Vitis Drivers API Documentation
xhdcp22_rx.c File Reference


int XHdcp22Rx_CfgInitialize (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr, XHdcp22_Rx_Config *ConfigPtr, UINTPTR EffectiveAddr)
 Initialize the instance provided by the caller based on the given configuration data. More...
int XHdcp22Rx_Reset (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr)
 This function resets the HDCP22-RX system to the default state. More...
int XHdcp22Rx_Enable (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr)
 This function enables the HDCP22-RX state machine. More...
int XHdcp22Rx_Disable (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr)
 This function disables the HDCP22-RX state machine. More...
int XHdcp22Rx_SetCallback (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr, XHdcp22_Rx_HandlerType HandlerType, void *CallbackFunc, void *CallbackRef)
 This function installs callback functions for the given HandlerType: More...
int XHdcp22Rx_Poll (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr)
 This function executes the HDCP22-RX state machine. More...
u8 XHdcp22Rx_IsEnabled (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr)
 This function checks if the HDCP22-RX state machine is enabled. More...
u8 XHdcp22Rx_IsEncryptionEnabled (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr)
 This function checks if the HDCP22-RX cipher encryption is enabled. More...
u8 XHdcp22Rx_IsInProgress (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr)
 This function checks if the HDCP22-RX state machine is enabled but not yet in the Authenticated state. More...
u8 XHdcp22Rx_IsAuthenticated (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr)
 This function checks if the HDCP22-RX state machine is in the Authenticated state. More...
u8 XHdcp22Rx_IsError (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr)
 This function checks if the HDCP22-RX state machine has detected an error condition. More...
u8 XHdcp22Rx_IsRepeater (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr)
 This function returns the current repeater mode status. More...
void XHdcp22Rx_SetRepeater (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr, u8 Set)
 This function sets the repeater mode status. More...
void XHdcp22Rx_SetLinkError (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr)
 This function is called when 50 consecutive data island ECC errors are detected indicating a link integrity problem. More...
void XHdcp22Rx_SetDdcError (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr)
 This function is called when a DDC read/write burst stops prior to completing the expected message size. More...
void XHdcp22Rx_SetWriteMessageAvailable (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr)
 This function is called when a complete message is available in the write message buffer. More...
void XHdcp22Rx_SetReadMessageComplete (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr)
 This function is called when a message has been read out of the read message buffer. More...
void XHdcp22Rx_LoadLc128 (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr, const u8 *Lc128Ptr)
 This function is used to load the Lc128 value by copying the contents of the array referenced by Lc128Ptr into the cipher. More...
void XHdcp22Rx_LoadPublicCert (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr, const u8 *PublicCertPtr)
 This function is used to load the public certificate. More...
int XHdcp22Rx_LoadPrivateKey (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr, const u8 *PrivateKeyPtr)
 This function is used to load the private key. More...
u32 XHdcp22Rx_GetVersion (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr)
 This function reads the version. More...
XTmrCtr * XHdcp22Rx_GetTimer (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr)
 This function returns the pointer to the internal timer control instance needed for connecting the timer interrupt to an interrupt controller. More...
void XHdcp22Rx_SetTopology (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr, const XHdcp22_Rx_Topology *TopologyPtr)
 This function copies a complete repeater topology table into the instance repeater topology table. More...
void XHdcp22Rx_SetTopologyReceiverIdList (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr, const u8 *ListPtr, u32 ListSize)
 This function copies the RECEIVER_ID_LIST into the repeater topology table. More...
void XHdcp22Rx_SetTopologyField (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr, XHdcp22_Rx_TopologyField Field, u8 Value)
 This function is used to set various fields inside the topology structure. More...
void XHdcp22Rx_SetTopologyUpdate (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr)
 This function is used to indicate that the topology table has been updated and is ready for upstream propagation. More...
u8 XHdcp22Rx_GetContentStreamType (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr)
 This function is gets the type information received from the RepeaterAuth_Stream_Manage message for downstream propagation of management information. More...
void XHdcp22Rx_LogReset (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr, u8 Verbose)
 This function clears the log pointers. More...
u32 XHdcp22Rx_LogGetTimeUSecs (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr)
 This function returns the time expired since a log reset was called. More...
void XHdcp22Rx_LogWr (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr, u16 Evt, u16 Data)
 This function writes HDCP22-RX log event into buffer. More...
XHdcp22_Rx_LogItemXHdcp22Rx_LogRd (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr)
 This function provides the log information from the log buffer. More...
void XHdcp22Rx_LogDisplay (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr)
 This function prints the contents of the log buffer. More...
void XHdcp22Rx_Info (XHdcp22_Rx *InstancePtr)
 This function prints the state machine information. More...