Donor Name Donor Country Flow Type Donor Type Aid Type Transaction Type Recipient Country Recipient Type Receiver Remarks Description Target Geography Targeted beneficiaries Amount Currency Disbursement Date USD Amount Information Source Reference Link
United Kingdom United Kingdom International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO AAIN To provide immediate humanitarian support to people affected by the Nepal earthquake. (205028) 770416 USD 7/2/15 770416 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Sweden Sweden International Government Cash Disbursement France Others ACF Emergency assistance to earthquake affected population of Nepal through provision of safe water, sanitation and hygiene promotion 580585 USD 7/2/15 580585 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Denmark Denmark International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO ADRA Shelter, fod assistance, non-food items, hygiene interventions, establishment of field hospitals in tents and depollution of water. (2014-32211) 74118 USD 7/2/15 74118 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department Not Applicable
International Multilateral Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO ADRA Natural disasters / Humanitarian Assistance to Earthquake affected people in Nepal (ECHO/-SA/BUD/2015/91026) 486726 USD 7/2/15 486726 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Norway Norway International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO ADRA Education 661201 USD 6/21/15 661201 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department Not Applicable
International Multilateral Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development Natural disasters / Provision of emergency relief to most vulnerable earthquake-affected populations in Dhading and Sindupalchok Districts, Nepal (ECHO/-SA/BUD/2015/91028) 497788 USD 7/2/15 497788 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
United States United States International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development Economic Recovery and Market Systems, Shelter and Settlements, WASH - USAID/OFDA 1200000 USD 1200000 USAID- May 26 2015
Gap, Inc. United States International Corporates Inkind Commitment Not Known National/Regional NGO Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety Donations made by Gap employees through Mercy Corps will be matched by the organization. Gap is working with the Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety to ensure that employees in garment factories in the region are safe. 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
MoneyGram United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known National/Regional NGO AmeriCares Through a series of initiatives, MoneyGram is encouraging employees and customers to donate to the American Red Cross, waiving transaction fees for customers making a donation. In addition, MoneyGram is donating $25,000 to AmeriCares for immediate relief efforts. 25000 USD 5/4/15 25000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Norway Norway International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO Atlasalliansen Emergency relief directed at people with disabilities 132240 USD 6/21/15 132240 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Individuals/ Groups donations via Bibeksheel Nepali Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Bibeksheel Nepali Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund Donation made to Bibeksheel Nepali Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund via Paypal 2214876 NPR 21821 Bibeksheel Nepali Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund - May 20 2015
Individuals/ Groups donations via Bibeksheel Nepali Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Bibeksheel Nepali Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund Donation made to Bibeksheel Nepali Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund via Bank 3310436.67 NPR 32615 Bibeksheel Nepali Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund - May 25 2015
Individuals/ Groups donations via Bibeksheel Nepali Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Bibeksheel Nepali Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund Donation made to Bibeksheel Nepali Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund inperson (Cash and Cheque) 6524305.2 NPR 64279 Bibeksheel Nepali Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund - May 20 2015
Individuals/ Groups donations via Bibeksheel Nepali Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Bibeksheel Nepali Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund Donation made to Bibeksheel Nepali Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund via Western Union and International Remit 2786892.53 NPR 27457 Bibeksheel Nepali Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund - May 20 2015
Individuals/ Groups donations via Bibeksheel Nepali Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Bibeksheel Nepali Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund Donation made to Bibeksheel Nepali Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund via Unknown Sources 385000 NPR 3793 Bibeksheel Nepali Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund - May 20 2015
Individuals/ Groups donations via Bibeksheel Nepali Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Bibeksheel Nepali Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund Donation made to Bibeksheel Nepali Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund via SEBS Online 2869099 NPR 28267 Bibeksheel Nepali Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund - May 20 2015
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan International Government Inkind Nepal Government Bilateral (affected government) in kind - medical rescue teams; emergency supplies - one ton of medicine, medical supplies, tents, blankets and packaged drinking water. 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Bangladesh Bangladesh International Government Inkind Nepal Government Bilateral (affected government) dispatched a BAF Lockheed C-130B aircraft with 10 tonnes of relief materials, including tents, dry food, water and blankets carrying a 34-member team consisting of 6 military medical teams and representatives of the Foreign Ministry 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Bhutan Bhutan International Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Bilateral (affected government) towards rehabilitation efforts - support to the governmentand people of Nepal, following the disastrous earthquake that struck the region on 25April. 1000000 USD 6/14/15 1000000 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Czech Republic Czech Republic International Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Bilateral (affected government) in kind - Urgent medical assistance (102703/2015-ORS) 806127 USD 6/14/15 806127 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
France France International Government Inkind Nepal Government Bilateral (affected government) in kind - 50 tons of in-kind aid (mainly food, medical aid, WASH and nutritional aid); Water Purification Module; 150 tents 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Greece Greece International Government Inkind Nepal Government Bilateral (affected government) in kind - Medium SAR Team 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Indonesia Indonesia International Government Cash Commitment Nepal Government Bilateral (affected government) in-kind - emergency kits, tents, food, medical supplies, sanitation kits 2000000 USD 6/14/15 2000000 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Italy Italy International Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Bilateral (affected government) Humanitarian flight from Dubai: Dispatch to Kathmandu of blankets, tarpaulins, tents, water purification unit and water storage and distribution to assist earthquake ���affected people in Nepal. 108342 USD 7/2/15 108342 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Italy Italy International Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Bilateral (affected government) Humanitarian flight from Dubai: Dispatch to Kathmandu of 16 tons of relief items (blankets, jerry cans, tents, health kits) to assist earthquake ���affected people in Nepal (through UNHRD) 176991 USD 7/2/15 176991 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Japan Japan International Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Bilateral (affected government) to provide emergency relief goods (Tents, blankets etc.) to Nepal, in response to the request from the Government of Nepal following the damage caused by the massive earthquake. 208472 USD 6/25/15 208472 Financial Tracking Service - May 25 2015
New Zealand New Zealand International Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Bilateral (affected government) in kind - Deployment of engineers to assist the Government of Nepal with damage assessments 30817 USD 6/21/15 30817 Financial Tracking Service - May 20 2015
Poland Poland International Government Inkind Nepal Government Bilateral (affected government) in kind - Humanitarian aid: food, medicines, cleaning agents, water purification agents, tents, sleeping bags 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Spain Spain International Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Bilateral (affected government) In-kind - Distribution of shelter, water/sanitation and medicine items - (Water purification modules + Jerry Cans; 4x4 family tents all weather; Tarpaulins; Kitchen Sets; Blankets; Hygienic Kits, latrines; A flight with 31 tons of NFIs (shelter, WASH, medical) 341278 USD 6/14/15 341278 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department Not Applicable
International Multilateral Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO CARE Austria Natural disasters / Nepal Earthquake - Emergency life-saving response to the most vulnerable in Dhading and Sindhupalchok Districts (ECHO/-SA/BUD/2015/91030) 663717 USD 7/2/15 663717 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Diageo United Kingdom International Corporates Inkind Commitment Not Known National/Regional NGO CARE International Diageo is providing emergency disaster relief in the form of two WHO Medical Kits, hygiene kits and water purification tablets. The WHO Medical Kits contain enough medical supplies, basic pharmaceuticals and basic surgical equipment for a population of 20,000 for three months. Diageo has established a global online donation portal for employees to make contributions which will be directed through CARE International, with an initial donation from the Diageo Foundation. 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Canada Canada International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO CARE Nepal Shelter and NFIs (D002513) 474308 USD 6/14/15 474308 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
United Kingdom United Kingdom International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO CARE Nepal To provide immediate humanitarian support to people affected by the Nepal earthquake. (205028) 1078582 USD 7/2/15 1078582 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Denmark Denmark International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO CARITAS Emergency relief. Shelter, hygiene products, food, psychosocial support, and counselling (2014-27888) 145117 USD 7/2/15 145117 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Norway Norway International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO CARITAS Emergency relief, food, shelter, protection 661201 USD 6/21/15 661201 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
BMG Labtech Germany International Corporates Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO Caritas Germany BMG Labtech donated an estimated $11,000 to Caritas Germany to aid in relief efforts in Nepal. 11000 USD 11000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
United States United States International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Logistics Support and Relief Commodities, Shelter and Settlements, WASH - USAID /OFDA 1136966 USD 1136966 USAID- May 26 2015
Canada Canada International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO CECI Shelter and NFIs (D002516) 316206 USD 6/14/15 316206 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Various associations and individuals, Rautahat Nepal National Others Inkind Disbursement Nepal Government Chief District Offices Associations such as Udhyog Banijya Sangh Rautahat, Chandrapur Udhyog Banijya Sangh, Rajdevi FM, Marwadi Sewa Samiti etc and students collected the relief materials and sent to affected areas. Sindhupalchok, Gorkha, Lamjung, Rasuwa, Nuwakot, Kathmandu, Kavre, Dolakha, Makwanpur, Sindhuli 4000000 NPR 5/5/15 39409 Online Khabar
Ireland Ireland International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO Christian Aid To save lives and alleviate suffering (CAID ERFS 2015) 81257 USD 6/14/15 81257 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Ireland Ireland International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO CW To save lives and alleviate suffering - Comprehensive emergency WASH intervention for Nepal Earthquake (CONCERN ERFS 2015) 165929 USD 6/14/15 165929 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
United Kingdom United Kingdom International Government Cash Disbursement United Kingdom Multilateral DEC (UK) To provide immediate humanitarian support to people affected by the Nepal earthquake. 7396450 USD 7/2/15 7396450 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Norway Norway International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral Development Fund Emergency relief, food, shelter, health 330600 USD 6/21/15 330600 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Norway Norway International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO DIGNI Emergency relief, health 330600 USD 6/21/15 330600 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Various Assocations and Individuals' donation via DAO, Kailali Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government District Administration Office, Kailali Individuals including elders and students, groups and association donated fund for relief activities to DAO of Kailali. 2053275 NPR 5/10/15 20229 Online Khabar
Hospital Corporation of America United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known National/Regional NGO Doctors without Borders, Medshare International HCA will donate $250,000 to Doctors Without Borders and $250,000 to MedShare International, a non-profit that redistributes surplus supplies and equipment to those in need. Additionally, HCA will match up to $500,000 of donations from HCA employees and vendors to the American Red Cross to support its relief effort in Nepal. 500000 USD 5/4/15 500000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Belgium Belgium International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO FAO Ensure time critical food security inputs are provided to areas most severely affected by the earthquake to reinvigorate livelihood systems among affected smallholder farmers 500000 USD 7/2/15 500000 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Italy Italy International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO FAO Multilateral contribution to support FAO emergency assistance for restoration of earthquake affected agriculture system in central Nepal , in order to increase resiliency of smallholder farmers to safeguard their food security and livelihoods. (NPL-15/A/80317/R) 533728 7/2/15 533728 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Norway Norway International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO FORUT Emergency relief, protection, food, shelter 264480 USD 6/21/15 264480 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Upendra Mahato Nepal National Others Cash Commitment Nepal Government Fulkumari Mahato Memorial Trust NRs. 3 Crores will be spent to provide relief materials to victims and remianing 12 Crores will be spent to rebuild earthquake resistant schools. 150000000 NPR 5/2/15 1477833 Online Khabar
Feizy Rugs United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Applicable Multilateral Global Fund for Children In response to the Nepal earthquake, Feizy Rugs announced a $15,000 donation to The Global Fund for Children. In addition, the company will donate a portion of their sales through May 15 to disaster relief efforts. 15000 USD 5/4/15 15000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Ford Motor Company United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known National/Regional NGO Global Giving Through the Ford Fund, the Ford Motor Company is donating a total of $200,000 to Nepal relief efforts. $50,000 is going to Global Giving with another $50,000 coming from employee donation matching. In addition, another $100,000 200000 USD 200000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Canada Canada International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO Global Medic Emergency response to the Nepal earthquake. (D002517) 474308 USD 6/14/15 474308 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Pathivara Himalyan Polytechnical Institute,Itahari Nepal National Others Inkind Disbursement Nepal Government Gorkha Jilla Daibik Udhar Prakop Samiti Pathivara Himalyan Polytechnical Institute,Itahari distributed one thousand 177 ton clothes to victims of Gorkha Gorkha Women and children 214000 NPR 5/1/15 2108 Online Khabar
HNA Group China International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Applicable Multilateral Hainan Liberation Commonweal Foundation HNA Group has decided to donate $1M to earthquake-stricken Nepal via Hainan Liberation Commonweal Foundation to help with rescue work and reconstruction. At the same time, HNA Group will facilitate the arrangement of volunteers and relief materials under national deployment. 1000000 USD 5/4/15 1000000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
United Kingdom United Kingdom International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO HI To provide immediate humanitarian support to people affected by the Nepal earthquake. (205028) 462250 USD 7/2/15 462250 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Abbott United States International Corporates Inkind Commitment Not Applicable Multilateral Humanitarian Organizations Providing on-the-ground support Abbott and its foundation the Abbott Fund are providing $300,000 in grants and healthcare products to help deliver immediate relief following the devastating earthquake in Nepal. The Abbott Fund is providing $200,000 in grants to CARE, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and AmeriCares. Abbott also is donating up to $100,000 of critically needed healthcare products to humanitarian organizations providing on-the-ground support in Nepal. 100000 USD 5/4/15 100000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Honda Japan International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known National/Regional NGO Humanitarian relief organization Honda will donate approximately 20 million Japanese yen (about $168,000 USD) and supporting equipment to support the relief and recovery effort of the severely affected area through the humanitarian relief organization. 168000 USD 5/4/15 168000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Austria Austria International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral IFRC To support the affected population (NP.7.08.43/0001-VII.3/2015) 541712 USD 6/14/15 541712 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Canada Canada International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral IFRC Emergency response to the Nepal earthquake. (D002522) 600000 USD 6/14/15 600000 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Italy Italy International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral IFRC Multilateral contribution to the IFRC Emergency appeal called ���Nepal: Earthquake�۝ to provide assistance to earthquake-affected people in Nepal with a focus on emergency health and care, emergency shelter and settlements, livelihoods, restoring family links, safe and dignified burials, National Society institutional preparedness and capacity development, community preparedness and risk reduction. (Emergency Appeal n. MDRNP008) 325027 USD 7/2/15 325027 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Japan Japan International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral IFRC Emergency aid grant 3000000 USD 6/25/15 3000000 Financial Tracking Service - May 25 2015
Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral IFRC IFRC emergency appeal 290081 USD 6/22/15 290081 Financial Tracking Service - May 22 2015
Monaco Monaco International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral IFRC Emergency response 48754 USD 6/14/15 48754 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
New Zealand New Zealand International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral IFRC NZ Government contribution to the IFRC Flash Appeal, through the NZ Red Cross. 385208 USD 6/14/15 385208 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Norway Norway International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral IFRC QZA-15/0178/IFRC Nepal - IFRC Emergency Appeal for the Nepal earthquake - deployment of field hospital 1983602 USD 6/21/15 1983602 Financial Tracking Service - May 20 2015
Various Donors (details not yet provided) Not Applicable International Others Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral IFRC IFRC emergency appeal (from various IFRC National Socities) 2729178 USD 6/22/15 2729178 Financial Tracking Service - May 22 2015
Various Donors (details not yet provided) Not Applicable International Others Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral IFRC in kind - foods and transport - IFRC emergency appeal (from various IFRC National Socities) 6501330 USD 6/22/15 6501330 Financial Tracking Service - May 22 2015
Norway Norway International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO IHP Humanitarian assistance 264480 USD 6/21/15 264480 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Facebook United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known National/Regional NGO International Medical Corps Facebook's recently released 'Safety Check' feature will allow users in the devastated region to notify their friends and family via the social media site of their safety status. Facebook friends can see which friends have marked themselves as "safe" and which have not yet declared their status. Additionally, Facebook users may see an option to donate money to the International Medical Corps who are on the ground helping people in the affected areas. Facebook will match every dollar donated up to $2 million. 2000000 USD 5/4/15 2000000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
MetLife United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known National/Regional NGO International Medical Corps The MetLife Foundation announced a $250,000 donation to the International Medical Corps organization. The donation will provide on-the-ground healthcare services to the earthquake survivors and to provide medical first repsonders with necessary supplies in their efforts. 250000 USD 5/4/15 250000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Central Emergency Response Fund Not Applicable
International Multilateral Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO IOM Camp Coordination and Camp Management for Earthquake-Displaced Persons in Nepal 622145 USD 6/25/15 622145 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Central Emergency Response Fund Not Applicable
International Multilateral Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO IOM Emergency shelter/non-food item and Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) support for populations affected by 2015 Earthquake in Nepal 2877855 USD 6/25/15 2877855 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Community Chest Korea Korea, Republic of International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO IOM Provision of Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items (NFI) and Structural Assessment Support to Earthquake Affected Population in Nepal for 25,000 Vulnerable Households and Structural Assessments for 5000 buildings 350000 USD 6/19/15 350000 Financial Tracking Service - May 19 2015
