Tutorial: Register a collection

Register a collection

On application start, the proxy must be configured to be aware of the involved collections and their events.
Assuming we have a collection of users, we should have the following:

    var dbConfig = {
        port: 27017,
        host: "localhost",
        name: "db"
    var collectionName = "users"
    var collectionSchema = {
        type: "object",
        required: true,
        properties: {
            firstName: {
                type: "string",
                required: true
            lastName: {
                type: "string",
                required: true
            password: {
                type: "string",
                required: true
    var dbproxy = require('mongodb-proxy')
    var db = dbproxy.create(dbConfig)        
    db.configure(function (config) {    
            name: collectionName,
            schema: collectionSchema,
            events: {
                get: require('./events/get.js'),
                post: require('./events/post.js'),
                put: require('./events/put.js'),
                validate: require('./events/validate.js'),
                delete: require('./events/delete.js')


Get events are triggered against the resolved data to provide opportunities to halt the retrieve process.

    module.exports = function (sender, context, data) {        
        // if the request is not coming from an internal proxy
        if (!context.internal)
            // check that the user has permissions on the current store and the current item 
            if(!isUserAuthorised(currentUser, context.store.name, data.id, 'get'))
                // return Unauthorized 
                return context.error(401, 'Access denied')
        // hide the password property from the resulted object
        // trigger the async callback


Post events are triggered before validation as a last step for the data to be modified or the post process to be halted.

    module.exports = function (sender, context, data) {
        // if the request is not coming from an internal proxy
        if (!context.internal)
            // check that the user has permissions on the current store and the current item's parent 
            if(!isUserAuthorised(currentUser, context.store.name, data.parentId, 'post'))
                // return Unauthorized 
                return context.error(401, 'Access denied')
        // set defaults
        data.createdOn = new Date().getTime()
        // trigger the async callback


Similarly, put events are also triggered before validation as a last step for the data to be modified or the put process to be halted.

    module.exports = function (sender, context, data) {
        // if the request is not coming from an internal proxy
        if (!context.internal)
            // check that the user has permissions on the current store and the current item's parent 
            if(!isUserAuthorised(currentUser, context.store.name, data.id, 'put'))
                // return Unauthorized 
                return context.error(401, 'Access denied')
        // prevent from changing a field
            return context.error(400, 'Cannot change field')
        // set defaults
        data.modifiedOn = new Date().getTime()
        // trigger the async callback


Validate events are triggered after local post and put actions and before actual post and put actions mostly for schema validation.
The schema registered with the collection, is already validated on a step before this one, so here we should check for extra more specific validations.

    module.exports = function (sender, context, data) {
        // check password length        
        if(data.password.length < 5)
            return context.error(400, 'Password should be at least 5 characters')
        // trigger the async callback


Delete events are similarly triggered before delete actions.

    module.exports = function (sender, context, data) {
        return context.error(401, 'Access denied')        