Mockfile format

Mockfile is a YAML configuration, allowing to define what gets mocked. It simplifies including and excluding sources, as well as defining what should be imported or @testable imported.

It also ties generated Mock configuration with a specific target, allowing to lint it agains most common issues.

Every generated file have its own section, following pattern below:

sourceryCommand: null               # 1.

mock1:                              # 2.
    sources:                        # 2.1.
        include:                    # 2.1.1
        - ./MyApp
        exclude: []                 # 2.1.2 (optional)
    output:                         # 2.2
    targets:                        # 2.3 (optional)
        - MyAppUnitTests
    testable: []                    # 2.4 (optional)
    import: []                      # 2.5 (optional)
    prototype: false                # 2.6 (optional)

mock2:                              # 2.
  1. sourceryCommand is by default nil. You can use it to select custom Sourcery version/command/binary, instead of using default one bundled with SwiftyMocky CLI via mint.
  2. Distinctive name of your mock configuration. You can define as much configurations as you want. Each of them represents one generated file. That allows to have a separate mocks for a separate targets (you usually need that if you have more than one test target)
    1. sources defines what files/directories would be scanned for AutoMockable types.
      1. include list of included files/directories relative to project root
      2. exclude list of excluded files/directories relative to project root
    2. output location and name of generated mocks file. If no name specified Mock.generated.swift would be used
    3. targets list of targets names. It should match the test targets that are using generated mocks file. Used to determine if your setup is correct.
    4. testable list of testable modules imports. By default, if you generate mocks for YourApp, it should contain YourApp. Would be placed at the top of the generated file.
    5. import list of modules imports. Would be placed at the top of the generated file.
    6. prototype default is false. Set true if you are going to use Carthage SwiftyPrototype library

Note 1: Calling swiftymocky setup will launch an interactive tool helping you to create and prefill the Mockfile. You can also use swiftymocky init if you want a placeholder you can fill manually.

Note 2: To evaluate your Mockfile setup, as well as other things, run swiftmocky doctor.

Note 3: You can use swiftymocky autoimport to prefill testable and import in your configurations.