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SpeechAudioFormat Fields

The SpeechAudioFormat type exposes the following members.

Public fieldAverageBytesPerSecond
This value indicates how many bytes of audio data must be streamed to a D/A converter per second in order to play the audio.
Public fieldBitsPerSample
The number of significant bits in each audio sample. Usually 16 or 24.
Public fieldBlockAlign
The number of data bytes per sample slice.
Public fieldChannelCount
The number of separate audio signals in the audio data. A value of 1 means a mono signal, a value of 2 means a stereo signal, etc.
Public fieldEncodingFormat
Specifies the type of compression used on the audio data as a short. Default value is 1 (which means PCM) Use getEncodingFormat or setEncodingFormat to use this short as a AudioCompressionType.
Public fieldFormatSpecificData
Extra bytes for use to describe parameters to certain audio compression types. This field should be empty for PCM.
Public fieldSamplesPerSecond
Audio sample slices per second (one slice includes all the channel samples). Thus this value is unaffected by the number of channels.
See Also