Instance methods to patch over Hoodoo::Services::Middleware.

Instance Public methods
monkey_log_inbound_request( interaction )

Add custom attributes to the NewRelic transaction. The original implementation is called via super.


Hoodoo::Services::Middleware::Interaction instance describing the inbound request. The interaction_id, rack_request and session data is used (the latter being optional). If target_interface and requested_action are available, body data might be logged according to secure log settings in the interface; if these values are unset, body data is not logged.

# File lib/hoodoo/monkey/patch/newrelic_middleware_analytics.rb, line 71
def monkey_log_inbound_request( interaction )

  # Add custom attributes to the NewRelic transaction.
      :target_action => interaction.requested_action,
      :target_path   => CGI.unescape( interaction.rack_request.path() )

  # Call the original logging method.
  super( interaction )
