Package edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.hibernate

This package contains grouper's Hibernate wrapping API


Interface Summary
GrouperTransactionHandler Use this class to make your anonymous inner class for transactions with grouper (if transactions are supported by your DAO strategy configured in
HibernateHandler Implement this (usually in an anonymous inner class) to get a reference to the hibernate session object
HibGrouperLifecycle callbacks for hib grouper lifecycle events

Class Summary
ByCriteriaStatic for simple criteria queries, use this instead of inverse of control.
ByHql for simple HQL, use this instead of inverse of control.
ByHqlStatic for simple HQL, use this instead of inverse of control.
ByObjectStatic for simple object queries, use this instead of inverse of control.
BySql for simple HQL, use this instead of inverse of control.
BySqlStatic for simple HQL, use this instead of inverse of control.
GrouperContext holds threadlocal information about the current context of the database transactions.
GrouperTransaction Use this class to make a transaction around grouper operations (can also use HibernateSession, thoguh if hib it will throw exceptions)
HibernateSession Hibernate helper class.
HibUtilsMapping metadata and other methods for hibernate

Enum Summary
GrouperCommitType Various types of committing
GrouperRollbackType Various types of rolling back
GrouperTransactionType enum of possible transaction types

Package edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.hibernate Description

This package contains grouper's Hibernate wrapping API