Provides synchronization with equipment sending Pioneer Pro DJ Link packets on the local network, such as Pioneer Nexus mixers and players, using the beat-link library.


(filter-sources name-filter)

Return a set of only those sources whose name matches the specified pattern. name-filter can either be a Pattern, or a string which will be turned into a pattern which matches in a case-insensitive way anywhere in the name.


(find-source source)

Makes sure the supplied DJ Link source is current and valid. Returns it, or throws an exception.


(find-source-by-name name-filter)

Looks up a source with a name that matches the specified pattern. name-filter can either be a Pattern, or a string which will be turned into a pattern which matches in a case-insensitive way anywhere in the name. Returns the single matching source found, or throws an exception.



Shut down the beat-link library.



Activate all the components of the beat-link library. Runs in the background, since it can take a while to give up if there are no DJ Link devices on the network.