Class MessagingListenerController

  extended by edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.messaging.MessagingListenerController

public class MessagingListenerController
extends Object

manage messaging listeners

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void processRecords(String listenerName, Hib3GrouperLoaderLog hib3GrouploaderLog, MessagingListenerBase messagingListenerBase)
           call this method to process a batch of 100k (max) records of the change log...
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MessagingListenerController()
Method Detail


public static void processRecords(String listenerName,
                                  Hib3GrouperLoaderLog hib3GrouploaderLog,
                                  MessagingListenerBase messagingListenerBase)
 call this method to process a batch of 100k (max) records of the change log... 
 pass in a consumer name (nothing that people would use for a real change log consumer), that is used
 to keep track of the last processed record, the loader log which will log process in the grouper loader
 log table, and the processor which is the change log consumer base...
 to test this, do your changes, e.g. add a member, delete a member, then call this:
 GrouperLoader.runOnceByJobName(grouperSession, GrouperLoaderType.GROUPER_CHANGE_LOG_TEMP_TO_CHANGE_LOG);
 then call this method...  e.g. the static example() method in this class

listenerName - name of configured consumer, or another name that is not configured (e.g. ldappcng)
hib3GrouploaderLog - send an instance of this in so it can be logged to the DB...
messagingListenerBase - is the instance that should handle the requests