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Microsoft.Bing.Speech Namespace
Public classCode exampleApplicationMetadata
Metadata about the end-user application or process with which the speaker is interacting. This metadata is used by the Microsoft Speech Service to help improve the quality of service for the user.
Public classClientException
Exception thrown when an error occurs in client code.
Public classCode exampleDeviceMetadata
Metadata about the end-user device that is collecting audio. This metadata is used by the Microsoft Speech Service to help improve the quality of service for the user.
Public classCode examplePreferences
Parameters that configure the Microsoft Speech Service.
Public classRecognitionPartialResult
Partial recognition result returned by the Microsoft Speech Service.
Public classRecognitionPhrase
Recognized text with confidence level and other media timing information.
Public classRecognitionResult
Recognition result returned by the Microsoft Speech Service.
Public classCode exampleRequestMetadata
Metadata about the speech request.
Public classServerException
Exception thrown by the speech service during execution of a request.
Public classCode exampleSpeechClient
ISpeechClient implementation to perform speech recognition.
Public classCode exampleSpeechInput
Speech service input parameters.
Public interfaceCode exampleIAuthorizationProvider
Interface that provides authorization for requests to the Microsoft Speech Service. Service peers are required to provide an implementation of this class to make connections to the Speech Service.
Public interfaceISpeechClient
An interface to perform speech recognition.
Public enumerationConfidence
Indicates the level of confidence of a recognized phrase.
Public enumerationDeviceFamily
Device family enumeration.
Public enumerationDeviceType
Device type enumeration.
Public enumerationNetworkType
Network type enumeration.
Public enumerationOsName
Operating system enumeration.
Public enumerationRecognitionStatus
Overall recognition status.