class Hoodoo::Presenters::Embedding::Embeddable

The Embeddable base class should not be instantiated directly. It provides common functionality for Hoodoo::Presenters::Embedding::Embeds and Hoodoo::Presenters::Embedding::References - use those instead.

Public Class Methods

new() click to toggle source

Create an instance.

# File lib/hoodoo/presenters/embedding.rb, line 29
def initialize
  @hash = {}

Public Instance Methods

add_many( key, array_of_rendered_resources_or_uuids ) click to toggle source

Add a collection of resources (for embedding) or UUIDs (for referencing) to an embed or reference assembly.


The key to use in the resource representation leading to the embedded resource object or UUID string array. Typically follows a plural name convention in your resource API field language of choice, e.g. “members” (an API where the resource names and fields are in English), “mitglieder” (an API described in German).

This key must match the value specified in the query string of a request in order to ask for the things in question to be embedded / referenced.


An Array of rendered resource representations in full, or an Array of resource UUID Strings.

# File lib/hoodoo/presenters/embedding.rb, line 73
def add_many( key, array_of_rendered_resources_or_uuids )
  validate_many( array_of_rendered_resources_or_uuids )
  @hash[ key ] = array_of_rendered_resources_or_uuids
add_one( key, rendered_resource_or_uuid ) click to toggle source

Add a singlular resource (for embedding) or UUID (for referencing) to an embed or reference assembly.


The key to use in the resource representation leading to the embedded resource object or UUID string. Typically follows a singular name convention in your resource API field language of choice, e.g. “member” (an API where the resource names and fields are in English), “mitglied” (an API described in German).

This key must match the value specified in the query string of a request in order to ask for the thing in question to be embedded / referenced.


A rendered resource representation in full, or a resource UUID String.

# File lib/hoodoo/presenters/embedding.rb, line 50
def add_one( key, rendered_resource_or_uuid )
  validate_one( rendered_resource_or_uuid )
  @hash[ key ] = rendered_resource_or_uuid
remove( key ) click to toggle source

Delete all data associated with the given key.


As provided to a prior call to add_one or add_many. Has no side effects if the key has not been previously used in such a call; no error is raised in this case either.

# File lib/hoodoo/presenters/embedding.rb, line 84
def remove( key )
  @hash.delete( key )
retrieve() click to toggle source

Returns a Hash where keys are the keys provided in calls to add_one or add_many and values are the values provided to those same corresponding calls. Returns an empty Hash if no such calls have been made or if all the keys were subsequently removed with remove.

# File lib/hoodoo/presenters/embedding.rb, line 93
def retrieve