Italy Italy International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO IOM Multilateral contribution to support IOM emergency response to the earthquake in Nepal to ensure an effective response to meet the needs of the most affected and vulnerable families, including those outside the Kathmandu Valley in hard-to-reach areas, through interventions in support of the Clusters for Camp Coordination and Camp Management, Shelter and Non-Food Items, Health, Protection, Logistics and Early Recovery - Emergency Debris Removal and Management for clearing access to humanitarian assistance 221239 USD 7/2/15 221239 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Italy Italy International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO IOM Multilateral contribution to support IOM emergency response to the earthquake in Nepal to ensure an effective response to meet the needs of the most affected and vulnerable families, including those outside the Kathmandu Valley in hard-to-reach areas, through interventions in support of the Clusters for Camp Coordination and Camp Management, Shelter and Non-Food Items, Health, Protection, Logistics and Early Recovery - Assisted Referral and Discharge, Public Health in Camps and Psycho-social Support for IDPs affected by Nepal Earthquake 221239 USD 7/2/15 221239 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Japan Japan International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO IOM Camp Coordination and Camp Management for Earthquake-Displaced Persons in Nepal 356345 USD 6/25/15 356345 Financial Tracking Service - May 19 2015
Japan Japan International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO IOM Provision of Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items (NFI) and Structural Assessment Support to Earthquake Affected Population in Nepal for 25,000 Vulnerable Households and Structural Assessments for 5000 buildings 1643655 USD 6/25/15 1643655 Financial Tracking Service - May 25 2015
United Kingdom United Kingdom International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO IOM in kind - To provide immediate humanitarian support to people affected by the Nepal earthquake.- shelter (205028) 1155624 USD 7/2/15 1155624 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
United Kingdom United Kingdom International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO IOM To provide immediate humanitarian support to people affected by the Nepal earthquake. - Provision of Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items (NFI) and Structural Assessment Support to Earthquake Affected Population in Nepal for 25,000 Vulnerable Households and Structural Assessments for 5000 buildings (205028) 1926040 USD 7/2/15 1926040 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
United States United States International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO IOM Logistics Support and Relief Commodities - USAID /OFDA 2000000 USD 2000000 USAID- May 26 2015
Australia Australia International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO IPPF Child and maternal health services; and sexual and reproductive health kits (through Sprint Foundation, Sprint Foundation) 38285 USD 6/14/15 38285 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Panasonic Japan International Corporates Cash Commitment Japan Bilateral Japan Platform In addition to Panasonic Corporation and Panasonic group companies in India donating monetary and in-kind donations valued at over $50,000, Panasonic will also donate another estimated $40,000 to Japan Platform. Panasonic Group Companies in India will be donating supplies, including 250 solar lantern units, 10,000 dry cell battery pieces, and 1,000 flash lights. 90000 USD 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Toyota Japan International Corporates Cash Commitment Japan Bilateral Japan Platform To support local relief efforts, Toyota Motor Corporation and Toyota Tsusho Corporation will be making a combined donation of 10 million yen, or about $84,000 USD. This will be provided through Japan Platform, a emergency humanitarian aid organization. 84000 USD 5/4/15 84000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Nepali Jansamparka Samiti,India India International Others Inkind Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO Lions Club new city 20 tons of relief material was distributed Nuwakot 5/8/15 0 Online Khabar
UPS United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known National/Regional NGO Logistics Emergency Team UPS has committed $500,000 in emergency funding to provide emergency aid including sheltering supplies, lanterns, tarps, blankets, jerry cans and comfort kits. The Logistics Emergency Team is on standby awaiting deployment instructions from the Global Logistics Cluster. 500000 USD 5/4/15 500000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
United Kingdom United Kingdom International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO MAF To provide immediate humanitarian support to people affected by the Nepal earthquake. - Logistics / Technical assistance (205028) 485362 USD 7/2/15 485362 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department Not Applicable
International Multilateral Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO Malteser International Natural disasters / Emergency relief for earthquake affected population in eastern Nepal (ECHO/-SA/BUD/2015/91027) 553097 USD 7/2/15 553097 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department Not Applicable
International Multilateral Cash Disbursement Not Known Others MDM Natural disasters / Humanitarian emergency response for populations affected by the Nepal Earthquake (ECHO/-SA/BUD/2015/91033) 553097 USD 7/2/15 553097 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Monaco Monaco International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others MDM Emergency response 65005 USD 6/14/15 65005 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Denmark Denmark International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO ME Provision of life saving assistance to the earthquake affected population together with local partners in Nepal. Funds will be used for a. deployment of team to support efforts of Mission East, local & Integral Alliance Partners b. provision of urgent relief items to remote areas close to epicenter of EQ, including establishment of logistic supply route to do so ��� focusing on land routes (2014-24871) 72558 USD 7/2/15 72558 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department Not Applicable
International Multilateral Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO ME Natural disasters / Nepal Earthquake Response: Shelter, Non-Food Items for affected populations in Sindhupalchok District (Nine VDCs) (part of ECHO/-SA/BUD/2015/91029) 174694 USD 7/2/15 174694 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department Not Applicable
International Multilateral Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO ME Natural disasters / Nepal Earthquake Response: WASH for affected populations in Sindhupalchok District (Nine VDCs) (part of ECHO/-SA/BUD/2015/91029) 323094 USD 7/2/15 323094 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Qualcomm, Inc. United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known National/Regional NGO Mercy Corps Qualcomm Incorporated is contributing US$100,000 to Mercy Corps to assist with disaster relief and response efforts. 100000 USD 5/4/15 100000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
United Kingdom United Kingdom International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO Mercy Corps To provide immediate humanitarian support to people affected by the Nepal earthquake. (205028) 847458 USD 7/2/15 847458 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Sweden Sweden International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO MSB Civil Military Coordination Support to EUCP 3757 USD 7/2/15 3757 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Sweden Sweden International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO MSB Secondment of IT specialists to WFP 46512 USD 7/2/15 46512 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Sweden Sweden International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO MSB WASH Cluster Sub national IMO, UNICEF 47704 USD 7/2/15 47704 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Sweden Sweden International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO MSB Secondment of WASH Cluster IMO to Unicef 47704 USD 7/2/15 47704 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Sweden Sweden International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO MSB Secondment of IMO Protection Officer to Unicef 81336 USD 7/2/15 81336 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Sweden Sweden International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO MSB Secondment of IT-experts to WFP 91234 USD 7/2/15 91234 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Sweden Sweden International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO MSB Improved coordination through IMO support to UNDP 97794 USD 7/2/15 97794 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Sweden Sweden International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO MSB Secondment of ICT officer to UNDAC 145146 USD 7/2/15 145146 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Sweden Sweden International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO MSB UNDP Debris Management Team Nepal 498509 USD 7/2/15 498509 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Sweden Sweden International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO MSB Coordination and Logistics 1575128 USD 7/2/15 1575128 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Prabhu Group Nepal National Corporates Inkind Disbursement Nepal Government
Namdu VDC of Dolakha Distributed relief materials to the victims Dolakha 1000000 NPR 5/8/15 9852 Online Khabar
JCB United Kingdom International Corporates Inkind Commitment Nepal Government Nepalese Army JCB has supplied the Nepalese Army with ten backhoe loaders to support recovery efforts in Nepal. The machinery is worth an estimated ��650,000, equivalent to nearly $100,000 USD, and it will help in reconstruction efforts in the coming months. 100000 USD 100000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Australia Australia International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO NGOs Emergency relief for water, sanitation, child and maternal health and shelter (World Vision, Save the Children, Caritas, Care, Plan, Oxfam) 1204819 USD 6/14/15 1204819 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Australia Australia International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO NGOs life-saving humanitarian support to Nepal - Emergency relief for water, sanitation, child and maternal health and shelter (World Vision, Save the Children, Caritas, Care, Plan, Oxfam) 1914242 USD 1914242 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Germany Germany International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Others Various Recipients In-kind - 35 tons Water Purification Module 0 USD 7/9/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - June 9 2015
GlobalGiving Not Known International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO NGOs GlobalGiving�۪s Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund supports 69 vetted, locally driven nonprofits responding to the tragedy in Nepal. GlobalGiving�۪s Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund fuels both the immediate work of first responders as well as long-term recovery efforts by local organizations . 3000000 USD 6/19/15 3000000 Financial Tracking Service - May 19 2015
New Zealand New Zealand International Government Cash Commitment Not Known National/Regional NGO NGOs to support NZ NGOs with in country partners in Nepal following the 25 April Earthquake 753012 USD 6/14/15 753012 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
3M United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known Others Not Identified In response to the tragedy in Nepal, 3M has committed $150,000 in cash and product contributions to support victims in affected areas. 150000 USD 5/4/15 150000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Airtel India International Corporates Inkind Not Known Others Not Identified Airtel announced that all calls between India and Nepal would be free of charge following the earthquake and subsequent destruction. 5/4/15 0 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Aqua Research LLC United States International Corporates Inkind Disbursement Not Known Others Not Identified Research Company Aqua Research LLC has donated 40 handheld water purifiers to relief efforts in Nepal. The handheld devices can treat up to 80 gallons of water in minutes and operate on solar power rechargeable batteries. 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
AT&T United States International Corporates Inkind Not Applicable Others Not Identified AT&T will not charge customers for text messages or International long distance usage from AT&T phones from the U.S., Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands to Nepal from April 25 through May 16. 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Bangladesh Bangladesh International Government Inkind Not Applicable Others Not Identified According to Ministry of Commerce and supplies, Bangladesh has distributed 1200 quintal rice, 616 quintal salt and 312 quintal sack of sugar to the earthquacke affected areas. 5/19/15 Nagariknews
Batas Foundation and Islamic Relief Nepal National Others Inkind Commitment Not Applicable Others Not Identified Islamic Relief and Batas Foundation signed a collaborative agreement to provide relief materials to earthquake victims. 170000000 NPR 5/18/15 1674877 Nagariknews
Belgium Belgium International Government Inkind Commitment Not Applicable Others Not Identified Search-&-rescue teams 1000000 USD 1000000 Wikipedia - May 3 2024
Bristol Myers United States International Corporates Inkind Commitment Not Applicable Others Not Identified Bristol Myers Squibb is donating medicine worth an estimated $4 million to relief efforts following the Nepal earthquake. In addition, the Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation is donating $100,000 to AmeriCares and Project Hope 4000000 USD 4000000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Brunei BRUNEI DARUSSALAM International Government Inkind Commitment Not Applicable Others Not Identified 8 man relief team (2 doctors, 4 paramedics from theRoyal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF) and Brunei�۪s Gurkha Reserve Unit (GRU) 0 0 Wikipedia - May 3 2015
Canon Japan International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Applicable Others Not Identified In response to the Nepal earthquake, the Canon Group is donating $42,000 for earthquake victim relief in the stricken area. 42000 USD 5/4/15 42000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Cisco United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Applicable Others Not Identified A Cisco Foundation giving campaign is matching up to $1 million of employee donations. The Cisco Tactical Operations team is coordinating with international response partners and local government contacts, and is ready to respond with people, technology, and expertise. 1000000 USD 5/4/15 1000000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Colombia Colombia International Government Inkind Commitment Not Applicable Others Not Identified Over 1,500 volunteers from national societies. 0 0 Wikipedia - May 3 2016
Disaster Emergency Committee Not Known National I/NGOs Cash Commitment Not Applicable Others Not Identified Joanna Lumley organized an initiative called "Nepal earthquack apil" to help raise fund for the earthquack victims 2970000000 NPR 5/30/15 29261084 Online Khabar
European Union Not Applicable
International Multilateral Cash Commitment Not Applicable Others Not Identified 330000000 NPR 5/28/15 3251232 Online Khabar
Google United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Applicable Others Not Identified Through Google's Person Finder function, Google is helping to locate individuals in the stricken region. The Person Finder function allows family members and friends to request and provide information about missing persons on the site. Google Voice has also decreased the cost of calls per minute to Nepal. In addition, following the news of the death of a Google employee at a Mount Everest base camp, announced a $1M commitment and a $1M employee disaster gift match campaign in response. 2000000 USD 5/4/15 2000000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Henry Schein United States International Corporates Inkind Commitment Not Applicable Others Not Identified Henry Schein announced a donation valued at $500,000 to support the recovery efforts in Nepal. The health care product donations include two million medical masks, a million pairs of gloves, and bandages. 500000 USD 500000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
HOLY SEE (VATICAN CITY STATE) HOLY SEE (VATICAN CITY STATE) International Government Inkind Commitment Not Applicable Others Not Identified 100000 USD 100000 Wikipedia - May 3 2026
Idea Cellular India International Corporates Inkind Not Applicable Others Not Identified India telecom operator Idea Cellular has announced to its customers that all calls from India to Nepal will be charged at the local rate of Re 1 per minute instead of the usual Re 12 per minute. 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Not Applicable International I/NGOs Cash Commitment Not Applicable Others Not Identified Volunteers (first-aid, search-&-rescue) and blood-bank supplies to areas in the capital 535664.55 USD 535665 Wikipedia - May 3 2022
IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF International Government Inkind Commitment Not Applicable Others Not Identified An 80,000 pounds (36,000 kg) relief package (via India) 0 0 Wikipedia - May 3 2018
KAS Rugs United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Applicable Others Not Identified KAS Rugs Commitment $20,000 to assist in the aftermath of the April 25 earthquake in Nepal. 20000 USD 20000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Maldives Maldives International Government Inkind Commitment Not Applicable Others Not Identified Other aid (TBA) 0 0 Wikipedia - May 3 2019
M̩decins Sans Fronti̬res (Doctors Without Borders) Not Known International I/NGOs Inkind Commitment Not Applicable Others Not Identified Rapid intervention surgical kit with 11-member team left Kathmandu for Ghorka (200 km north-west) (61 staff deployed) 0 0 Wikipedia - May 3 2023
Microsoft United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Applicable Others Not Identified In addition to offering free Skype calls to and from Nepal, Microsoft has Commitment a minimum of $1 million in monetary and in-kind donations to support relief efforts. Microsoft is also encouraging their employees to donate to the cause, and in response, Microsoft will match their donations. 1000000 USD 5/4/15 1000000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Mistui Japan International Corporates Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Others Not Identified Mitsui & Co. has donated an estimated $41,000 to Nepal Earthquake relief efforts. 41000 USD 41000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Nepal Police Nepal National Government Commitment Not Applicable Others Not Identified According to Nepal Police, the police officers who have lost their life in earthquake has been decided to provide 3 lakhs to the deceased family. 300000 NPR 5/20/15 2956 Online Khabar
Nepali Congress earthquake relief fund Nepal National Others Cash Commitment Not Applicable Others Not Identified Nepali Congress has established "Nepali Congress Bhukampa Sahayog Kosh" to provide relief to earthquake victims. Anyone can donate via their bank account in Rastriya Banijya Bank. 9005931 NPR 5/18/15 88728 SetoPati
Netherlands Netherlands International Government Inkind Commitment Not Applicable Others Not Identified 5 tons of relief supplies, 62-man and 8-dog team; several physicians, nurses, and engineers 14146833 USD 14146833 Wikipedia - May 3 2025
Non-Resident Nepali Association Nepal National Others Inkind Commitment Not Applicable Others Not Identified To provide reilef materials to victims Sindhupalchok, Gorkha, Nuwakot, Dhading, Rasuwa, Kavre, Ramechhap At least 10000 families who were affected 100000000 NPR 5/28/15 985222 Online Khabar
Non-Resident Nepali Association Nepal National Others Inkind Commitment Not Applicable Others Not Identified Non-Resident Nepali Association has announced to rebuild the 1000 houses that has been destroyed by the earthquake 350000000 NPR 5/8/15 3448276 Online Khabar
Nourison United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Applicable Others Not Identified Nourison has announced that their company will immediately be donating $10,000 to relief efforts in Nepal. In addition, proceeds from their Nepal collection will also be donated. 10000 USD 10000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
NRNA Africa South Africa International Others Cash Commitment Not Applicable Others Not Identified NRNA Nigeria, NRNA Kenya and NRNA Tanzania collected the fund 1500000 NPR 5/28/15 14778 Online Khabar
Oxigen South Africa International Corporates Inkind Not Applicable Others Not Identified For the month following the earthquake, Oxigen, an online payment wallet company, is donating 1% of its daily transactions to the victims recovering in Nepal. 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Paper Source United States International Corporates Inkind Not Applicable Others Not Identified Paper Source will be donating 20% of proceeds from its Lokta paper, handcrafted in Nepal, to support earthquake recovery. 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
PayPal United States International Corporates Inkind Not Applicable Others Not Identified PayPal is waiving traditional transaction fees for donations made through their services to the earthquake relief. 100% of users' donations are goingdirectly to the user's relief organization of choice. 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Paytm India International Corporates Inkind Not Applicable Others Not Identified India's fast growing pay-through-mobile shopping site is matching donations made through their website to go directly to a fund set up by the government of India�۪s Nepal specific region. Coupons can be selected at checkout with values ranging from Rs 10 to Rs 10000. 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Pepsico India India International Corporates Inkind Not Applicable Others Not Identified Pepsico India announced that it is sending 60,000 one liter bottles to earthquake destroyed portions of Nepal. 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Political Parties, Chitwan Nepal National Others Inkind Commitment Not Applicable Others Not Identified Politcal Parties of Chitwan has started an intitiave to collect relief fund 3300000 NPR 5/8/15 32512 Online Khabar
Rasna India International Corporates Inkind Not Applicable Others Not Identified To aid in recovery efforts, beverage maker Rasna of India is sending seven tons of glucose powder and milkshake mix to the survivors in Nepal. 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Sears Canada Canada International Corporates Inkind Not Applicable Others Not Identified Sears Canada Inc. is making it easy for Canadians to help the people of Nepal by accepting donations to the Sir Edmund Hillary Foundation of Canada (SEHF) at all Sears retail stores across Canada, and by phone, beginning Wednesday, April 29 through Monday, May 4. Sears Canada is also making a corporate donation based on what its customers and team members donate. 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Sprint United States International Corporates Inkind Not Applicable Others Not Identified Sprint announced that they will waive all fees associated with contacting individuals in Nepal dating back to April 25 until May 16, 2015 in an effort to increase communication to the area - aiding families and friends but also emergency personnel. 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Square Cash United States International Corporates Inkind Not Applicable Others Not Identified Square Cash, the mobile payment company, set up a unique "cashtag" for users to directly donate funds to UNICEF relief efforts. 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Surya Nepal Nepal National Corporates Inkind Not Applicable Others Not Identified A subsidiary of ITC Limited, Surya Nepal has sent 200,000 food packets in addition to supplies of biscuits and instant noodles to Nepal. 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
