class Hoodoo::Services::Request::ListParameters

Encapsulation of all parameters related only to modifying a list of results. Other parameters may modify lists too, but they also modify other representations (e.g. single-resource ‘show’).



List filter key/value pairs as a hash, all keys/values strings; {} if there’s no filter data in the request URI query string.


List page size, for index views; an integer; always defined.


List offset, for index views; an integer; always defined.


List search key/value pairs as a hash, all keys/values strings; {} if there’s no search data in the request URI query string.


A Hash of String keys and values, where each key is a field for sorting and each value is the direction to sort that field.

Public Class Methods

new() click to toggle source

Set up defaults in this instance.

# File lib/hoodoo/services/services/request.rb, line 59
def initialize
  self.offset      = 0
  self.limit       = 50
  self.sort_data   = { 'created_at' => 'desc' }
  self.search_data = {}
  self.filter_data = {}

Public Instance Methods

from_h!( hash ) click to toggle source

Load list parameters from a given Hash, of the form set by to_h. Overwrites any corresponding internal attributes and takes full deep copies of sort, search and filter values.

# File lib/hoodoo/services/services/request.rb, line 112
def from_h!( hash )
  self.offset      = hash[ 'offset' ] if hash.has_key?( 'offset' )
  self.limit       = hash[ 'limit'  ] if hash.has_key?( 'limit'  )
  self.search_data = Hoodoo::Utilities.deep_dup( hash[ 'search' ] ) if hash[ 'search' ].is_a?( Hash )
  self.filter_data = Hoodoo::Utilities.deep_dup( hash[ 'filter' ] ) if hash[ 'filter' ].is_a?( Hash )

  sorts      = hash[ 'sort'      ]
  directions = hash[ 'direction' ]

  # Ensure the values are Arrays not just simple e.g. Strings,
  # so that we can zip them up into a Hash for the 'sort_data'
  # attribute value. Merge the result onto the existing values.
  sorts      = [ sorts      ] unless      sorts.is_a?( Array )
  directions = [ directions ] unless directions.is_a?( Array )


       sorts.concat( self.sort_data.keys[        sorts.count .. -1 ] || [] )
  directions.concat( self.sort_data.values[ directions.count .. -1 ] || [] )

  # The middleware enforces a URI query string match of the
  # count of sort and direction specifiers, so we do the same.
  if sorts.length != directions.length
    raise 'Hoodoo::Services::Request::ListParameters#from_h!: Sort and direction array lengths must match'

  self.sort_data = Hash[ directions ) ]
to_h() click to toggle source

Represent the list data as a Hash, for uses such as persistence or loading into another session instance. The returned Hash is a full deep copy of any internal data; changing it will not alter the ListParameters object state.

Top-level keys in the Hash are Strings corresponding to fields supported by the query Hash in Hoodoo::Client::Endpoint#list, intentionally compatible so that pass-through / proxy scenarios from resource implementation to another resource are assisted:

  • offset

  • limit

  • sort (keys from the Hash under attribute sort_data)

  • direction (values from the Hash under sort_data)

  • search (deep-duplicated value of attribute search_data)

  • filter (deep-duplicated value of attribute filter_data)

Sort, direction, search and filter data, if not empty, also have String keys / values. A single sort-direction key-value pair will be flattened to a simple value, while multiple sort-direction pairs are given as Arrays.

See also from_h!.

# File lib/hoodoo/services/services/request.rb, line 91
def to_h
  sorts      = & :to_s )
  directions = & :to_s )

  sorts      =      sorts.first if      sorts.count == 1
  directions = directions.first if directions.count == 1

    'offset'    => self.offset,
    'limit'     => self.limit,
    'sort'      => sorts,
    'direction' => directions,
    'search'    => Hoodoo::Utilities.deep_dup( self.search_data ),
    'filter'    => Hoodoo::Utilities.deep_dup( self.filter_data )