Package edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.permissions.limits.impl

This package has classes involving builtin implementations of permission limits.


Class Summary
PermissionLimitAmountLessThan logic for the built in amount less than some number
PermissionLimitAmountLessThanEquals logic for the built in amount less than some number
PermissionLimitElLogic logic for the built in EL limit
PermissionLimitIpOnNetworkRealm logic for the built in ip address on networks
PermissionLimitIpOnNetworks logic for the built in ip address on networks
PermissionLimitLabelsContain logic for the built in to see if user has a label in a set of labels
PermissionLimitWeekday9to5Logic logic for the built in weekday 9 to 5 limit

Package edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.permissions.limits.impl Description

This package has classes involving builtin implementations of permission limits. For instance, expression language (EL),