module Hoodoo::ActiveRecord::Dated::ClassMethods

Collection of class methods that get defined on an including class via Hoodoo::ActiveRecord::Dated::included.

Public Instance Methods

dated( context, unquoted_column_names: nil ) click to toggle source

Return an ActiveRecord::Relation containing the model instances which are effective at context.request.dated_at. If this value is nil the current time in UTC is used.

If historic dating hasn’t been enabled via a call to dating_enabled, then the default ‘all’ scope is returned instead.


Hoodoo::Services::Context instance describing a call context. This is typically a value passed to one of the Hoodoo::Services::Implementation instance methods that a resource subclass implements.

Additional named parameters are:


(Optional) An Array of Strings giving one or more column names to use for the query. If omitted, all model attribtues are used as columns. If the “id” column is not included in the Array, it will be added anyway as this column is mandatory. The effect is equivalent to an Array given in the ActiveRecord select method.

# File lib/hoodoo/active/active_record/dated.rb, line 221
def dated( context, unquoted_column_names: nil )
  date_time = context.request.dated_at ||
  return self.dated_at( date_time, unquoted_column_names: unquoted_column_names )
dated_at( date_time =, unquoted_column_names: nil ) click to toggle source

Return an ActiveRecord::Relation scoping a query to include only model instances that are relevant/effective at the specified date_time.

If historic dating hasn’t been enabled via a call to dating_enabled, then the default ‘all’ scope is returned instead.


(Optional) A Time or DateTime instance, or a String that can be converted to a DateTime instance, for which the “effective dated” scope is to be constructed.

Additional named parameters are:


(Optional) An Array of Strings giving one or more column names to use for the query. If omitted, all model attribtues are used as columns. If the “id” column is not included in the Array, it will be added anyway as this column is mandatory. The effect is equivalent to an Array given in the ActiveRecord select method.

# File lib/hoodoo/active/active_record/dated.rb, line 247
def dated_at( date_time =, unquoted_column_names: nil )

  dating_table_name = dated_with_table_name()
  return all() if dating_table_name.nil? # "Model.all" -> returns anonymous scope

  # Rationalise and convert the date time to UTC.

  date_time      = Hoodoo::Utilities.rationalise_datetime( date_time ).utc
  safe_date_time = self.connection.quoted_date( date_time )

  # Create strings that specify the required attributes escaped and
  # joined by commas for use in a SQL query, for both main and history
  # tables.

  safe_name_string = self.quoted_column_name_string(
    unquoted_column_names: unquoted_column_names

  safe_history_name_string = self.quoted_column_name_string_for_history(
    unquoted_column_names: unquoted_column_names

  # A query that combines historical and current records which are
  # effective at the specified date time.

  nested_query = %{
      SELECT #{ safe_name_string } FROM (
        SELECT #{ safe_name_string },"updated_at" AS "effective_start",NULL AS "effective_end"
        FROM #{ self.table_name }
        UNION ALL
        SELECT #{ safe_history_name_string },"effective_start","effective_end"
        FROM #{ dating_table_name }
      ) AS u
      WHERE "effective_start" <= '#{ safe_date_time }' AND ("effective_end" > '#{ safe_date_time }' OR "effective_end" IS NULL)
    ) AS #{ self.table_name }

  # Form a query which uses ActiveRecord to list a dated or current
  # record.

  return from( nested_query )
dated_historical_and_current( unquoted_column_names: nil ) click to toggle source

Return an ActiveRecord::Relation scoping a query that would include all historical and current model instances.

If historic dating hasn’t been enabled via a call to dating_enabled, then the default ‘all’ scope is returned instead.

Named parameters are:


(Optional) An Array of Strings giving one or more column names to use for the query. If omitted, all model attributes are used as columns. If the “id” column is not included in the Array, it will be added anyway as this column is mandatory. The effect is equivalent to an Array given in the ActiveRecord select method.

# File lib/hoodoo/active/active_record/dated.rb, line 308
def dated_historical_and_current( unquoted_column_names: nil )

  dating_table_name = dated_with_table_name()
  return all() if dating_table_name.nil? # "Model.all" -> returns anonymous scope

  # Create strings that specify the required attributes escaped and
  # joined by commas for use in a SQL query, for both main and history
  # tables.

  safe_name_string = self.quoted_column_name_string(
    unquoted_column_names: unquoted_column_names

  safe_history_name_string = self.quoted_column_name_string_for_history(
    unquoted_column_names: unquoted_column_names

  # A query that combines historical and current records.

  nested_query = %{
      SELECT #{ safe_name_string }
      FROM #{ self.table_name }
      SELECT #{ safe_history_name_string }
      FROM #{ dating_table_name }
    ) AS #{ self.table_name }

  # Form a query which uses ActiveRecord to list current and dated
  # records.

  return from( nested_query )
dated_with() click to toggle source

Returns the anonymous ActiveRecord::Base instance used for this model’s history entries, or nil if historic dating has not been enabled via a prior call to dating_enabled.

