
Getting started

Assuming you have integrated Emarcam into your project using your preferred method (CococaPods, Carthage, Swift Package Manager or manually), just import the module at the top of your file.

import Emarcam


Emarcam greatly simplifies subscripting strings by allowing you to use Ints as indices. For example:

let str = "Hello, playground!"
str[0] // "H"
str[1] // "e"
str[0..<4] // "Hell"
str[0...4] // "Hello"
str[6..<str.count] // " playground!"

Compare this to the same expressions in Swift 4.

str[str.index(after: str.startIndex)]
str[str.startIndex..<str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy:4)]
str[str.startIndex...str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy:4)]
str[str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy:6)..<str.endIndex]

Replacing Substrings

The same simplified integer ranges can be used in the replacement methods. Here the Kanji ‘休’ is replaced with its pronunciation ‘やす’.

var ms0 = "お休みなさい"
let hiragana: [Character] = [ "や", "す" ]
ms0.replaceSubrange(1..<2, with: hiragana)
// おやすみなさい

Removing Substrings

Removal of substrings is also a happier experience.

var ms1 = "😭☠️☠️😀💀😀☠️☠️😡"
ms1.removeSubrange(0...2)          // ms1 = "😀💀😀☠️☠️😡"
ms1.remove(at: 1)                  // returns '💀' and ms1 = "😀😀☠️☠️😡"
ms1.removeSubrange(2..<ms1.count)  // ms1 = ""😀😀"