module Hoodoo::ActiveRecord::UUID

Support mixin for models subclassed from ActiveRecord::Base providing automatic UUID management. See:

By including this module, an on-create validation is added to the including model which assigns a UUID if none is currently set (id is nil). It also adds validations to ensure the id is present, unique and a valid UUID. You should always make sure that there are accompanying database-level uniqueness and non-null constraints on the relevant table’s ‘id` column, too.

IMPORTANT: See Hoodoo::ActiveRecord::UUID::included for important information about database requirements / table creation when using this mixin.

Public Class Methods

included( model ) click to toggle source

Instantiates this module when it is included.


class SomeModel < ActiveRecord::Base
  include Hoodoo::ActiveRecord::UUID
  # ...

The ActiveRecord::Base descendant that is including this module.

Calls superclass method
# File lib/hoodoo/active/active_record/uuid.rb, line 44
def self.included( model )
  instantiate( model ) unless model == Hoodoo::ActiveRecord::Base
  super( model )
instantiate( model ) click to toggle source

When called, this method:

  • Declares ‘id’ as the primary key

  • Self-assigns a UUID to ‘id’ via an on-create validation

  • Adds validations to ‘id’ to ensure it is present, unique and a valid UUID.

The model MUST define its database representation in migrations so that id is a string based primary key, as follows:

create_table :model_table_name, :id => :string do | t |
  # ...your normal column definitions go here...

change_column :model_table_name, :id, :string, :limit => 32

The ActiveRecord::Base descendant that is including this module.

# File lib/hoodoo/active/active_record/uuid.rb, line 68
def self.instantiate( model )
  model.primary_key = 'id'

  model.validate( :on => :create ) do ||= Hoodoo::UUID.generate()

      :uuid       => true,
      :presence   => true,
      :uniqueness => true