class Hoodoo::Errors

During request processing, API service implementations create an Hoodoo::Errors instance and add error(s) to the collection as they arise using add_error. That same instance can then be returned for the on-error handling path of whatever wider service framework is in use by the service code in question. Services should use new instances for each request.



Default Hoodoo::ErrorDescriptions instance, used if the instantiator provides no alternative.



The Hoodoo::ErrorDescriptions instance associated with this error collection. Only error codes that the instance’s Hoodoo::ErrorDescriptions#recognised? method says are recognised can be added to the error collection, else Hoodoo::Errors::UnknownCode will be raised.


Array of error data - hashes with code, message and reference fields giving the error codes, human-readable messages and machine-readable reference data, where appropriate.


HTTP status code associated with the first error in the errors array, _as an Integer_.


Errors are manifestations of the Errors resource. They acquire a UUID when instantiated, even if the instance is never used or persisted.

Public Class Methods

new( descriptions = DEFAULT_ERROR_DESCRIPTIONS ) click to toggle source

Create an instance.


(Optional) Hoodoo::ErrorDescriptions instance with service-domain-specific error descriptions added, or omit for a default instance describing platform and generic error domains only.

# File lib/hoodoo/errors/errors.rb, line 71
def initialize( descriptions = DEFAULT_ERROR_DESCRIPTIONS )
  @uuid             = Hoodoo::UUID.generate()
  @descriptions     = descriptions
  @errors           = []
  @http_status_code = 200
  @created_at       = nil # See #persist!

Public Instance Methods

add_error( code, options = nil ) click to toggle source

Add an error instance to this collection.


Error code in full, e.g. +generic.invalid_state’.


An options Hash, optional.

The options hash contains symbol keys named as follows, with values as described:


Reference data Hash, optionality depending upon the error code and the reference data its error description mandates. Provide key/value pairs where (symbol) keys are names from the array of description requirements and values are strings. All values are concatenated into a single string, comma-separated. Commas within values are escaped with a backslash; backslash is itself escaped with a backslash.

You must provide that data at a minimum, but can provide additional keys too if you so wish. Required keys are always included first, in order of appearance in the requirements array of the error declaration, followed by any extra values in undefined order.

See also Hoodoo::ErrorDescriptions::DomainDescriptions#error


Optional human-readable for-developer message, en-nz locale. Default messages are provided for all errors, but if you think you can provide something more informative, you can do so through this parameter.


  :message => 'Optional custom message',
  :reference => { :entity_name => 'mandatory reference data' }

In the above example, the mandatory reference data entity_name comes from the description for the ‘platform.not_found’ message - see the Hoodoo::ErrorDescriptions#initialize implementation and Platform API.

# File lib/hoodoo/errors/errors.rb, line 121
def add_error( code, options = nil )

  options   = Hoodoo::Utilities.stringify( options || {} )
  reference = options[ 'reference' ] || {}
  message   = options[ 'message' ]

  # Make sure nobody uses an undeclared error code.

  raise UnknownCode, "In \#add_error: Unknown error code '#{code}'" unless @descriptions.recognised?( code )

  # If the error description specifies a list of required reference keys,
  # make sure all are present and complain if not.

  description = @descriptions.describe( code )

  required_keys = description[ 'reference' ] || []
  actual_keys   = reference.keys
  missing_keys  = required_keys - actual_keys

  unless missing_keys.empty?
    raise MissingReferenceData, "In \#add_error: Reference hash missing required keys: '#{ missing_keys.join( ', ' ) }'"

  # All good!

  @http_status_code = ( description[ 'status' ] || 200 ).to_i if @errors.empty? # Use first in collection for overall HTTP status code

  error = {
    'code'    => code,
    'message' => message || description[ 'message' ] || code

  ordered_keys   = required_keys + ( actual_keys - required_keys )
  ordered_values = { | key | escape_commas( reference[ key ].to_s ) }

  # See #unjoin_and_unescape_commas to undo the join below.

  error[ 'reference' ] = ordered_values.join( ',' ) unless ordered_values.empty?

