a fast, expressive, typesafe language that gives you testability from the ground up.


On Mac OS X

Mac is the easiest place to begin wake developmment. Simply install node, brew, and xcode, and then run brew install http://wakelang.com/Wake.rb.

Clone the wake project seed and follow the other steps in the getting started guide once that is successful.

On Windows

Simply download wake.exe and then put it in your PATH. Consult google for instructions on the latter. You will also need Node and make installed.

On Linux

There is a package on the Arch User Repository: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/wake-compiler/

For other distros, install boost, flex, and bison developer libraries compiled with C++11 ABIs, and then clone the wake source repository. Using gcc-4.8 or newer (maaaybe 4.7), run make bin/wake and then sudo make install. Of course, you'll need node to run the code.

Any help making packages for ubuntu, centos, arch, etc would be appreciated!