - Display the current version of Sourcery
  • --help - Display help information.
  • --cacheBasePath - Path to Sourcery internal cache (available only in configuration file)
  • --parseDocumentation [default: false] - Include documentation comments for all declarations.

Use --help to see the list of all available options.

Configuration file

You can also provide arguments using configuration file. Some of the configuration features (like excluding files) are only available when using configuration file. You provide path to this file using --config command line option. If you provide a path to a directory Sourcery will search for a file .sourcery.yml in this directory. You can also provide a path to config file itself. By default Sourcery will search for .sourcery.yml in your current path.

Configuration file should be a valid Yaml file, like this:

  - <sources path> # you can provide either single path or several paths using `-`
  - <sources path>
  - <templates path> # as well as for templates
  - <templates path>
  <output path> # note that there is no `-` here as only single output path is supported
  <name>: <value>

Multiple configurations

You can pass multiple paths to configuration files using multiple --config command line options. Single configuration file can contain multiple configurations under root configurations key:

    - sources:
        - <sources path>
        - <sources path>
        - <templates path>
      output: <output path>
        <name>: <value>
        <name>: <value>
    - sources:
        - <sources path>
        - <sources path>
        - <templates path>
      output: <output path>
        <name>: <value>
        <name>: <value>

This will be equivalent to running Sourcery separately for each of the configurations. In watch mode Sourcery will observe changes in the paths from all the configurations.

Child configurations

You can specify a child configurations by using the child key:

    - child: ./.child_config.yml
    - child: Subdirectory/.another_child_config.yml

Sources will be resolved relative to the child config paths.


You can provide sources using paths to directories or specific files.

  - <sources dir path>
  - <source file path>

Or you can provide project which will be scanned and which source files will be processed. You can use several project or target objects to scan multiple targets from one project or to scan multiple projects. You can provide paths to XCFramework files if your target has any and you want to process their swiftinterface files.

  file: <path to xcodeproj file>
    name: <target name>
    module: <module name> //required if different from target name
        - <path to xcframework file>
        - <path to xcframework file>

You can also provide a Swift Package which will be scanned. Source files will be scanned based on the package’s path and exclude options.

  path: <path to to the Package.swift root directory>
  target: <target name>

Multiple targets:

  path: <path to to the Package.swift root directory>
    - <target name>
    - <target name>

Excluding sources or templates

You can specify paths to sources files that should be scanned using include key and paths that should be excluded using exclude key. These can be directory or file paths.

    - <sources path to include>
    - <sources path to include>
    - <sources path to exclude>
    - <sources path to exclude>

You can also specify path to include and exclude for templates. When source is a project you can use exclude key to exclude some of its source files.

  file: ...
  target: ...
    - <sources path>
    - <sources path>


You can specify the output file using output key. This can be a directory path or a file path. If it’s a file path, all generated content will be written into this file. If it’s a directory path, for each template a separate file will be created with TemplateName.generated.swift name.

  <output path>

Alternatively you can use path key to specify output path.

  path: <output path>

You can use optional link key to automatically link generated files to some target.

  path: <output path>
    project: <path to the xcodeproj to link to>
    target: <name of the target to link to> // or targets: [target1, target2, ...]
    group: <group in the project to add files to> // by default files are added to project's root group


Paths in configuration file are by default relative to configuration file path. If you want to specify absolute path start it with /.