Tutorial goals

Why is it worthwhile to use file versioning?

Git concepts (master branch)

Concepts (stage and commit)

Concepts (stage and commit … continued)

Concepts (branch)

Concepts (checkout)

Concepts (stage, commit)

Concepts (merge)

Concepts (revert/branch)

Concepts (parallel development)

Concepts (pull and merge)

Concepts (push/pull request)


Exercise (install and set up Git)

$ git config --global user.name "Your Name"
$ git config --global user.email yourname@example.com
$ git config --global core.editor "'C:/Program Files/Notepad++/notepad++.exe' -multiInst -nosession"

Exercise (create a project and tell Git to track it)

Exercise (tell Git which files to track)

Exercise (make an edit then commit the change)

Exercise (create a branch and checkout to it)

Exercise (return to master then edit, stage, and commit)

Exercise (return to master then edit, stage, and commit … continued)

Exercise (check out to the development branch and implement our changes)

Exercise (merge branches)

Exercise (revert to previous version or branch from previous version)

Exercise (revert to previous version or branch from previous version … continued)

Exercise (view file log graphically)

Exercise (create a GitHub account)

Exercise (create a repository)

Exercise (push the local repo to the remote repo)

Exercise (clone a remote repository)


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