T-Mobile Germany International Corporates Inkind Not Applicable Others Not Identified As of April 26th, T-Mobile announced that all calls and texts to and from Nepal will be waived. The announcement includes T-Mobile, MetroPCS, GoSmart Mobile, and Walmart Family Mobile customers. 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Tata Teleservices India International Corporates Inkind Not Applicable Others Not Identified Tata Teleservices announced that calls placed between India and Nepal would be charged at a local rate, instead of the usual international rate, to help families and friends contact loved ones in the devastated regions of Nepal. 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
The Clorox Company United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Applicable Others Not Identified The Clorox Company is matching donations made to relief organizations dollar for dollar up to $2,500 through its workplace giving program. 2500 USD 5/4/15 2500 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Time Warner Cable United States International Corporates Inkind Not Applicable Others Not Identified Time Warner Cable home phone and business services customers can place calls free of charge to Nepal, India, and China as of April 25th through May 25th. 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
United Nations Not Applicable
International Multilateral Cash Commitment Not Applicable Others Not Identified For immediate support to victim 15000000 USD 5/30/15 15000000 Online Khabar
United States United States International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Others Not Identified Additional Commitment Humanitarian Assistance - USAID/OFDA 16218419 USD 16218419 USAID- May 26 2015
United States United States International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Others Not Identified Logistics Support -DoD 21146289 USD 21146289 USAID- May 22 2015
United States United States International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Others Not Identified DART/USAR Support Costs - USAID /OFDA 2583842 USD 2583842 USAID- May 26 2015
United States United States International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Others Not Identified USAID/OFDA Airlifted Relief Commodities 3825853 USD 3825853 USAID- May 26 2015
Verizon United States International Corporates Inkind Not Applicable Others Not Identified In addition to waiving long-distance calls and texts from April 25 through May 31, Verizon is also matching employees donations of up to $1000 per employee. Verizon Wireless also support test-to-donate programs. 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Viber Not Known International Corporates Inkind Not Applicable Others Not Identified Viber has temporarily switched off billing in Nepal through Viber Out so that local users can make free calls to mobile and land lines. The instant messaging and internet calling company's feature allows for any user with an internet connection to contact family and friends anywhere in the world. 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Vodafone United Kingdom International Corporates Inkind Not Applicable Others Not Identified In response to the earthquake, Vodafone has reduced the cost of calls made to and from Nepal. Calls between India and Nepal will only be charged at the local call rate. 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Western Union Foundation Not Known International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Applicable Others Not Identified The Western Union Company announced a multi-faceted response to provide support for families and communities affected by the earthquake in Nepal. The Foundation committed $200,000 in discretionary and matching grants. The Foundation will provide a 1:1 match of contributions from Western Union Agents and other business partners, and 1:2 match of employee donations.Additionally, all money transfers to Nepal will be free of any charges. 200000 USD 5/4/15 200000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Norway Norway International Government Cash Disbursement Norway International NGO Red Cross QZA-12/0209/Deployment of NORCAP experts to UN response to the earth quake in Nepal. 1322401 USD 6/21/15 1322401 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Canada Canada International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO OCHA Strengthening Humanitarian Coordination and Advocacy in Nepal (OCT 4845) 209258 USD 6/26/15 209258 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department Not Applicable
International Multilateral Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO OCHA Natural disasters / Humanitarian coordination and advocacy in response to the earthquake in Nepal (ECHO/-SA/BUD/2015/91025) 221239 USD 7/2/15 221239 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Germany Germany International Government Cash Commitment Not Applicable Others Various Recipients relief team - USAR/I.S.A.R. Germany - a team of 52 German relief workers ��� including physicians, expert searchers, and multiple dog squads 0 USD 7/9/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - June 9 2015
Japan Japan International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO OCHA Strengthening Humanitarian Coordination and Advocacy in Nepal (OCT 4851) 200000 USD 6/25/15 200000 Financial Tracking Service - May 25 2015
Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO OCHA Strengthening Humanitarian Coordination and Advocacy in Nepal (OCT4853) 200000 USD 6/14/15 200000 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Morocco Morocco International Government Cash Commitment Not Known National/Regional NGO OCHA Strengthening Humanitarian Coordination and Advocacy in Nepal (OCT 4852) 1000000 USD 6/14/15 1000000 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Norway Norway International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO OCHA Strengthening Humanitarian Coordination and Advocacy in Nepal (OCT 4744) 396720 USD 6/21/15 396720 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
United States United States International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO OCHA Humanitarian Coordination and Information
Management - USAID /OFDA
500000 USD 500000 USAID- May 26 2015
Sweden Sweden International Government Cash Disbursement United Kingdom International NGO OXFAM Immediate food security and early recovery livelihood recovering 586816 USD 7/2/15 586816 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation United States International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United Kingdom International NGO OXFAM GB to provide emergency relief to populations affected the devastating earthquake in Nepal. 700000 USD 6/14/15 700000 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Canada Canada International Government Cash Disbursement United Kingdom International NGO OXFAM GB Shelter and NFIs (D002515) 237154 USD 6/14/15 237154 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department Not Applicable
International Multilateral Cash Disbursement United Kingdom International NGO OXFAM GB Natural disasters / Emergency shelter for earthquake affected populations in Nepal (ECHO/-SA/BUD/2015/91036) 663717 USD 7/2/15 663717 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
United Kingdom United Kingdom International Government Cash Disbursement United Kingdom International NGO OXFAM GB To provide immediate humanitarian support to people affected by the Nepal earthquake. (205028) 770416 USD 7/2/15 770416 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Ireland Ireland International Government Cash Disbursement United Kingdom International NGO OXFAM Ireland To save lives and alleviate suffering - WASH, emergency food security and livelihoods response in Kathmandu Valley, Gorkha, Lamjung and Sindhupalchowk (OXFAM ERFS 2015) 110619 USD 6/14/15 110619 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) Nepal Chapter Nepal National Others Inkind Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral PATA Relief Fund Provided Tent, Mattress, Blanket, Food Nuwakot, Dhading, Gorkha, Ramechhap, Lalitpur 1500000 NPR 5/29/15 14778 Online Khabar
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department Not Applicable
International Multilateral Cash Disbursement United Kingdom National/Regional NGO Plan International Natural disasters / Shelter and NFI relief to earthquake affected populations of the West and Central Development regions of Nepal. (ECHO/-SA/BUD/2015/91035) 788573 USD 7/2/15 788573 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Intrepid Travel Australia International Corporates Cash Commitment United Kingdom National/Regional NGO Plan International The Intrepid Foundation, promises to match donations totally up to around $78,000 to be donated to Plan International. 78000 USD 5/4/15 78000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Ireland Ireland International Government Cash Disbursement United Kingdom National/Regional NGO Plan International To save lives and alleviate suffering - Tents, tarpaulins, blankets, jerry cans, water tanks, soap, kitchen sets, (UNHRD) 541712 USD 6/14/15 541712 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Ireland Ireland International Government Cash Disbursement United Kingdom National/Regional NGO Plan International Providing Earthquake Displaced People with Immediate Life Saving Emergency Shelter Assistance (PLAN ERFS 2015) 108342 USD 6/14/15 108342 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Sweden Sweden International Government Cash Disbursement United Kingdom National/Regional NGO Plan International Protective emergency education for children affected by the Nepal earthquake in Dolakha, Sindhuli, Sindhupalchok and Makwanpur 274299 USD 7/2/15 274299 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Association for Private Education of Nepal (APEN) Nepal National Others Cash Commitment Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 50000000 NPR 5/3/15 492611 Online Khabar
Communist Party of Nepal���Maoist Nepal National Others Cash Commitment Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund The fund will be raised with the help of party's members. 1000000 NPR 5/2/15 9852 Online Khabar
Hotel Association of Nepal Nepal National Others Cash Commitment Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 101000 NPR 5/28/15 995 Online Khabar
Individuals/ Organizations/ Groups donations via Kantipur National Crisis Assistance Fund May 24, 2015 Nepal National Others Cash Commitment Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund The fund established to support the victims of the earthquake has been garnering support from people in and outside the country. 33198906 NPR 327083 Kantipur Publication - May 24 2015
Jyoti Group Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund Jyoti Group has handed over 1 crore cheque to prime minister Sushil Koirala for earthquack victims. 10000000 NPR 5/28/15 98522 Online Khabar
Rastriya Prajatantra Party Nepal National Others Cash Commitment Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 NPR 5/27/15 4926 Online Khabar
Uber United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund Uber India has joined in the relief operations by offering to make donations from its users reach the Prime Minister's Relief Fund. Uber is matching every donation made through its promo code. 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Various associations and individuals, Rautahat Nepal National Others Cash Commitment Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund Associations such as Udhyog Banijya Sangh Rautahat, Chandrapur Udhyog Banijya Sangh, Rajdevi FM, Marwadi Sewa Samiti etc and students collected the relief fund. 234000 NPR 5/5/15 2305 Online Khabar
ADM United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known National/Regional NGO
Red Cross Archer Daniels Midland Company announced a $50,000 donation to the Red Cross relief efforts in Nepal. In addition, the company is matching all employee donations to the Red Cross of $25 or more. 50000 USD 50000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Air Products India International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known National/Regional NGO
Red Cross Air Products Foundation committed $25,000 to support relief efforts through a contribution to the Red Cross disaster relief fund. 25000 USD 5/4/15 25000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Apple United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known National/Regional NGO
Red Cross Apple is inviting iTunes users to donate to the American Red Cross. The appeal allows donations from $5 to $200, with 100% of the funds donated being passed anonymously to the Red Cross. 0 USD 5/4/15 0 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Aramark United States International Corporates Cash Commitment United States National/Regional NGO
Red Cross Aramark has made a $100,000 contribution to the American Red Cross Nepal Earthquake Relief from the Aramark Charitable Fund. The company is also supporting and encouraging employees around the world to support through the American Red Cross and other relief organizations. 100000 USD 5/4/15 100000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Australia Australia International Government Cash Disbursement Australia National/Regional NGO
Red Cross life-saving humanitarian support to Nepal 382848 USD 6/14/15 382848 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Australia Australia International Government Cash Disbursement Australia National/Regional NGO
Red Cross life-saving humanitarian support to Nepal 401606 USD 6/14/15 401606 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
AXA France International Corporates Inkind Disbursement Nepal National/Regional NGO
Red Cross As a member of the Red Cross' Disaster Responder Program, AXA Foundation support in "pre-investment in disaster relief" is already helping on the ground action with the Nepal Red Cross. AXA will match employees' and financial professionals' donations through the AXA Disaster Matching Gifts program. 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Bank of Montreal Canada International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known National/Regional NGO
Red Cross The Bank of Montreal Financial Group announced that the organization will be donating $25,000 to the Red Cross' Nepal Region Earthquake Fund. 25000 USD 5/4/15 25000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Bell Canada International Corporates Cash Commitment Canada National/Regional NGO
Red Cross Canada's largest communications company, Bell, donated $100,000 to the Canadian Red Cross to support relief efforts in Nepal. In addition, Bell is working with Humanitarian Coalition to launch a PSA campaign through the media. 100000 USD 5/4/15 100000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Canada Canada International Government Cash Disbursement Canada National/Regional NGO
Red Cross Emergency response to the Nepal earthquake - Basic health care unit (D002519) 790514 USD 6/14/15 790514 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
CH2M Hill United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Nepal National/Regional NGO
Red Cross Committed $10,000 matching gift challenges to employees who immediately donated $35,000 to their local Red Cross and Red Crescents. As of May 1, charitable impact is $45,000. 45000 USD 5/4/15 10000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
CIBC Canada International Corporates Cash Commitment Canada National/Regional NGO
Red Cross In addition to a $50,000 donation to the Canadian Red Cross, the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce will be accepting donations at the CIBC brach locations across Canada on behalf of the Canadian Red Cross. 50000 USD 5/4/15 50000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Denmark Denmark International Government Cash Disbursement Denmark National/Regional NGO
Red Cross Cash programme, non-food items and shelters. Relief and logistics ERU to the operations of IFRC (2014-32208) 551444 USD 7/2/15 551444 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Economical Insurance Not Known International Corporates Cash Commitment Canada National/Regional NGO
Red Cross Economical Insurance, a Canadian insurance company, donated $10,000 to the Canadian Red Cross relief efforts to show their support of the people in Nepal. 10000 USD 5/4/15 10000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Finland Finland International Government Cash Commitment Not Known National/Regional NGO
Red Cross Pledge for humanitarian assistance 2166847 USD 6/14/15 2166847 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
HMSHost United States International Corporates Inkind Nepal National/Regional NGO
Red Cross Through the month of June, HMSHost's locations across airports, motorways, and shopping malls will be collecting donations for the Red Cross to assist in recovery efforts in Nepal. US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Hudson's Bay Company Canada International Corporates Cash Commitment Canada National/Regional NGO
Red Cross Hudson's Bay Company Foundation announced an estimated $41,000 USD donation to the Canadian Red Cross in response to the Nepal earthquake. 41000 USD 5/4/15 41000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Kohl's United States International Corporates Cash Commitment United States National/Regional NGO
Red Cross Kohl's Department Stores announced a $50,000 donation to the American Red Cross to aid in delivering much needed supplies and services to the Nepal Earthquake area. 50000 USD 50000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Marsh & McLennan United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known National/Regional NGO
Red Cross Marsh & McLennan Companies will match all colleague contributions made through the Red Cross. In addition, the Company has committed $50,000 to the rebuilding efforts. 50000 USD 5/4/15 50000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
National Bank of Canada Canada International Corporates Cash Commitment Canada National/Regional NGO
Red Cross National Bank of Canada announced its support of the Canadian Red Cross with a $15,000 donation to relief efforts in Nepal. 15000 USD 5/4/15 15000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Netherlands Netherlands International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO
Red Cross Humanitarian Emergency aid to earthquake affected people in Nepal [through Oxfam Novib / Dutch Relief Alliance] (27660 (DSH0120250)) 4424779 USD 6/22/15 4424779 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
New Zealand New Zealand International Government Cash Disbursement New Zealand National/Regional NGO
Red Cross NZ Government contribution to the NZ Red Cross Emergency Response Unit deployment to Nepal. 123267 USD 6/14/15 123267 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Nikon Japan International Corporates Cash Commitment Japan National/Regional NGO
Red Cross In response to this tragedy and to extend an immediate support to the victims and affected areas, the Nikon group has decided to provide close to $43,000 of financial assistance to the Japanese Red Cross. 43000 USD 5/4/15 43000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Norway Norway International Government Cash Disbursement Norway National/Regional NGO
Red Cross Humanitarian assistance 1983602 USD 6/21/15 1983602 Financial Tracking Service - May 20 2015
Philadelphia Insurance Company United States International Corporates Cash Commitment United States National/Regional NGO
Red Cross Philadelphia Insurance Company is making a $25,000 donation to Nepal Earthquake relief efforts via the American Red Cross. 25000 USD 25000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Royal Bank of Canada Canada International Corporates Cash Commitment Canada National/Regional NGO
Red Cross The Royal Bank of Canada announced its support of relief efforts in Nepal through a $75,000 donation to the Canadian Red Cross. 75000 USD 5/4/15 75000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
SAP Germany International Corporates Cash Commitment Germany National/Regional NGO
Red Cross SAP will donate EUR 100,000 through the SAP Foundation to aid immediate relief efforts for the thousands of victims of the disastrous earthquake in Nepal. This donation will support the German Red Cross, which has sent aircraft with 60 tons of relief supplies, including family tents, blankets, hygiene kits, cooking sets and water canisters, as well as a drinking water treatment plant to Nepal. 100000 EUR 5/4/15 112000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Scotiabank Canada International Corporates Cash Commitment Canada National/Regional NGO
Red Cross In addition to encouraging Canadians to donate to relief efforts at their local Scotiabank branch locations, Scotiabank is also donating $50,000 to the Canadian Red Cross. 50000 USD 5/4/15 50000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Sealed Air United States International Corporates Cash Commitment United States National/Regional NGO
Red Cross Sealed Air will be donating $25,000 to the American Red Cross, earmarked for Nepal earthquake aid. Additionally, employees may make voluntary donations through a Sealed Air-branded American Red Cross global micro site. The company will mobilize hotel customers to do Linens for Life���, recycling hotels�۪ towels, bed sheets and pillow cases and will work with distributors in Nepal to donate hospital sanitizers and floor care product overstocks. In addition, company employees in India will be organizing a clothing drive. 25000 USD 5/4/15 25000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Sega Games United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Japan National/Regional NGO
Red Cross Sega Games will donate two million yen, an equivalent of $16,800 to the Japanese Red Cross. In addition, the gaming company will also donate all revenue from a variety of its in-game purchases to relief efforts in Nepal. 16800 USD 5/4/15 16800 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Shaw Communications Canada International Corporates Cash Commitment Canada National/Regional NGO
Red Cross Shaw Communications of Calgary, Alberta announced that it will match employee donations up to a total of $100,000 for the Canadian Red Cross. 100000 USD 5/4/15 100000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Simpson Strong-Tie United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known National/Regional NGO
Red Cross Simpson Strong-Tie announced it will make a $10,000 donation through the Red Cross to assist in relief response and recovery efforts following the 7.8 magnitude earthquake and powerful aftershocks. 10000 USD 10000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Singapore Singapore International Government Cash Disbursement Singapore National/Regional NGO
Red Cross in kind - relief items and emergency supplies 36390 USD 6/14/15 36390 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Singapore Singapore International Government Cash Disbursement Singapore National/Regional NGO
Red Cross Humanitarian assistance to affected populations 72780 USD 6/14/15 72780 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Starbucks United States International Corporates Cash Commitment United States National/Regional NGO
