Command Line Interface

SwiftyMocky CLI is a custom command line tool, writtten in swift, that will simplify setting up mock configuration, validating and troubleshooting configuration and simplify mocks generation.

CLI is hosted as a separate project at:


Please refer to Guides/


$ .build/debug/swiftymocky <command>


  • init - Creates template of Mockfile to fill
  • generate - generate mocks. Usage ‘swiftymocky options optional-mock-name’. Allowed flags:
    • --disableCache: disables using cahche
    • --verbose, -v: additional sourcery debug info
    • --watch, -w: run in watcher mode, allowed only if mock name specified
  • watch - run in watcher mode, allowed only if mock name specified
  • setup - if more than one xcodeproj in directory, add a selected project path: mocky setup <project>.xcodeproj
  • migrate - migrate existing SwiftyMocky yml configurations into Mockfile™
  • autoimport - scans sources and automatically resolves imports for the mocks
  • doctor - run to inspect status of SwiftyMocky setup