Tutorial goals

What is EML?

Why use R to make EML?

The EML schema

Exercise! (download files for this demonstration)

Exercise (install the EML R package)

Carl Boettiger, Maëlle Salmon, Claas-Thido Pfaff, Matt Jones, Anna Liu, Karthik Ram, Bryce Mecum, Duncan Temple Lang, Edmund Hart, Matthias Grenié, Ivan Hanigan. (2017, May 11). ropensci/EML:v1.0.3. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.574208

Exercise (create the <attributeList> element)

Exercise (create the <physical> element)

Exercise (use <attributeList> and <physical> to create <dataTable>)

Exercise (create <coverage>)

Exercise (create <methods>)

Exercise (create <abstract>)

Exercise (create <keywordSet>)

Exercise (create <dataset>)

Exercise (create <eml>)

Exercise (validate the EML)

Exercise (make <creator> and <contact>)

Exercise (Set up Git and GitHub for RStudio)

Exercise (move files to project directory and track with Git)

Exercise (push contents of local repository to remote repository)

Thanks for your attention!