Red Cross The Starbucks Foundation will donate $150,000 to the American Red Cross for immediate relief and will monitor the long-term rebuilding in the country. 150000 USD 150000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Sun Life Financial Canada International Corporates Cash Commitment Canada National/Regional NGO
Red Cross Sun Life Financial reports a $50,000 donation to the Canadian Red Cross to assist in recovery efforts. 50000 USD 5/4/15 50000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Sweden Sweden International Government Cash Disbursement Sweden National/Regional NGO
Red Cross Response to earthquake 580585 USD 7/2/15 580585 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Tangerine Canada International Corporates Cash Commitment Canada National/Regional NGO
Red Cross Tangerine, a direct banking service in Canada, is encouraging clients to donate to the Canadian Red Cross through their checking accounts and promises to match customer donations up to a toal of around $41,000 USD. 41000 USD 5/4/15 41000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
TD Bank Group Canada International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known National/Regional NGO
Red Cross TD Bank Group announced on April 27th their commitment to helping victims of Nepal's earthquake with a $50,000 donation the Red Cross. 50000 USD 5/4/15 50000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Thailand Thailand International Government Cash Disbursement Thailand National/Regional NGO
Red Cross to provide emergency relief to populations affected by the devastating earthquake in Nepal. 500000 USD 6/14/15 500000 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Turkish Red Crescent Society Turkey International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement Nepal National/Regional NGO
Red Cross in kind - 1000 blankets 5481 USD 6/14/15 5481 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Turkish Red Crescent Society Turkey International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement Nepal Red Cross in kind - 320 food parcels 5871 USD 6/14/15 5871 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Turkish Red Crescent Society Turkey International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement Nepal Red Cross in kind - 5 inflatable tents 23289 USD 6/14/15 23289 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Turkish Red Crescent Society Turkey International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement Nepal Red Cross in kind - 2,000 tarpaulins 27444 USD 6/14/15 27444 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Turkish Red Crescent Society Turkey International I/NGOs Inkind Disbursement Nepal Red Cross in kind - tarpaulins 1,000 pieces 13722 USD 6/19/15 13722 Financial Tracking Service - May 19 2015
Turkish Red Crescent Society Turkey International I/NGOs Inkind Disbursement Nepal Red Cross in kind - inflatable tents 5 pieces/56m2 21158 USD 6/20/15 21158 Financial Tracking Service - May 19 2015
Ubisoft Montreal Canada International Corporates Cash Commitment Canada National/Regional NGO
Red Cross Ubisoft Montreal has donated $83,136 USD to the Canadian Red Cross to aid in earthquake relief efforts. 83136 USD 5/4/15 83136 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates International Government Cash Disbursement United Arab Emirates I/NGOs Red Cross in kind - Provide a variety of relief items (35,000 food items (rice + flour + oil + Adas + sugar), 10,000 blankets, 6000 Jackets ,15.000 parcel Personal Sanitary items, 5000 tent, 5000 Mat , 2000 parcel cooking kit ,1600 cartons of water) (RCA-2015-002) 680643 USD 6/21/15 680643 Financial Tracking Service - May 21 2015
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates International Government Cash Disbursement United Arab Emirates I/NGOs Red Cross in kind - Provision of assorted relief items (RCA-2015-001) 816771 USD 6/21/15 816771 Financial Tracking Service - May 21 2015
United Kingdom United Kingdom International Government Cash Disbursement United Kingdom Red Cross To provide immediate humanitarian support to people affected by the Nepal earthquake 4437870 USD 7/2/15 4437870 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
United States United States International Government Cash Disbursement United States National/Regional NGO
Red Cross Logistics Support and Relief Commodities, Shelter and Settlements, WASH - USAID /OFDA 534920 USD 534920 USAID- May 26 2015
Visa Not Known International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known National/Regional NGO
Red Cross Visa has launched a three-fold approach to aid recovery efforts. First, the company has donated $100,000 to Red Cross. Second, Visa will be double-matching employee donations to a set of humanitarian groups through May 31. Lastly, in conjunction with their clients, Visa will waive the interchange on consumer donations to a set of international relief organizations and donate Visa's revenue from these contributions to the Red Cross. 100000 USD 5/4/15 100000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Australia Australia International Government Cash Disbursement United Kingdom INGO RedR Emergency Supplies 401606 USD 6/14/15 401606 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department Not Applicable
International Multilateral Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO
RI Natural disasters / Nepal Earthquake Response Programme (ECHO/-SA/BUD/2015/91034) 553097 USD 7/2/15 553097 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Canada Canada International Government Cash Disbursement United States National/Regional NGO Samaritan's Purse Shelter and NFIs (D002512) 237154 USD 6/14/15 237154 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Trinity Broadcasting Network United States International Corporates Cash Disbursement United States National/Regional NGO Samaritan's Purse Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) is partnering with Samaritan's Purse, a humanitarian group headed by Franklin Graham which has a disaster response team and medical personnel on the ground in Katmandu, Nepal. Samaritan's Purse has dispatched an initial airlift of 60 tons of relief supplies to the area. Immediately following news of the earthquake, TBN forwarded a check for $100,000 to Samaritan's Purse to help with the group's emergency outreach. 100000 USD 5/4/15 100000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
H&M Sweden International Corporates Cash Commitment United Kingdom National/Regional NGO Save the Children The H&M Conscious Foundation is donating $100,000 to Save the Children to provide immediate emergency relief to the children in the affected area. 100000 USD 100000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
New York Life United States International Corporates Cash Commitment United Kingdom National/Regional NGO Save the Children New York Life is providing $50,000 to Save the Children for their Earthquake Children's Relief Fund. 50000 USD 5/4/15 50000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Canada Canada International Government Cash Disbursement United Kingdom National/Regional NGO SC Shelter and NFIs (D002514) 481348 USD 6/14/15 481348 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Denmark Denmark International Government Cash Disbursement United Kingdom National/Regional NGO SC Lifesaving assistance to the affected people particularly children impacted by the earthquake in the central region of Nepal (2014-24813) 217675 USD 7/2/15 217675 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Norway Norway International Government Cash Disbursement United Kingdom National/Regional NGO SC Shelter support through NFIs and training 2644803 USD 6/21/15 2644803 Financial Tracking Service - May 20 2015
Private (individuals & organisations) Not Applicable
International Others Cash Commitment United Kingdom National/Regional NGO SC Carnival Australia's CEO Ann Sherry Commitment A$150,000 as an immediate contribution to cyclone ravaged Vanuatu, with an immediate focus is to work with Save the Children to deliver urgently needed help on the ground in places where villages have been wiped out. 114068 USD 6/20/15 114068 Financial Tracking Service - May 20 2015
Sweden Sweden International Government Cash Disbursement United Kingdom National/Regional NGO SC Child protection 237445 USD 7/2/15 237445 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
United Kingdom United Kingdom International Government Cash Disbursement United Kingdom National/Regional NGO SC To provide immediate humanitarian support to people affected by the Nepal earthquake. (205028) 693374 USD 7/2/15 693374 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
United States United States International Government Cash Disbursement United Kingdom National/Regional NGO SC Logistics Support and Relief Commodities, Shelter and Settlements, WASH - USAID /OFDA 2500000 USD 2500000 USAID- May 26 2015
Global IME Bank Pvt. Ltd. Nepal National Corporates Inkind Commitment Nepal Government Schools of 5 affected districts The bank has Commitment to build one school in 5 affected districts. 10000000 NPR 5/5/15 98522 Online Khabar
Coca-Cola United States International Corporates Inkind Commitment Not Known National/Regional NGO Survivors Fortunately, Coca-Cola's two bottling companies located in Kathmandu and Bharatpur have not been affected, and the company pledges to work on providing bottled water to survivors as soon as possible. 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Swisscom Switzerland International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known National/Regional NGO Swiss Solidarity Swisscom has announced an estimated $270,000 USD (CHF 250,000) donation to Nepal relief efforts through Swiss Solidarity. In addition, Swisscom is waiving all call charges to and from Nepal through May. 270000 USD 270000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Germany Germany International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Others Various Recipients Assessment team - ERT MED
0 USD 7/9/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - June 9 2015
New Zealand New Zealand International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO Triyog Trust NZ Contribution to Triyog NZ Trust to assist their partner with household repairs. 15408 USD 6/21/15 15408 Financial Tracking Service - May 21 2015
Ireland Ireland International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known National/Regional NGO Trocaire To save lives and alleviate suffering - Household Kits, Transport 110619 USD 6/14/15 110619 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Andorra Andorra International Government Cash Commitment Not Applicable Multilateral UN Agencies To support the affected population 7500 USD 6/14/15 7500 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
United Kingdom United Kingdom International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral UN Agencies in kind - Short term secondments of Humanitarian Experts to UN Agencies - To provide additional short-term capacity, expertise and leadership for humanitarian response operations where needed. The UN frequently lack expert humanitarian personnel able to deploy quickly to specific rapid onset or chronic emergencies. (205028) 739645 USD 7/2/15 739645 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
DHL United States International Corporates Inkind Commitment Not Applicable Multilateral UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs DHL's Disaster Response Team (DRT) is on the ground in Nepal, ready to provide logistics support and help guide incoming aid through the Kathmandu International Airport. The DHL DRT will be working alongside the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
DSM Not Known International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Applicable Multilateral UN World Food Programme DSM will be contributing $50,000 and matching employee contributions to $100,000 to the UN World Food Programme Nepal relief efforts. DSM will also be assisting with technical nutrition advice and supplying MixMe sachets of vitamins and minerals to ensure WFP food assistance in Nepal contains sufficient nutrition. 60000 USD 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Kellogg's United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Applicable Multilateral UN World Food Programme The global cereal company announced their $200,000 donation to the United Nation's affiliated World Food Programme, whose aim will be the disaster relief of those in need in Nepal. 200000 USD 5/4/15 200000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Lifeway Foods, Inc. United States International Corporates Inkind Not Applicable Multilateral UN World Food Programme Through the Charity Miles smart-phone app, Lifeway Foods is pledging support to the UN World Food Programme (WFP). For every mile tracked with the app, Lifeway Foods will donate an extra 25 cents in additional support to WFP. 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
United States United States International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral UN World Health Organization (WHO) Health - USAID/OFDA 500000 USD 500000 USAID- May 26 2015
Japan Japan International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral UN-HABITAT Coordinated response to live saving shelters for in-situ spontaneous settlements occupied by locally displaced most vulnerable households before monsoon 800000 USD 6/25/15 800000 Financial Tracking Service - May 25 2015
Armenia Armenia International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral UNDP Emergency Debris Removal and Management for clearing access to humanitarian assistance 50000 USD 7/2/15 50000 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Japan Japan International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral UNDP Emergency Debris Removal and Management for clearing access to humanitarian assistance 1000000 USD 6/25/15 1000000 Financial Tracking Service - May 25 2015
Australia Australia International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral UNFPA Ensuring lifesaving sexual reproductive health services (SRH) in earthquake affected districts 401606 USD 6/14/15 401606 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Central Emergency Response Fund Not Applicable International Multilateral Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral UNFPA Ensuring protection of earthquake affected women and children in Nepal 254125 USD 6/25/15 254125 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Central Emergency Response Fund Not Applicable
International Multilateral Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral UNFPA Addressing health needs in the earthquake affected population 499690 USD 6/25/15 499690 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Friends of UNFPA Not Applicable
International Multilateral Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral UNFPA Ensuring lifesaving sexual reproductive health services (SRH) in earthquake affected districts 26836 USD 6/22/15 26836 Financial Tracking Service - May 22 2015
Japan Japan International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral UNFPA Ensuring lifesaving sexual reproductive health services (SRH) in earthquake affected districts 1000000 USD 6/25/15 1000000 Financial Tracking Service - May 25 2015
Switzerland Switzerland International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral UNFPA Dignity Kits for up to 10,000 women 274262 USD 6/22/15 274262 Financial Tracking Service - May 22 2015
BJ's Wholesale Club United States International Corporates Inkind Commitment United States Multilateral UNICEF BJ's Wholesale Club has given its team members the opportunity to make an emergency donation via a one-time payroll deduction to the United States Fund for UNICEF. 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Bulgaria Bulgaria International Government Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 40000 USD 6/14/15 40000 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Canada Canada International Government Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF Emergency response to the Nepal earthquake. (D002547) 1042535 USD 6/14/15 1042535 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Central Emergency Response Fund Not Applicable
International Multilateral Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF Ensuring protection of earthquake affected women and children in Nepal 255195 USD 6/25/15 255195 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Central Emergency Response Fund Not Applicable
International Multilateral Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF Addressing health needs in the earthquake affected population 1004901 USD 6/25/15 1004901 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Central Emergency Response Fund Not Applicable
International Multilateral Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF Increasing access to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for earthquake affected population in Nepal 3500770 USD 6/25/15 3500770 Financial Tracking Service - May 25 2015
Denmark Denmark International Government Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF Emergency response - Prevention and response to protect children in affected areas. (2015-24414) 1482360 USD 7/3/15 1482360 Financial Tracking Service - June 3 2015
IDeA Foundation Not Known International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF From people of Armenia for people of Nepal. 100 Lives Project of IDeA Foundation for those who were affected by the devastating earthquake, in particular the children of Nepal. 100000 USD 6/14/15 100000 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
IKEA Sweden International Corporates Cash Commitment United States Multilateral UNICEF The IKEA Foundation has announced that their organization is donating 3 million euros, or about $3,350,000 USD, to UNICEF to support emergency relief efforts in Nepal. The IKEA Foundation is UNICEF's largest private sector partner and this donation will ensure that aid is reaching the children of Nepal. 3350000 USD 5/4/15 3350000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Japan Japan International Government Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 3000000 USD 6/25/15 3000000 Financial Tracking Service - May 25 2015
Kingfisher Not Known International Corporates Cash Commitment United Kingdom Multilateral UNICEF Kingfisher announced an estimated $28,000 donation to UNICEF United Kingdom to further relief efforts in Nepal. 28000 USD 28000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Lithuania Lithuania International Government Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 19912 USD 6/14/15 19912 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Malta Malta International Government Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 22124 USD 7/2/15 22124 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Norway Norway International Government Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF NPL-15/0007/to be allocated to specific projects 1322401 USD 6/21/15 1322401 Financial Tracking Service - May 20 2015
Slovenia Slovenia International Government Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 55310 USD 7/3/15 55310 Financial Tracking Service - June 3 2015
Sweden Sweden International Government Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 1161170 USD 7/2/15 1161170 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
UNICEF National Committee/Australia Australia International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 1761103 USD 7/3/15 1761103 Financial Tracking Service - June 3 2015
UNICEF National Committee/Belgium Belgium International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 846239 USD 7/3/15 846239 Financial Tracking Service - June 3 2015
UNICEF National Committee/Canada Canada International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 142292 USD 7/3/15 142292 Financial Tracking Service - June 3 2015
UNICEF National Committee/Canada Canada International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 2827982 USD 7/3/15 2827982 Financial Tracking Service - June 3 2015
UNICEF National Committee/Denmark Denmark International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 1088376 USD 7/3/15 1088376 Financial Tracking Service - June 3 2015
UNICEF National Committee/Finland Finland International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 110619 USD 7/3/15 110619 Financial Tracking Service - June 3 2015
UNICEF National Committee/France France International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 1659292 USD 7/3/15 1659292 Financial Tracking Service - June 3 2015
UNICEF National Committee/Germany Germany International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 3318584 USD 7/3/15 3318584 Financial Tracking Service - June 3 2015
UNICEF National Committee/Hong Kong Hong Kong International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 128997 USD 7/3/15 128997 Financial Tracking Service - June 3 2015
UNICEF National Committee/Iceland Iceland International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 67380 USD 7/3/15 67380 Financial Tracking Service - June 3 2015
UNICEF National Committee/Italy Italy International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 553097 USD 7/3/15 553097 Financial Tracking Service - June 3 2015
UNICEF National Committee/Japan Japan International Multilateral Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 3100672 USD 7/3/15 3100672 Financial Tracking Service - June 3 2015
UNICEF National Committee/Korea (Republic of) Korea, Republic of International Multilateral Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 2500000 USD 7/3/15 2500000 Financial Tracking Service - June 3 2015
UNICEF National Committee/Luxembourg Luxembourg International Multilateral Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 243363 USD 7/3/15 243363 Financial Tracking Service - June 3 2015
UNICEF National Committee/Netherlands Netherlands International Multilateral Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 553097 USD 7/3/15 553097 Financial Tracking Service - June 3 2015
UNICEF National Committee/New Zealand New Zealand International Multilateral Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 423729 USD 7/3/15 423729 Financial Tracking Service - June 3 2015
UNICEF National Committee/Poland Poland International Multilateral Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 282072 USD 7/3/15 282072 Financial Tracking Service - June 3 2015
UNICEF National Committee/Slovenia Slovenia International Multilateral Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 219027 USD 7/3/15 219027 Financial Tracking Service - June 3 2015
UNICEF National Committee/Spain Spain International Multilateral Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 2765487 USD 7/3/15 2765487 Financial Tracking Service - June 3 2015
UNICEF National Committee/Sweden Sweden International Multilateral Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 513536 USD 7/3/15 513536 Financial Tracking Service - June 3 2015
UNICEF National Committee/Sweden Sweden International Multilateral Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 3318584 USD 7/3/15 3318584 Financial Tracking Service - June 3 2015
UNICEF National Committee/Switzerland Switzerland International Multilateral Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 276549 USD 7/3/15 276549 Financial Tracking Service - June 3 2015
UNICEF National Committee/Switzerland Switzerland International Multilateral Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 421941 USD 7/3/15 421941 Financial Tracking Service - June 3 2015
UNICEF National Committee/United Kingdom United Kingdom International Multilateral Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 5917160 USD 7/3/15 5917160 Financial Tracking Service - June 3 2015
United Kingdom United Kingdom International Government Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF To provide immediate humanitarian support to people affected by the Nepal earthquake. (205028) 1540832 USD 7/2/15 1540832 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
US Fund for UNICEF Not Applicable International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 5324221 USD 7/2/15 5324221 Financial Tracking Service -June 2 2015
