Interface XmlImportableMultiple<T>

Type Parameters:
T - is the type of the object
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AttributeAssign, AttributeAssignValue, AttributeDefScope

public interface XmlImportableMultiple<T>
extends XmlImportableBase<T>

Hibernated object which can be imported into. There can be multiple in the DB based on business key (e.g. milti-assign)

Method Summary
 T xmlRetrieveByIdOrKey(Collection<String> idsToIgnore)
          retrieve from db by id or key.
Methods inherited from interface edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.xml.export.XmlImportableBase
xmlCopyBusinessPropertiesToExisting, xmlDifferentBusinessProperties, xmlDifferentUpdateProperties, xmlGetId, xmlSaveBusinessProperties, xmlSaveUpdateProperties, xmlSetId, xmlToString

Method Detail


T xmlRetrieveByIdOrKey(Collection<String> idsToIgnore)
retrieve from db by id or key. throws exception if duplicate

idsToIgnore - these are ids already processed, do not pick these
the object or null if not found