# File lib/hoodoo/active/active_record/dated.rb, line 347
def dated_with
  return self.nz_co_loyalty_hoodoo_dated_with
dated_with_table_name() click to toggle source

Get the symbolised name of the history table for model. This defaults to the name of the model’s table concatenated with _history_entries. If the table name is :posts, the history table would be :posts_history_entries.

If historic dating hasn’t been enabled via a call to dating_enabled, returns nil.

# File lib/hoodoo/active/active_record/dated.rb, line 359
def dated_with_table_name
  instance = self.dated_with()
  instance.nil? ? nil : instance.table_name
dating_enabled( history_table_name: self.table_name + '_history_entries' ) click to toggle source

Activate historic dating for this model.

See the module documentation for Hoodoo::ActiveRecord::Dated for full information on dating, table requirements, default table names and so forth.

Named parameters are:


Optional String or Symbol name of the table which stores the history entries for this model. If omitted, defaults to the value described by the documentation for Hoodoo::ActiveRecord::Dated.

# File lib/hoodoo/active/active_record/dated.rb, line 164
def dating_enabled( history_table_name: self.table_name + '_history_entries' )

  # Define an anonymous model for the history entries.

  history_klass = ::ActiveRecord::Base ) do
    self.primary_key = :id
    self.table_name  = history_table_name

  # Record the anonymous model class in a namespaced class attribute
  # for reference in the rest of the dating code via #dated_with().

  self.nz_co_loyalty_hoodoo_dated_with = history_klass

  # Enable the monkey patch to the Finder module's '#acquire_in' class
  # method, if need be.

  if self.include?( Hoodoo::ActiveRecord::Finder )
      target_unit:      self,
      extension_module: Hoodoo::Monkey::Patch::ActiveRecordDatedFinderAdditions

    Hoodoo::Monkey.enable( extension_module: Hoodoo::Monkey::Patch::ActiveRecordDatedFinderAdditions )
dating_enabled?() click to toggle source

If a prior call has been made to dating_enabled then this method returns true, else false.

# File lib/hoodoo/active/active_record/dated.rb, line 194
def dating_enabled?
  return self.dated_with().present?

Protected Instance Methods

quoted_column_name_string( unquoted_column_names: nil ) click to toggle source

Returns a String of comma-separated sanitised (quoted) column names based on this model’s attribute names, or the given array of unquoted column names.

Named parameters are:


Optional Array of unquoted column names to use. Must contain only Strings. If column “id” is missing, it will be added for you.

# File lib/hoodoo/active/active_record/dated.rb, line 388
def quoted_column_name_string( unquoted_column_names: nil )
  unquoted_column_names ||= self.attribute_names()
  unquoted_column_names   = unquoted_column_names + [ 'id' ] unless unquoted_column_names.include?( 'id' )

  return self.quoted_column_names( unquoted_column_names ).join( ',' )
quoted_column_name_string_for_history( unquoted_column_names: nil ) click to toggle source

As ::quoted_column_name_string, but returns a String appropriate for the history table. Notably, this requires a source column of “uuid” to be mapped in as column name “id” and works on the assumption that the primary key is “id”.

Named parameters are:


Optional Array of unquoted column names to use. Must contain only Strings. If column “id” is missing, it will be added for you.

# File lib/hoodoo/active/active_record/dated.rb, line 406
def quoted_column_name_string_for_history( unquoted_column_names: nil )
  unquoted_column_names ||= self.attribute_names
  primary_key_index       = unquoted_column_names.index( 'id' )

  if primary_key_index.nil?
    unquoted_column_names = unquoted_column_names + [ 'id' ]
    primary_key_index     = unquoted_column_names.count - 1

  quoted_column_names     = self.quoted_column_names( unquoted_column_names )
  quoted_primary_key_name = quoted_column_names[ primary_key_index ]
  history_primary_key     = '"uuid" AS ' << quoted_primary_key_name

  quoted_column_names[ primary_key_index ] = history_primary_key

  return quoted_column_names.join( ',' )
quoted_column_names( unquoted_column_names ) click to toggle source

Takes an Array of unquoted column names and returns a new Array of names quoted by the current database adapter.


Optional Array of unquoted column names to use. Must contain only Strings.

# File lib/hoodoo/active/active_record/dated.rb, line 372
def quoted_column_names( unquoted_column_names )
  return do | c |
    ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote_column_name( c )