Various Recipients (details not yet provided) Not Known International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects (from UNICEF office/China) 15645 USD 7/2/15 15645 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Various Recipients (details not yet provided) Not Known International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects (from UNICEF office/Chile) 747 USD 7/2/15 747 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Various Recipients (details not yet provided) Not Known International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects (from UNICEF office/Bulgaria) 4866 USD 7/2/15 4866 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Various Recipients (details not yet provided) Not Known International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects (from UNICEF office/Philippines) 5291 USD 7/2/15 5291 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Various Recipients (details not yet provided) Not Known International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects (from UNICEF office/Brazil) 7414 USD 7/2/15 7414 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Various Recipients (details not yet provided) Not Known International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects (from UNICEF office/Ecuador) 13572 USD 7/2/15 13572 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Various Recipients (details not yet provided) Not Known International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects (from UNICEF office/Croatia) 16382 USD 7/2/15 16382 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Various Recipients (details not yet provided) Not Known International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects (from UNICEF office/WEST BANK & GAZA) 20000 USD 7/2/15 20000 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Various Recipients (details not yet provided) Not Known International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects (from UNICEF office/Argentina) 24963 USD 7/2/15 24963 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Various Recipients (details not yet provided) Not Known International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects (from UNICEF office/Venezuela) 28461 USD 7/2/15 28461 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Various Recipients (details not yet provided) Not Known International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects (from UNICEF office/Malaysia) 37657 USD 7/2/15 37657 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Various Recipients (details not yet provided) Not Known International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects (from UNICEF office/United Arab Emirates) 52226 USD 7/2/15 52226 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Various Recipients (details not yet provided) Not Known International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects (from UNICEF office/Mexico) 52873 USD 7/2/15 52873 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Various Recipients (details not yet provided) Not Known International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects (from UNICEF office/Nepal) 126910 USD 7/2/15 126910 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Various Recipients (details not yet provided) Not Known International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects (from UNICEF office/Ireland) 259956 USD 7/2/15 259956 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Various Recipients (details not yet provided) Not Known International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects (from UNICEF office/THAILAND) 636052 USD 7/2/15 636052 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Various Recipients (details not yet provided) Not Known International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement United States Multilateral UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects (from UNICEF office/India) 798 USD 7/3/15 798 Financial Tracking Service - June 3 2015
YG Entertainment Korea, Republic of International Corporates Cash Commitment United States Multilateral UNICEF YG Entertainment announced a generous donation of 100 million won, equivalent to $92,450 USD, to the Korean Committee for UNICEF to aid in Nepal Earthquake relief efforts. 92450 USD 92450 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Fast Retailing Co. Japan International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Applicable Multilateral United Nations Children's Fund Fast Retailing Co announced a $50,000 donation to the United Nations Children's Fund to support earthquake relief efforts. In addition, the organization is working with NGOs to determine the need for clothing donations in the future. 50000 USD 5/4/15 50000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Abbott United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known Multilateral Various Recipients CARE,United Nation World Food Programme and AmeriCares Abbott and its foundation the Abbott Fund are providing $300,000 in grants and healthcare products to help deliver immediate relief following the devastating earthquake in Nepal. The Abbott Fund is providing $200,000 in grants to CARE, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and AmeriCares. Abbott also is donating up to $100,000 of critically needed healthcare products to humanitarian organizations providing on-the-ground support in Nepal. 20000 USD 5/4/15 20000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Algeria Algeria International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients in kind - Deployed 70 relief workers; Medicines and other supplies 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Reference Link Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Alwaleed Bin Talal Foundations Saudi Arabia International I/NGOs Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients International Medical corp,habitat for humanity and world food program Saudi prince Alwaleed bin talal has declared to provide 10 crore 100000000 NPR 5/30/15 1000000 Arab News
American Express United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients American Red Cross, Save the Children and the Prime Minister's National Relief Fund in India American Express committed $200,000 to support the efforts of the American Red Cross, Save the Children and the Prime Minister's National Relief Fund in India. The company will also rebate the applicable merchant transaction fee to eight U.S.-based nonprofit organizations for earthquake relief donations made directly to the organizations using their American Express Cards through May 31, 2015. It will also match employee donations up to $8000 per employee. 200000 USD 5/4/15 200000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Amgen United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients UNICEF, Red Cross, International Medical Corps and Direct Relief International. The Amgen Foundation Disaster Relief Program has been opened for global staff. Amgen Foundation will match staff donations 1:1 made to the following responding organizations: UNICEF, Red Cross, International Medical Corps and Direct Relief International. 0 USD 5/4/15 0 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Asian Development Bank Philippines International Multilateral Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients to address the most immediate needs, including the delivery of rescue and relief goods and materials to the badly shattered remote rural communities in the worst affected districts, and for improving sanitation in the relief camps in urban areas (such as tents, medical assistance, food and drinking water) 3000000 USD 6/14/15 3000000 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Asian Development Bank Philippines International Multilateral Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients resources for projects in the first phase of rehabilitation in the country. 200000000 USD 6/15/15 200000000 Financial Tracking Service - May 15 2015
ASYA SAR - KYM Not Known International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients in kind - 8.7 tons of food packages distributed - Each package contains rice, lentil, potato, salt and cooking fat. 20962 USD 6/14/15 20962 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Australia Australia International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients Disaster experts - United Nations Disaster and Assessment Centre 16064 USD 6/14/15 16064 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Australia Australia International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients in kind - relief supplies in two C17 flights - contains 936 tarpaulins for 936 families, 1,200 blankets for 240 families, 746 hygiene kits for 746 families, water purification tablets for 1,000 families. 216867 USD 6/14/15 216867 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
BASF Germany International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients UN WFP, UNICEF Through BASF Stiftung, BASF has donated an estimated $223,800 to relief efforts in Nepal through the Foundation's partner organizations UN WFP and UNICEF. 223800 USD 223800 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Belgium Belgium International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients relief team - USAR/B-FAST BEL-1 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Bhutan Bhutan International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients relief team - 63-member Medical team, Disaster management/volunteer team, Logistical support team 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation United States International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients ACT/LWR to provide emergency relief to populations affected the devastating earthquake in Nepal. 300000 USD 6/14/15 300000 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Bristol Myers United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients AmeriCares, Project Hope Bristol Myers Squibb is donating medicine worth an estimated $4 million to relief efforts following the Nepal earthquake. In addition, the Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation is donating $100,000 to AmeriCares and Project Hope 100000 USD 100000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Canada CANADA International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients relief team - Canadian Medical Assistance Teams (CMAT) 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Carnival Corporation United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients Mercy Corps, the Disaster Emergency Committee and Save the Children Carnival Corp. and several of its cruise brands have Commitment $200,000 to relief efforts in Nepal in the wake of April's devastating earthquake. Carnival Corporation is working through Mercy Corps, the Disaster Emergency Committee and Save the Children to support on the ground teams distributing emergency supplies and aiding rebuilding efforts targeting the most affected families in Kathmandu and surrounding areas 200000 USD 200000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
CHINA TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients Rescue, medical and relief - 170-member team - from 26-27 April 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
CHINA TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients in kind - contribution including tents and blankets, generator, medical supplies and water purification equipment 9678980 USD 6/14/15 9678980 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
CHINA TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA International Government Inkind Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients in kind - third round of relief aid supplies including rain Tarpaulins, tents, family health package 12905307 USD 6/19/15 12905307 Financial Tracking Service - May 19 2015
Columbia Sportswear United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients Non-profit organizations working in Nepal including Mercy Corps, OXFAM, and UNICEF In a press release, The Columbia Sportswear Company announced their plans to donate $50,000 to the efforts of several non-profit organizations working in Nepal including Mercy Corps, OXFAM, and UNICEF. In addition, Columbia is committing to make product donations in the near future. 50000 USD 5/4/15 50000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Denmark Denmark International Government Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients in kind - Dispatched 8 experts and equipment to set up communication and coordination centres including operational coordination centre (OSOCC); 3 light base modules; 4 ICT modules 288000 USD 7/2/15 288000 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Denmark Denmark International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients ACT/DCA Emergency response in Nepal - Shelter and non-food items (2014-32210) 290234 USD 7/2/15 290234 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Denmark Denmark International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients ACT/DCA Emergency response. Distribution of food (2014-32210) 296472 USD 7/2/15 296472 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Disasters Emergency Committee (UK) United Kingdom International Others Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients The DEC Gaza Crisis Appeal 66568047 USD 6/14/15 66568047 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Dow Chemical Company United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients Habitat for Humanity, Jimmy Carter Work Project in Nepal Dow announced a multi-faceted response plan to provide support for the victims and communities impacted by the 7.8 earthquake. Because of Dow's strong partnership with Habitat for Humanity, their immediate response will include an employee matching gift program, up to $25,000. Dow will also provide a $25,000 grant to Habitat for Humanity in Nepal to support short-term relief, as well as a $50,000 grant to the 2015 Jimmy Carter Work Project in Nepal. Long-term response efforts will include humanitarian, technical, or product donations up to $50,000. 150000 USD 150000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Estonia Estonia International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients relief team - USAR 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
European Commission Not Applicable
International Multilateral Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients in kind - sent 5 TAs, 1 ERCC Liaison 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department Not Applicable
International Multilateral Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients immediate response to the vast devastation caused by the earthquake that hit Nepal - to help address the most urgent needs: clean water, food, medicine, emergency shelter and telecommunication. 6637168 USD 7/2/15 6637168 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
FedEx Not Known International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients Direct Relief, Heart to Heart International, Water Missions International, American Red Cross and The Salvation Army FedEx Corporation has committed approximately $1 million in cash, transportation support and a chartered flight to deliver critical medical aid and supplies. We are mobilizing our disaster relief program through relationships with Direct Relief, Heart to Heart International, Water Missions International, American Red Cross and The Salvation Army. 1000000 USD 5/4/15 1000000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Finland Finland International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients relief team - USAR 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Finland Finland International Government Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients relief efforts through the Flash Appeal 553097 USD 6/14/15 553097 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
France France International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients relief team - USAR/PUI FRANCE01; Water/Sanitation (FRA03WP) 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
General Mills United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients CARE,Red Cross The General Mills Foundation is providing a $50,000 to CARE to support long-term recovery efforts. The Foundation is also offering a $1:$1 match of employee contributions (up to $50,000 in total) to the Red Cross to support immediate relief and recovery work on the ground. In addition to the cash grant and match contribution, thousands of Nature Valley granola bars are also being donated by General Mills India to help feed victims of the earthquake. 50000 USD 5/4/15 50000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
General Motors United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients Red Cross, World Food Program USA, India Prime Minister Relief Fund The General Motors Foundation has annouced donations totalling $100,000 to the Red Cross and World Food Program USA. In addition, GM has donated $50,000 to the India Prime Minister Relief Fund. 150000 USD 150000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Germany Germany International Government Inkind Not Known Multilateral OCHA Strengthening Humanitarian Coordination and Advocacy in Nepal (OCT 4846) 553097 USD 7/9/15 553097 Financial Tracking Service - June 9 2015
Germany Germany International Government Inkind Not Known Others action medeor e.V. Medical relief supplies to earthquake for underserved health facilities in Nepal (AA-S05 321.50 NPL 05/15) 165929 USD 7/9/15 165929 Financial Tracking Service - June 9 2015
Germany Germany International Government Inkind Not Known Others JUH Emergency assistance to earthquake victims in the district of Sindhupalchowk / Nepal (AA-S05 321.50 NPL 07/15) 221239 USD 7/9/15 221239 Financial Tracking Service - June 9 2015
GSK United Kingdom International Corporates Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients Save the Children, Care International, AmeriCares, Direct Relief and Project HOPE Following the earthquake in Nepal, GSK is working with our humanitarian aid partners providing urgently needed funds and medical supplies to support their response in the affected area. GSK has donated ��50,000, or about $76,000 USD, each to Save the Children and CARE International, providing for the immediate needs of shelter, water, food, hygiene and sanitation. Both CARE International and Save the Children have a long-established presence in Nepal and are providing an immediate response. We are also working with our medicine donation partners ��� AmeriCares, Direct Relief and Project HOPE ��� who are experienced in the delivery of humanitarian aid, to assess medical needs and respond. A first small consignment of antibiotics and anti-infective creams from GSK has already been delivered by a team from AmeriCares, to be followed by further shipments in the coming days and weeks. 152000 USD 5/4/15 76000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Hungary Hungary International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients relief team - USAR and medical coordination 19500 USD 6/14/15 19500 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
India India International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients humanitarian relief and rescue operation���Operation Maitri:- several aircraft, carrying medical supplies, and a mobile hospital;- Deployed 10 NDRF teams (450 people including 90 NDRF personnel internationally trained in search-and-rescue) - an engineering task force, 18 medical units, and six medical teams; - The trucks from Uttar Pradesh carried medical supplies and a team of 41 medical and paramedical staff; An alternative means of getting in relief material, the land route, has been made operational now; - One Unmanned Aerial Vehicle is also on the way;- Communication experts - restore the broken communication system - Indian Army deployed; 10 Inmarsat systems for satellite communications. 250 high frequency wireless sets were sent to coordinate rescue and relief work;- team of power officials and officials from the Indian Oil Corporation restore electricity and fuel in Kathmandu. 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
India India International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients in kind - 22 tonnes of food, two tonnes of medical supplies, 50 tonnes of water,10 tonnes of blankets, medial supplies and other relief material 5000000 USD 6/14/15 5000000 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Inditex Spain International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients Red Cross, Oxfam, Cariitas Inditex is donating 1.2 million euros, equivalent to about $1,340,000 USD, to the Red Cross, Oxfam, and Caritas to provide support to the devastated regions of Nepal. 1340000 USD 1340000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Israel Israel International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients A 290-member mission from the Home Front Command; the mission rapidly established and opened an advanced multi-department hospital in Kathmandu, equipped with approximately 95 tons of humanitarian and medical supplies and a medical staff of 122 doctors, nurses and paramedics, to provide care for disaster casualties. The facility and includes pediatric, surgical, internal medicine, neonatal, and radiology departments as well as a maternity ward and emergency and operating rooms. The hospital has the equipment, capacity and manpower to treat approximately 200 patients each day; the mission also comprises highly skilled search and rescue teams from the IDF National Search and Rescue Unit, who commenced operation in Kathmandu on 28 April 2015. 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Italy Italy International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients relief team - medical team 0 USD 7/2/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Japan Japan International Government Inkind Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients Japan Disaster Relief (JDR) Rescue Team, with 70 members; assessment team which consists of 4 members; Japan Disaster Relief Medical Team 0 USD 6/25/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 25 2015
Japan Japan International Government Inkind Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients to support the Government of Nepal which has been suffering from the damage caused by the massive earthquake occurred on April 25. (total funding of $14 million - fully allocated to specific organizations) 0 USD 6/25/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 25 2015
JPMorgan Chase United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients CARE, UNICEF, and the American Red Cross The JPMorgan Chase Foundation is donating a total of $450,000 to CARE, UNICEF, and the American Red Cross to support recovery efforts in Nepal. In addition, the Foundation will match employee donations up to $275,000 to reach $1 million in donations by the company and its employees. 450000 USD 5/4/15 450000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients Dispatch KDRT (Korean Disaster Relief Team), composed of 40 members, mainly SAR and medical staff. 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients cash and in kind emergency assistance 1000000 USD 6/14/15 1000000 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Kuwait Kuwait International Government Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients Pledge for humanitarian assistance 3000000 USD 6/14/15 3000000 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Linde Group Germany International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients Red Cross, Save the children Technology company The Linde Group is supporting disaster relief in Nepal with EUR 30,000, equivalent to about $34,000 USD, in emergency aid. The donation will be given to the Red Cross and Save the Children. 34000 USD 34000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Luxembourg Luxembourg International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients relief team - Telecoms and ICT 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Malaysia Malaysia International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients relief team - Special Malaysia Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team (SMART) -20 medical doctors, 30-man rescue team with medicines and medical supplies to Kathmandu 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Mexico Mexico International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients relief team 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development Nepal National Government Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients VDCs and Municipalities of Sindhupalchowk, Gorkha, Nuwakot, Rasuwa, Dhading, Lalitpur, Kabhrepalanchowk, Dolakha, Ramechhap, Sindhuli The fund will be spent in providing drinking water, First aid management, temporary shelter and food Sindhupalchok, Gorkha, Nuwakot, Rasuwa, Dhading, Lalitpur, Kavre, Dolakha, Ramechhap, Sindhuli Affected villages and cities of Sindhupalchowk, Gorkha, Nuwakot, Rasuwa, Dhading, Lalitpur, Kabhrepalanchowk, Dolakha, Ramechhap, Sindhuli 452200000 NPR 5/29/15 4455172 Online Khabar
