Package edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.subj

This package contains classes related to the subject API


Interface Summary
SubjectCustomizer add the ability to decorate a list of subjects with more attributes.
SubjectResolver Subject resolution interface.

Class Summary
CachingResolver Decorator that provides caching for SubjectResolver.
GrouperJdbcConnectionProvider provide connections to source api from the grouper hibernate settings
GrouperJdbcConnectionProvider.GrouperJdbcConnectionBean bean to hold connection
GrouperJdbcSourceAdapter Grouper's jdbc source adapter.
GrouperJdbcSourceAdapter2 Grouper's jdbc source adapter.
GrouperJndiSourceAdapter grouper version of jndi source adapter
GrouperSubject Subject returned by the GrouperSourceAdapter.
InternalSourceAdapter Internal SourceAdapter for retrieving InternalSubjects.
LazySubject Subject from a Membership - getMember().getSubject() only called if necessary i.e.
SafeSubject bean to wrap a subject so it can be safely used from EL.
SourcesXmlResolver Wrapper around Subject sources configured in sources.xml.
SourcesXmlResolver.LogLabelCallable<T> TODO merge this with GrouperCallable
SubjectBean source and subject id
SubjectComparator compare two subjects by sourceId, then by subjectId
SubjectCustomizerBase extend this to do a subject customizer
SubjectHelper Subject utility helper class.
SubjectResolverDecorator Decorator for SubjectResolver.
SubjectResolverFactory Factory for returning a SubjectResolver.
UnresolvableSubject Subject from id, type and source.
ValidatingResolver Decorator that provides parameter validation for SubjectResolver.

Enum Summary

Package edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.subj Description

This package contains classes related to the subject API