  @errors << error
add_precompiled_error( code, message, reference, http_status = 500 ) click to toggle source

Add a precompiled error to the error collection. Pass error code, error message and reference data directly.

In most cases you should be calling add_error instead, NOT here.

No validation is performed. You should only really call here if storing an error / errors from another, trusted source with assumed validity (e.g. another service called remotely with errors in the JSON response). It’s possible to store invalid error data using this call, which means counter-to-documentation results could be returned to API clients. That is Very Bad.

Pass optionally the HTTP status code to use if this happens to be the first stored error. If this is omitted, 500 is kept as the default.

# File lib/hoodoo/errors/errors.rb, line 178
def add_precompiled_error( code, message, reference, http_status = 500 )
  @http_status_code = http_status.to_i if @errors.empty?

  error = {
    'code'    => code,
    'message' => message

  error[ 'reference' ] = reference unless reference.nil? || reference.empty?

  @errors << error
clear_errors() click to toggle source

Clear (delete) all previously added errors (if any). After calling here, has_errors? would always return false.

# File lib/hoodoo/errors/errors.rb, line 227
def clear_errors
  @errors           = []
  @http_status_code = 200
has_errors?() click to toggle source

Does this instance have any errors added? Returns true if so, else false.

# File lib/hoodoo/errors/errors.rb, line 220
def has_errors?
  ! @errors.empty?
inspect() click to toggle source

Make life easier for debugging on the console by having the object represent itself more concisely.

# File lib/hoodoo/errors/errors.rb, line 258
def inspect
merge!( source ) click to toggle source

Merge the contents of a source error object with this one, adding its errors to this collection. No checks are made for duplicates (in part because, depending on error code and source/target contexts, a duplicate may be a valid thing to have).


Hoodoo::Errors instance to merge into the error collection of ‘this’ target object.

Returns true if errors were merged, else false (the source collection was empty).

# File lib/hoodoo/errors/errors.rb, line 202
def merge!( source )
  source_errors = source.errors

  source_errors.each do | hash |
      hash[ 'code'      ],
      hash[ 'message'   ],
      hash[ 'reference' ],

  return ! source_errors.empty?
render( interaction_id ) click to toggle source

Return a Hash rendered through the Hoodoo::Data::Resources::Errors collection representing the formalised resource.


Mandatory Interaction ID (UUID) to associate with the collection.

# File lib/hoodoo/errors/errors.rb, line 238
def render( interaction_id )
  unless Hoodoo::UUID.valid?( interaction_id )
    raise "Hoodoo::Errors\#render must be given a valid Interaction ID (got '#{ interaction_id.inspect }')"

  @created_at ||=

      'interaction_id' => interaction_id,
      'errors'         => @errors
unjoin_and_unescape_commas( str ) click to toggle source

When reference data is specified for errors, the reference values are concatenated together into a comma-separated string. Since reference values can themselves contain commas, comma is escaped with “\,” and “\” escaped with “\\”.

Call here with such a string; return an array of ‘unescaped’ values.


Value-escaped (“\\” / “\,”) comma-separated string. Unescaped commas separate individual values.

# File lib/hoodoo/errors/errors.rb, line 278
def unjoin_and_unescape_commas( str )

  # In Ruby regular expressions, '(?<!pat)' is a negative lookbehind
  # assertion, making sure that the preceding characters do not match
  # 'pat'. To split the string joined on ',' to an array but not splitting
  # any escaped '\,', then, we can use this rather opaque split regexp:
  #   error[ 'reference' ].split( /(?<!\\),/ )
  # I.e. split on ',', provided it is not preceded by a '\' (escaped in the
  # regexp to '\\').

  ary = str.split( /(?<!\\),/ ) { | entry | unescape_commas( entry ) }