Netherlands Netherlands International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients relief team - USAR - 62-human and 8-dog contingent; Dutch physicians, nurses, and engineers, as well as 5 tons of relief supplies 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
New Zealand New Zealand International Government Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients to support the relief efforts in Nepal following the Earthquake in April 2015 (unallocated balance of NZD 1 million) 218374 USD 6/14/15 218374 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
New Zealand New Zealand International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients NZ Government contribution to the NZ Himalayan Fund Trust Nepal Earthquake Appeal. Focus is on rebuilding schools and infrastructure. 38521 USD 6/14/15 38521 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Norway Norway International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients emergency assistance (total funding of NOK 130 million - fully allocated to specific organizations) 0 USD 6/21/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Norway Norway International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients relief team - NORSAR/SAR-team 375328 USD 6/21/15 375328 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Norway Norway International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients Humanitarian assistance (through local organizations/Norwegian embassy) 528961 USD 6/21/15 528961 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Norway Norway International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients ACT/NCA Comprehensive WASH response in the eartquake effected community in Dhading, Gorkha, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur districts 1983602 USD 6/21/15 1983602 Financial Tracking Service - May 20 2015
Pakistan Pakistan International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients in kind - 20,000 tents; 20 tons of rice; 39,000 tarpaulin shelters 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Pakistan Pakistan International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients in kind - 8 x C-130 Cargo aircraft to transport relief and rescue equipment along with specialist teams; a 30-bed field hospital with 50-member team of doctors, paramedics and technicians, treated 1,200 patients; 38-member Urban search-and-Rescue Teams equipped with radars, concrete cutters, and other rescue equipment; food items: 3,000 ready meals, 215 food pack, 1 ton rice, 500 kg lentils, drinking water for 4,000 families, 1,550 tents,1,000 blankets, 1 ton medicine; 7 Nepalese doctors ferried to Nepal free of cost 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Philippines Philippines International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients in kind - - Medical team- The Philippine Red Cross�۪ (PRC) emergency response unit (ERU) search and rescue team, composed of 13 trained emergency response personnel- The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) - six humanitarian disaster response teams, one medical team, and a command and control team. Each team is composed of one officer and 14 enlisted personnel. 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Pimco Foundation United States International Corporates Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients Save the Children, CARE Both the PIMCO US and Europe Foundations are making disaster assistance donations to Save the Children and CARE. The PIMCO Foundation will also match employees' donations. 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Poland Poland International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients relief team - USAR - 81 fire fighters, 12 search and rescue dogs and 6 doctors 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Private (individuals & organisations) Not Applicable
International Others Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients Temporary shelters for 270 families, Food ration for 270 families for 2 weeks, Solar lights, Hygiene kits for 270 families, mobile medical services for at least 3000 clients, Chlorine for purification of water (through Health And Nutrition Development Society [HANDS Pakistan]) 25000 USD 6/14/15 25000 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Private (individuals & organisations) Not Applicable
International Others Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients ACT/LWF Support to earthquake affected (through ACT Alliance / Church of Sweden) 3000000 USD 6/14/15 3000000 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Private (individuals & organisations) Not Applicable
International Others Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients Private sector contributions to the Nepal earthquake 29760904 USD 6/20/15 29760904 Financial Tracking Service - May 20 2015
Procter & Gamble United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients AmeriCares, CARE, International Medical Corps, Save the Children and World Vision To aid the critical need for food, shelter and other necessities, P&G has provided $500,000 to support long-standing global emergency relief partner organizations currently working on the ground in Nepal including AmeriCares, CARE, International Medical Corps, Save the Children and World Vision. P&G is also working with partners to supply P&G Purifier of Water packets. The initial response will include enough packets to provide 2 million liters of clean drinking water. 500000 USD 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Qatar Qatar International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients Naval bridge - to supply aid to the Nepalese population affected by a massive earthquake - four aircrafts carrying total 240 metric tons relief items (60 tons each) were sent on 26 and 27 April, including foodstuffs, medicines, power generators and tents. 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Qatar Qatar International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients In kind - Qatar Red Crescent dispatched 21 professionals and volunteers to Kathmandu to implement quick assessment of damages; will distribute emergency relief materials including food packages, hygiene kits, sheltering materials, tarpaulin sheets and medical supplies. - QRC team setup a field hospital on 27 April, constituted of tents, medical and non-medical equipment to provide a full range of medical services to more than 30,000 individuals for 30 to 120 days, with 40 beds.- QRC provide 'Kit 5' water and sanitation system, which is capable of providing clean water supplies for 5,000 beneficiaries. The system contains three high-quality water tanks (Oxfam) that protects water from being polluted. 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Qatar Charity Qatar International Others Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients Televised fund raising event for Nepal 7690195 USD 6/20/15 7690195 Financial Tracking Service - May 20 2015
Red Cross Society of China China International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients financial and in-kind contribution (including 2000 tents) 840000 USD 6/14/15 840000 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Research and Markets Not Known International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients UNICEF, M̩decins Sans Fronti̬res Research and Markets announced a 50,000 euro, equivalent to about $55,000 USD, donation to relief efforts in Nepal through UNICEF and M̩decins Sans Fronti̬res. 55000 USD 55000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Russian Federation Russian Federation International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients airlifted in-kind assistance, provided USAR and assessment teams and helped repatriate Russian and other nationals from Nepal. 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Singapore Singapore International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients relief team - Search & Rescue cum Medical Team - 69-member Operation Lionheart disaster relief contingent, comprising officers from the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) and Singapore Police Force (SPF); Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) medical team of 16 medical personnel; Team of six personnel from the Changi Regional Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) Coordination Centre; Deployment of two Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) C-130 aircraft to provide airlift support to transport the Singapore relief contingent and their equipment 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Singapore Red Cross Society Singapore International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients relief items and emergency supplies in response to the earthquake that struck Nepal 138282 USD 6/14/15 138282 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
South Africa South Africa International Government Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients in kind - Two SAR specialist teams on standby and ready to deploy); Rescue South Africa put on stand by: 20 well equipped search and rescue personnel and 20 trauma specialists; the Life Locator, the search cam; a fully fledged emergency mobile hospital. 426985 USD 6/14/15 426985 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Spain Spain International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients relief team - BOMBEROS SIN FRONTERAS 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients Relief supplies - medicines dressing items, generators, wire rolls, bulbs, gloves, tissues, medical equipment, drinking water bottles, dry rations 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Sutter Health United States International Corporates Cash Commitment United States National/Regional NGO
Various Recipients American Red Cross and International Medical Corps Sutter Health announced its commitment to aiding Nepal with a $250,000 donation to both the American Red Cross and International Medical Corps, for a total of $500,000. 500000 USD 5/4/15 500000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Sweden Sweden International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients in kind - - Deployed a Heavy USAR team; about 70 persons as well as search and rescue dogs and equipment; 1 Operational coordination centre (TASK); Deploying experts with the United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination team 0 USD 7/2/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Sweden Sweden International Government Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients Emergency response - unallocated balance of SEK 20 mn 184141 USD 7/2/15 184141 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Sweden Sweden International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients ACT/CoS Emergency response to earthquake affected in Nepal 357782 USD 7/2/15 357782 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Switzerland Switzerland International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients SET Emergency Response Earthquake (7F-09354.01) 1036269 USD 6/14/15 1036269 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Switzerland Switzerland International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients continuation of started activities: staff, shelter material, logistics, etc 1160338 USD 6/14/15 1160338 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Switzerland Switzerland International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients - Rapid Response Team incl. Medical Team and WASH Expertsplus Non Food Items (CHF 250,703) 3270042 USD 6/14/15 3270042 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Taiwan ICDF TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA International I/NGOs Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients emergency response 300000 USD 6/14/15 300000 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Thailand Thailand International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients in kind - 5 Medical staff from the Ministry of Public Health; 19-member Medical Emergency Response Team; 67-strong team of military experts in disaster relief comprising 17 military surgeons, military engineers, satellite communication experts and search-and-rescue staff via C-130 carrying drinking water rice blankets and tents; 6 engineers 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Thailand Thailand International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients to provide emergency relief to populations affected by the devastating earthquake in Nepal. 200000 USD 6/14/15 200000 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Thailand Thailand International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients to support the people of Nepal 333333 USD 6/14/15 333333 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Thailand Thailand International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients to provide emergency relief to populations affected by the devastating earthquake in Nepal. (Government initiated Fund raising activity - Donation from the civil society (the government allocated a TV program "Thai Hearts for Nepal" ) 1870000 USD 6/14/15 1870000 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Thailand Thailand International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients to provide emergency relief to populations affected the devastating earthquake in Nepal. 5100000 USD 6/14/15 5100000 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
The Walt Disney Company United States International Corporates Cash Commitment United States Others Various Recipients Save the Children and American Red Cross The Walt Disney Company has committed $1 million to support recovery and rebuilding efforts for victims of the earthquake in Nepal through Save the Children and American Red Cross. In addition, The Walt Disney Company Foundation will match eligible U.S. cast member and employee donations��� from $25 up to $15,000 per year���to Save the Children, American Red Cross and other humanitarian organizations approved to participate in the Disney Employee Matching Gifts Program. 1000000 USD 5/4/15 1000000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Timor-Leste Timor-Leste International Government Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients To support the victims of the earthquake 500000 USD 6/20/15 500000 Financial Tracking Service - May 20 2015
Turkey Turkey International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients relief team - USAR/GEA SAR Team - A Turkish Search and Rescue (SAR) Team and Humanitarian Personnel, Turkish Red Crescent and Turkish NGOs (42 people); Alliance of International Doctors 0 USD 6/14/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Turkey Turkey International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients cargo flight including a total of 10,000 KG medicine, food and hygiene kits 165000 USD 6/14/15 165000 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients Search and Rescue (SAR) team from the Ministry of Interior (87 team members) have been deployed to Nepal. 0 USD 6/21/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 21 2015
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates International Government Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients emergency response (from H.H. Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak, Chairwoman of the General Women�۪s Union (GWU)) 1361285 USD 42176 1361285 Financial Tracking Service - May 21 2015
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates International Government Inkind Not Known Others Various Recipients air bridge of humanitarian aid to Nepal. The total volume of shipment that shall be sent through the air bridge will exceed 450 metric tonnes that contain various relief items. 0 USD 6/21/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 21 2015
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates International Government Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients emergency response (from Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Charity and Humanitarian Establishment) 544514 USD 6/21/15 544514 Financial Tracking Service - May 21 2015
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates International Government Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients emergency response (from Sharjah Charity Association) 95290 USD 6/21/15 95290 Financial Tracking Service - May 21 2015
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates International Government Inkind Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients emergency response (from The Khalifa Foundation - sent workers to India to buy food and another team to Nepal, and will work to secure convoys of emergency relief. ) 0 USD 6/21/15 0 Financial Tracking Service - May 21 2015
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients in kind - Provide a 1,313 of diverse medical materials (wheelchairs, crutches, stretchers, surgical tools, equipment for ambulances, hospital beds, etc.) [through Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation] (KBZ-2015-007) 54876 USD 6/21/15 54876 Financial Tracking Service - May 21 2015
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients in kind - Provide a variety of relief items (15,000 blankets, 20,000 cover to build tents, 15,500 equipment and tools for cooking, 30,000 chlorine tablet to sterilize,and 5000 jaket ) [through Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation] (KBZ-2015-006) 355364 USD 6/21/15 355364 Financial Tracking Service - May 21 2015
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients in kind - Provide a 48,735 food baskets containing 12 tons of (rice + lentil + sugar + oil), and the distribution of 1,650,000 liters of water [through Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation] (KBZ-2015-005) 590380 USD 6/21/15 590380 Financial Tracking Service - May 21 2015
United Kingdom United Kingdom International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients in kind - Airfield Handling Equipment provided to relieve the logistical bottlenecks at Kathmandu Airport. (205028) 1035503 USD 7/2/15 1035503 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
United Kingdom United Kingdom International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients Specialised surgical and trauma support to those injured and affected by the Nepal Earthquake. - Deployment of the UK surgical and medical trama teams (UKMED; Save The Children; Handicap International) (205028) 2218935 USD 7/2/15 2218935 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Walmart United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients International Medical Corp,American Red Cross The Walmart Foundation is donating $250,000 to support relief efforts in Nepal ��� $100,000 to International Medical Corps and $150,000 for the American Red Cross. These funds will provide immediate medical needs, food and shelter for those affected. The company is also working to provide an opportunity for Walmart customers and associates to donate directly to the Red Cross 250000 USD 5/4/15 250000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
World Jewish Relief United Kingdom International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement Not Known Others Various Recipients Humanitarian Aid: Food, Shelter, Medical Supplies (through Friends Service Council Nepal) 40355 USD 6/14/15 40355 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Yahoo United States International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Known Others Various Recipients UNICEF, Save the Children, International Medical Corps, Oxfam and various chapters of Red Cross, American Red Cross Yahoo enabled users globally to donate through their products, including, News and Search, raising $500,000 for aid organizations, including UNICEF, Save the Children, International Medical Corps, Oxfam and various chapters of Red Cross. Employees contributed an additional $48,000 with Yahoo matching. The Yahoo Employee Foundation also provided a $75,000 emergency grant to the American Red Cross. 623000 USD 5/4/15 623000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Allocation of unearmarked funds by WHO Not Applicable
International Multilateral Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral WHO Addressing health needs in the earthquake affected population 500000 USD 6/14/15 500000 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Australia Australia International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral WHO life-saving humanitarian support to Nepal - for medical supplies 765697 USD 6/14/15 765697 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Central Emergency Response Fund Not Applicable
International Multilateral Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral WHO Addressing health needs in the earthquake affected population 978836 USD 6/25/15 978836 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Estonia Estonia International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral WHO life-saving humanitarian support to Nepal 54171 USD 6/14/15 54171 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Finland Finland International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral WHO life-saving humanitarian support to Nepal 553097 USD 6/14/15 553097 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Norway Norway International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral WHO NPL-15/0008/Health 1322401 USD 6/21/15 1322401 Financial Tracking Service - May 19 2015
Australia Australia International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral World Food Programme Emergency Food Assistance to Earthquake Affected Populations 803213 USD 6/14/15 803213 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Australia Australia International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral World Food Programme Emergency Food Assistance to Earthquake Affected Populations 803213 USD 6/14/15 803213 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
C&S Wholesale Grocers, Inc. United States International Corporates Inkind Commitment Not Applicable Multilateral World Food Programme C&S Wholesale Grocers is making a donation to the World Food Programme to support food assistance to survivors. 5/4/15 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Canada Canada International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral World Food Programme Humanitarian air services (D002549) 790514 USD 6/14/15 790514 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Canada Canada International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral World Food Programme Food assistance (D002548) 1976285 USD 6/14/15 1976285 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Central Emergency Response Fund Not Applicable
International Multilateral Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral World Food Programme Provision of Humanitarian Air Services and Logistics Augmentation in Nepal 2000000 USD 6/25/15 2000000 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Central Emergency Response Fund Not Applicable
International Multilateral Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral World Food Programme Emergency Food Assistance to Populations Affected by Earthquake in Nepal 2920199 USD 6/25/15 2920199 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Denmark Denmark International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral World Food Programme WFPs efforts in relation to the earthquake in Nepal 2015 (2015-24426) 1451168 USD 7/2/15 1451168 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Germany Germany International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others DWHH Emergency assistance for victims of the earthquake on 4/25/2015 (AA-S05 321.50 NPL 02/15) 331858 USD 7/9/15 331858 Financial Tracking Service - June 9 2015
Japan Japan International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral World Food Programme Emergency Food Assistance to Earthquake Affected Populations 3000000 USD 6/25/15 3000000 Financial Tracking Service - May 25 2015
Netherlands Netherlands International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral World Food Programme Contribution to WFP emergency (food) aid activities within the scope of the UNOCHA Flash Appeal Nepal Earthquake. (27690 (DSH0120288)) 5530973 USD 7/2/15 5530973 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Nissan Japan International Corporates Cash Commitment Not Applicable Multilateral World Food Programme Nissan will donate over 10 million yen, equivalent to about $10,000 USD, to the World Food Programme, which is aiding rescue efforts by providing food for the people in the affected areas of Nepal. 10000 USD 10000 US Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Norway Norway International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral World Food Programme Emergency Food Assistance to Earthquake Affected Populations 2644803 USD 6/20/15 2644803 Financial Tracking Service - May 20 2015
United Kingdom United Kingdom International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral World Food Programme To provide immediate humanitarian support to people affected by the Nepal earthquake. - Logistics Augmentation and Coordination in Response to the Earthquake in Nepal (205028) 1232666 USD 7/2/15 1232666 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
United Kingdom United Kingdom International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral World Food Programme To provide immediate humanitarian support to people affected by the Nepal earthquake (205028) 3852080 USD 7/2/15 3852080 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
United States United States International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral World Food Programme 1,640 MT of In-Kind Emergency Food Assistance - USAID/FFP 4400000 USD 4400000 USAID- May 22 2015
United States United States International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral World Food Programme Logistics Support and Relief Commodities - USAID /OFDA 3000000 USD 3000000 USAID- May 26 2015
United States United States International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable Multilateral World Food Programme Local and Regional Food Procurement - USAID /FFP 2500000 USD 2500000 USAID- May 22 2015
Canada Canada International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others WVI Emergency response to the Nepal earthquake. (D002518) 355731 USD 6/14/15 355731 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Ireland Ireland International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others WVI To save lives and alleviate suffering (WOV ERFS 2015) 86132 USD 6/14/15 86132 Financial Tracking Service - May 14 2015
Netherlands Netherlands International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others WVI As part of a multi-sector, multi-district response providing emergency and recovery assistance to people affected by the Nepal Earthquake, this project aims to meet the immediate Health and hygiene needs of 14,268 individuals in Gorkha, Sindhupalchowk and Sindhuli, some of the worst-hit districts in the country, and to support their access to primary healthcare services and emergency sanitation & hygiene materials. 335000 USD 7/2/15 335000 Financial Tracking Service - June 2 2015
Australia Australia International Multilateral Cash Disbursement Australia Government IFRC IFRC Nepal Appeal

803213 USD 7/9/15 803213 Financial Tracking Service - June 9 2015
Germany Germany International Government Cash Disbursement Not Applicable National/Regional NGO Red Cross Emergency humanitarian assistance for earthquake victims in Nepal in 2015 (AA-S05 321.50 NPL 04/15) 435730 7/9/15 435730 Financial Tracking Service - June 9 2015
Germany Germany International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others THW Emergency humanitarian assistance for the affected population of the earthquake in Nepal - Water/sanitation (AA-S05 321.50 NPL 03/15) 901035 7/9/15 901035 Financial Tracking Service - June 9 2015
Germany Germany International Government Cash Disbursement Not Known Others WFP Support and coordination in the areas of logistics and telecommunications after earthquake (AA-S05 321.50 NPL 01/15) 1106195 7/9/15 1106195 Financial Tracking Service - June 9 2015
Abdhul Ruzzack Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 822909 NPR 5/3/15 8107 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 15, 2015
Abootty , Kolathayi, Etisalat, UAE United Arab Emirates International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 27880 NPR 5/17/15 275 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Achhami Sewa Samaj Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 105505 NPR 5/17/15 1039 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Adhikrit Nijamati Karmachariharuko sangathan Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000 NPR 5/3/15 985 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 3, 2015
Aditya Protection Foundation Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 207000 NPR 5/17/15 2039 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Adivasi Janajati Utthan Rastriya Pratisthan, Lalitpur Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 197646 NPR 5/29/15 1947 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 29, 2015
Adra development Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 509750 NPR 5/29/15 5022 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 29, 2015
Agricultural Development Bank Limited Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 5001111 NPR 5/6/15 49272 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 6, 2015
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 NPR 5/16/15 4926 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 16, 2015
Akhil Myanmar Desiya Gorkha Hindu Dharmik Sangh Not Known International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 3500000 NPR 5/26/15 34483 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 26, 2015
Al Ameen Pvt. School, UAE Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 273460 NPR 5/17/15 2694 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Aleck Kaswa , Zimbabwe Zimbabwe International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 30618 NPR 5/24/15 302 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 24, 2015
Algeria Algeria International Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 101342987.2 NPR 5/10/15 998453 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 10, 2015
All Lions Club of Mahendranagar Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 105000 NPR 5/17/15 1034 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
All Nepal football association Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1000000 NPR 5/18/15 9852 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Alternative Energy Promotion Center,Khumaltar Nepal National Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 237808.33 NPR 5/3/15 2343 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 3, 2015
Ambassador and employees of Embassy of Nepal in Kuwait, Organizations, Nepalese and Foreigners in Kuwait Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1642705 NPR 5/11/15 16184 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 11, 2015
Ambassador and employees of Embassy of Nepal in Kuwait, Organizations, Nepalese and Foreigners in Kuwait Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 3519796.8 NPR 5/14/15 34678 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 14, 2015
Americian Life Insurance Co. Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 NPR 5/16/15 4926 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 16, 2015
Ananda Sangha, Kapan VDC Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 3000000 NPR 5/27/15 29557 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 27, 2015
Angur Baba Joshi Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 101101 NPR 5/3/15 996 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 15, 2015
Anil Ahuja,UAE United Arab Emirates International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 39562 NPR 5/17/15 390 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Anil Kumar Mfelappa Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 271913 NPR 5/22/15 2679 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Annapurna Jutta Chapal Udyog Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 51000 NPR 5/17/15 502 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Apex College Pvt Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1000000 NPR 5/20/15 9852 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 20, 2015
Arihant Multifibres Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1011111 NPR 5/21/15 9962 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 21, 2015
Armed Police Force Nepal National Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 63425100 NPR 5/3/15 624878 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 3, 2015
Armenia Armenia International Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 5082500 NPR 5/21/15 50074 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 21, 2015
Asahi Communication Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1693367.2 NPR 5/20/15 16683 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 20, 2015
Asian Development Bank Philippines International Multilateral Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 306000000 NPR 5/13/15 3014778 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 13, 2015
Asian Distillery Pvt Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 11500000 NPR 5/11/15 113300 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 11, 2015
Asian Life Insurance Co. Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 511111 NPR 5/16/15 5036 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 16, 2015
Asian Life Insurance Co.Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 301111 NPR 5/16/15 2967 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 16, 2015
Asian Paints Nepal Pvt.Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1111111 NPR 5/27/15 10947 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 27, 2015
Asif Shaik Shaik J Qatar International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 107097 NPR 5/22/15 1055 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Association of Nepal Professor, Ghantaghar Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 111111 NPR 4/29/15 1095 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - April 29, 2015
Auditor's Association of Nepal (AUDAN) Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 600000 NPR 5/8/15 5911 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 8, 2015
Ayman Khalifa Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 117695 NPR 5/21/15 1160 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 21, 2015
B.P. Koirala Memorial Planetarium, Observatory and Science Museum Development Nepal National Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 31341 NPR 5/5/15 309 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 15, 2015
Bagwan Suratmal Hi Qatar International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 101000 NPR 5/22/15 995 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Banjara Subosh Riihimaki, Finland Finland International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 10090 NPR 5/26/15 99 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 26, 2015
Bank of International Settlement , Switzerland Switzerland International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 5536000 NPR 5/20/15 54542 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 20, 2015
Bank of Kathmandu Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 3888250 NPR 5/29/15 38308 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 29, 2015
Banke Unesko Club , Nepalgung Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 126221 NPR 5/17/15 1244 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Bhagawati Trading Company Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 101000 NPR 5/17/15 995 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Bhim Bhadur Poudel Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 151000 NPR 5/17/15 1488 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Bhim Hospital Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 106120 NPR 5/18/15 1046 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Bhrikuti Himalayan Foundation Corporate Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 5000000 NPR 5/25/15 49261 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 25, 2015
BhupalMan Singh Karki Pragya Council Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1000000 NPR 5/6/15 9852 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 6, 2015
Bhutan Bhutan International Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 101150000 NPR 5/4/15 1000000 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 4, 2015
Binod Bahadur Khakda Qatar Qatar International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 360086 NPR 5/22/15 3548 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Bipin Adhikari, Banepa Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 21100 NPR 5/16/15 208 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 16, 2015
Birgunj Chini Karkhana Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 45549.1 NPR 5/28/15 449 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 28, 2015
Bishwa Bikash Bank Limited Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 501000 NPR 5/7/15 4936 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 7, 2015
Biswo BI. Anudan Ayog Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 175160 NPR 5/18/15 1726 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
BOFA/G M C K S PRANIC Energy Healing UAE United Arab Emirates International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 5055000 NPR 5/20/15 49803 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 20, 2015
Bramakumari Rajyogy Sewa Kendra Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 303313 NPR 5/20/15 2988 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 20, 2015
Brian D Davies Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 50950 NPR 5/19/15 502 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 19, 2015
Bright development bank Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 17518.49 NPR 5/28/15 173 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 28, 2015
Buddhanilkantha School Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 711040 NPR 5/20/15 7005 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 20, 2015
Butwal A.E & Asso. Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 300000 NPR 5/18/15 2956 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Byapar Tatha nikasi parwardan kendraka karmachari Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 282958 NPR 4/30/15 2788 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund -April 30, 2015
Byapari rahat taha uthan samiti Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 211221 NPR 4/28/15 2081 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund -April 28, 2015
Capital Merchant Banking and Finance Family Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 139883 NPR 5/18/15 1378 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Capital Saving and Credit Co Operative Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 501101 NPR 5/22/15 4937 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Chairman and 6 other member from Public Service Commission Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 277416 NPR 5/11/15 2733 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 11, 2015
Chamber of Commerce , Kalikot Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 43680 NPR 5/17/15 430 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Charlaine Maclachlan Brown Aich , Dubai, UAE United Arab Emirates International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 52552 NPR 5/24/15 518 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 24, 2015
Chilime Hydropower Company Limited Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 20000000 NPR 5/27/15 197044 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 27, 2015
Chimek Laghubitta Bikash Bank Limited Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1328725 NPR 5/18/15 13091 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Chitra Bahadur Shahi Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 70810 NPR 5/17/15 698 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Chiyoda CCC engineering UAE United Arab Emirates International Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 213075 NPR 5/28/15 2099 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 28, 2015
Chola Prasad Pathak, Qatar Qatar International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 391349 NPR 5/22/15 3856 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Citizens Investment Trust Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 10000000 NPR 5/8/15 98522 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 8, 2015
CITY ADDS JR CR Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 200108 NPR 5/18/15 1972 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Ciwec Hospital Pvt.Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1200000 NPR 5/25/15 11823 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 25, 2015
Club fifty Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 51111 NPR 5/29/15 504 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 29, 2015
Collection from different organizations and individuals Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 49313887.4 NPR 5/25/15 29895019 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 25, 2015
Columbo Council Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1013500 NPR 5/3/15 9985 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 3, 2015
Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority Nepal National Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 12770406 NPR 5/6/15 125817 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 6, 2015
Congo Congo International Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 936014.4 NPR 5/21/15 9222 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 21, 2015
Construction Entrepreneurs Association Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 111111 NPR 5/18/15 1095 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Construction Entrepreneurs Association, Kaski Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 255555 NPR 5/7/15 2518 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 7, 2015
Consulate General of Nepal,Lhasa, Tibet China International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 20417053.06 NPR 5/25/15 201153 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 25, 2015
Cottage and Small Industries Office Central Jail Factory Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 26793 NPR 5/3/15 264 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 15, 2015
Council member, advisor and secretariat employees Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1917429 NPR 4/30/15 18891 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - April 4, 2015
Cultural Organization Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 160866 NPR 5/6/15 1585 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 6, 2015
DAB Community Service Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 16126411.67 NPR 5/18/15 158881 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Dabur Nepal Pvt.Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 10000000 NPR 5/27/15 98522 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 27, 2015
Dairy Development Corporation Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2788456 NPR 5/18/15 27472 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Damodar Neupane Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 50000 NPR 5/17/15 493 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Deepak Bhatta Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 800000 NPR 5/14/15 7882 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 14, 2015
Delight Saving and Credit Co-operative Ltd. Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 111111 NPR 5/27/15 1095 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 27, 2015
Department of Cottage and Small Industries's employee Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 317604.84 NPR 4/30/15 3129 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund -April 30, 2015
Department of Cottage and Small Industries's Training Center, Tripureshwor Nepal National Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 192100 NPR 4/29/15 1893 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - April 29, 2015
Deposit and Credit Guarantee Corporation Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2718000 NPR 5/25/15 26778 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 25, 2015
Deprosc Microfinance Development Bank Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1000000 NPR 5/12/15 9852 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 12, 2015
Deprox Laghubitta Bikash Bank Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1355308 NPR 5/17/15 13353 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Detained Prisoners, Surkhet Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 50000 NPR 5/7/15 493 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 7, 2015
Deurali Yatayat Vyavasayi samiti Sandhikharka Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 125000 NPR 5/20/15 1232 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 20, 2015
Devakarana Kalavar Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 106931 NPR 5/18/15 1054 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Development Project Service Center (DEPROSC- Nepal) Nepal National NGOs Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 NPR 5/6/15 4926 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 6, 2015
Developmental Service Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 353721.55 NPR 5/19/15 3485 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 19, 2015
DevKaran Kalwar Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 106931 NPR 5/29/15 1054 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 29, 2015
Dipak Bhatta Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 800000 NPR 5/21/15 7882 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 21, 2015
Dipak Pudasaini Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 16666.66 NPR 5/17/15 164 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Direccao_ Dos Service International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 253000000 NPR 5/19/15 2492611 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 19, 2015
Divyaswari Samaj Bhaktapur Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 58625 NPR 5/10/15 578 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 10, 2015
Dolpo Tolku Charity Foundation Boudha Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 200000 NPR 5/28/15 1970 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 28, 2015
Dubai Investment Park, Dubai, UAE United Arab Emirates International Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 706221 NPR 5/24/15 6958 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 24, 2015
Durga Lal sharma Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 278001 NPR 5/22/15 2739 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Durgalal Sharma Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 278001 NPR 5/10/15 2739 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 10, 2015
ECC Kiranman Shrestha Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 352093.27 NPR 5/18/15 3469 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Ecohimal Nepal Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000 NPR 5/26/15 985 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 26, 2015
Ecotimal Nepal Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000 NPR 5/10/15 985 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 10, 2015
Election Commision Nepal National Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 775007 NPR 5/6/15 7636 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 6, 2015
Embassy of Nepal Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 3479039.42 NPR 5/18/15 34276 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Embassy of Nepal Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 40782214.26 NPR 5/18/15 401795 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Embassy of Nepal , Japan Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 95910000 NPR 5/21/15 944926 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 21, 2015
Embassy of Nepal , Seoul, South Korea Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 22609966.52 NPR 5/24/15 222758 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 24, 2015
Embassy of Nepal , UAE Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 287305 NPR 5/24/15 2831 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 24, 2015
Embassy of Nepal, Australia Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2803541.63 NPR 5/20/15 27621 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 20, 2015
Embassy of Nepal, Delhi and people of different organizations Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 15921012.08 NPR 5/10/15 156857 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 10, 2015
Embassy of Nepal, Japan Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 15688000 NPR 5/12/15 154562 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 12, 2015
Embassy of Nepal, Japan Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 9871600 NPR 5/14/15 97257 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 14, 2015
Embassy of Nepal, Japan Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 9802000 NPR 5/17/15 96571 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Embassy of Nepal, Japan Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 15174000 NPR 5/19/15 149498 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 19, 2015
Embassy of Nepal, Japan Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 8715000 NPR 5/24/15 85862 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 24, 2015
Embassy of Nepal, London Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 10364250 NPR 5/24/15 102111 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 24, 2015
Embassy of Nepal, Quatar Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 3203826.34 NPR 5/26/15 31565 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 26, 2015
Embassy of Nepal, Seol, Korea Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 5102500 NPR 5/18/15 50271 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Embassy of Nepal, Seoul, Korea Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund As of May 7, 2015 18468981 NPR 5/7/15 182229 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 7, 2015
Embassy of Nepal, Seoul, Korea - May 15, 2015 Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund As of May 15, 2015 51738940.43 NPR 5/7/15 509743 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 7, 2015
Embassy of Nepal, Tokyo Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 3508283 NPR 5/7/15 34564 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 15, 2015
Embassy of Nepal, Tokyo Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2461011 NPR 5/10/15 24246 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 10, 2015
Employee of LGCDP Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1863963.74 NPR 5/12/15 18364 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 12, 2015
Employee of Upper Tamakoshi HydroPower Ltd Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 510196.52 NPR 5/27/15 5027 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 27, 2015
Employees of Agricultural Development Bank from all over the country Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 10060034 NPR 5/17/15 99114 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Employees of Asian Paints Nepal Pvt.Ltd Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 711111 NPR 5/27/15 7006 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 27, 2015
Employees of Deprosc Microfinance Development Bank Limited Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 355308 NPR 5/12/15 3501 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 12, 2015
Employees of Employees Provident Fund Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 5686600 NPR 5/15/15 56026 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 15, 2015
Employees of Hetauda Cement Limited Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1556620 NPR 5/26/15 15336 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 26, 2015
Employees of Insurance Committee Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 446495.67 NPR 5/16/15 4399 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 16, 2015
Employees of Nepal Financial Institutions Unions and Agricultural Development Limited Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 511111 NPR 5/21/15 5036 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 21, 2015
Employees of Nepal Government Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 326715449.7 NPR 5/24/15 3218871 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 15, 2015
Employees of Nepal Telecom Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 81600 NPR 5/11/15 804 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 11, 2015
Employees of Nepal Telecom Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 20075475 NPR 5/11/15 197788 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 11, 2015
Employees of Nepal Telecom Authority Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 587208 NPR 5/13/15 5785 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 13, 2015
Employees of Udhapur Cement Limited Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1674713 NPR 5/26/15 16500 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 26, 2015
Employees Provident Fund Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 20000000 NPR 4/30/15 197044 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund -April 30, 2015
Equity Bank ntel Not Known International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 50950 NPR 5/19/15 502 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 19, 2015
Estern Supreme Builders Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2604543.92 NPR 5/18/15 25661 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Everest Bank Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 5000000 NPR 5/12/15 49261 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 12, 2015
Everest Biotech Limited Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 761800 NPR 5/3/15 7505 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 15, 2015
Everest EBS Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 201000 NPR 5/18/15 1980 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Fareed Uddin Uddin Qatar International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 150512 NPR 5/22/15 1483 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Federation of Handicraft Associations of Nepal Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 300000 NPR 5/18/15 2956 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Federation of Journalist Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 51000 NPR 5/25/15 502 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 25, 2015
Federation of Nepal Gold and Silver Dealers Association Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2500250 NPR 5/27/15 24633 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 27, 2015
Fernandez Christal Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 51200 NPR 5/19/15 504 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 19, 2015
Film Development Board,Nepal Nepal National Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 NPR 5/25/15 4926 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 25, 2015
Firoskhan Rayammarkkar Kamaludeen, UAE United Arab Emirates International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 178925 NPR 5/17/15 1763 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
First Microfinance Employee Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 118442 NPR 5/17/15 1167 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Foreign Exchange Association Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 351111 NPR 5/29/15 3459 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 29, 2015
Former member of parliament Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 700000 NPR 4/28/15 6897 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - April 28, 2015
Forum for women law & Development Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 25000 NPR 5/29/15 246 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 29, 2015
Forum for women law & Development Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000 NPR 5/29/15 985 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 29, 2015
Gandaki Development Bank Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1281403.46 NPR 5/18/15 12625 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Ganesh Giri Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 51000 NPR 5/17/15 502 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Gangabu Awash Chetra Sudhar Samiti Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 300000 NPR 5/21/15 2956 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 21, 2015
Gangabu Awash Chetra Sudhar Samiti Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 700000 NPR 5/21/15 6897 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 21, 2015
Garment Association Nepal Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 251000 NPR 5/22/15 2473 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Gas bikreta Mahasang, Nepal Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 303333 NPR 5/21/15 2989 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 21, 2015
Gasmeen Mushtaq Ahmed, Abu Dhabi Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 130040 NPR 5/18/15 1281 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Ghana Shyam Giri Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 26600 NPR 5/17/15 262 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
GIAO DICH KHO BAC NHA NUOC, Vietnam Viet Nam International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 5114000 NPR 5/27/15 50384 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 27, 2015
Gita / Krishna Shrestha Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 129950 NPR 5/28/15 1280 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 28, 2015
Global IME Bank Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 5000000 NPR 5/10/15 49261 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 10, 2015
Goettingen Nepalese Society, Germany Germany International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 553576 NPR 5/24/15 5454 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 24, 2015
Gongkar Dharma Ranza Centre, Taiwan TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 50598178.4 NPR 5/6/15 599982 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 6, 2015
Goodwill Finance Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1000000 NPR 5/7/15 9852 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 7, 2015
Gopal Lilaram Nichani , Vision Tower, Dubai,UAE United Arab Emirates International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 138099 NPR 5/24/15 1361 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 24, 2015
Gorkha Brewery Pvt. Ltd. Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000000 NPR 4/30/15 985222 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund -April 30, 2015
Govinda Mahata Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 51000 NPR 5/18/15 502 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Govinda Prasad Dahal, Sundrawati, Dolkha Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 10000 NPR 5/14/15 99 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 14, 2015
Govinda Prasad Gwayali Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 75000 NPR 5/27/15 739 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 27, 2015
Group of Doctors Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 648640 NPR 5/14/15 6391 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 14, 2015
Group of Nepalese Student,Wageningen University Netherlands International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 312784 NPR 5/11/15 3082 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 11, 2015
GTL Nepal Pvt Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1250000 NPR 5/20/15 12315 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 20, 2015
Guilizzoni Piero Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 136464 NPR 5/19/15 1344 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 19, 2015
Gunaraj Karki Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 252955 NPR 5/22/15 2492 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Gurkha Development bank Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 31114.27 NPR 5/28/15 307 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 28, 2015
Gurkha United Public School Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 76358.41 NPR 5/17/15 752 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Gusan Construction International Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2000548 NPR 5/3/15 19710 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 15, 2015
Gyan Bahadur Rai,Jalan, Perindustrian Jelapang,Malaysia Malaysia International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 21413 NPR 5/17/15 211 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Hala Arjan Hotel apartment UAE United Arab Emirates International Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 25279 NPR 5/28/15 249 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 28, 2015
Hama Merchant and Finance Ltd. Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 150000 NPR 5/18/15 1478 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Hari Prasad Upadhyay Neupane Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2000 NPR 5/8/15 20 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 8, 2015
HE IE DI GODEBAR Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 172428.37 NPR 5/18/15 1699 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Heavenly Path, Kaski Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 50000 NPR 5/18/15 493 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Heer Ibrahim Pinnah Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 134133 NPR 5/2/15 1322 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 15, 2015
Heirs of ShRashid Not Known International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 269047.35 NPR 5/19/15 2651 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 19, 2015
Higher Secondary Education Board Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 735983.33 NPR 5/6/15 7251 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 6, 2015
Himalayan Bank Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 20000000 NPR 5/18/15 197044 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
HImalayan Bank Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2023000 NPR 5/18/15 19931 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Himalayan Dipkar Foundation Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1000000 NPR 5/25/15 9852 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 25, 2015
Himalayan General Insurance Co.Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 NPR 5/16/15 4926 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 16, 2015
Himalayan Terminals .Brigunj Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 NPR 5/29/15 4926 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 29, 2015
Himali Yatayat Vawashik Sangh, Udayapur Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 211111 NPR 5/19/15 2080 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 19, 2015
Honda Motor, India India International Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1344000 NPR 5/27/15 13241 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 27, 2015
Honda Motorcycle, India India International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 3168000 NPR 5/26/15 31212 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 26, 2015
Hong Kong Hong Kong International Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 662000000 NPR 5/14/15 6522167 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 14, 2015
Horta Aly Maria Filomena Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 11165 NPR 5/26/15 110 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 26, 2015
Hotel Association Nepal Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1511111 NPR 5/17/15 14888 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Hotel Padma Pvt.Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 25000 NPR 5/24/15 246 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 24, 2015
HOTELLDRIF TROMSO, Norway Norway International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 423359.07 NPR 5/26/15 4171 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 26, 2015
Human Right and Peace Society of Nepal Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 200000 NPR 5/11/15 1970 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 11, 2015
Humla Samaj Kathmandu Nepal National NGOs Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 231550 NPR 5/11/15 2281 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 11, 2015
Hydroelectricity Investment and Development Company Ltd. Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1500000 NPR 5/19/15 14778 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 19, 2015
I.C.F.C Finance Ltd. Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 NPR 5/18/15 4926 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
ICONS Event Management Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 4156150 NPR 5/17/15 40947 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
ICTC Group of Companies Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 10000000 NPR 5/14/15 98522 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 14, 2015
IME Private Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 20000000 NPR 5/10/15 197044 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 10, 2015
Independent Power Producer Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 300000 NPR 5/26/15 2956 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 26, 2015
Independent Power Producer's Association Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 300000 NPR 5/18/15 2956 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Indiegogo Inc Not Known International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 253044.36 NPR 5/20/15 2493 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 20, 2015
Industrial Enterprise Development Institute Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 215160 NPR 5/6/15 2120 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 6, 2015
Information Sector Service Centre Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 705526 NPR 5/19/15 6951 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 19, 2015
Infrastructure Development Bank Limited Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1001111 NPR 5/7/15 9863 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 7, 2015
Insurance Committee Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 10000000 NPR 5/16/15 98522 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 16, 2015
International Convention Center Development Committee, New Baneshwor Nepal National Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 10000000 NPR 5/17/15 98522 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
International Leasing and Finance Company Ltd. Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 NPR 5/7/15 4926 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 7, 2015
International Union for Conservation, Wasington DC United States International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 202158 NPR 5/10/15 1992 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 10, 2015
Isabella Blot, French France International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 32000 NPR 5/26/15 315 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 26, 2015
J.B.P. Koirala M. Trust Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 25000 NPR 5/27/15 246 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 27, 2015
Jagadamba CUPL Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 105500 NPR 5/18/15 1039 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Jana Kalyan Sewa Sangha Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 50000 NPR 5/27/15 493 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 27, 2015
Janardhan Kothapalli, Narayana Swamy Kothapalli, UAE United Arab Emirates International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 32025 NPR 5/17/15 316 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Jayanta Chattopadhayay Amalendu Chatterjee, Zadco , UAE United Arab Emirates International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 13799 NPR 5/17/15 136 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Jeevan Kumar Shah Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 157796 NPR 5/22/15 1555 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Joseph Shrestha/Josika Shrestha,Swayambhu Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000 NPR 5/21/15 985 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 21, 2015
Josiah Esoh Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 203800 NPR 5/19/15 2008 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 19, 2015
Junior Redcross Samudayak Bipat Sa. Udaypur Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 50000 NPR 5/24/15 493 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 24, 2015
Ka-nying Shedrubing Monastery Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2500000 NPR 5/29/15 24631 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 29, 2015
Kailali Multiple Campus,Dhangadi Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100507 NPR 4/27/15 990 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - April 27, 2015
Kailash Development Bank Ltd. Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2500000 NPR 5/18/15 24631 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Kalika Bajar Bya. Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 167000 NPR 5/18/15 1645 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Kalpana Lamichanne Bhandari Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 5117727 NPR 5/25/15 50421 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 25, 2015
Kapil Lamsal Quatar Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 217058 NPR 5/28/15 2139 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 28, 2015
Kar Fachaut aayog's employee Nepal National Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 162401 NPR 5/22/15 1600 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Karma Yogi Sha Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 639612.42 NPR 5/19/15 6302 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 19, 2015
Karnali Excursion Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 228250 NPR 5/26/15 2249 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 26, 2015
Karuna Foundation Nepal Nepal National NGOs Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 NPR 5/27/15 4926 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 27, 2015
Kasaudhan Vaishya Samaj, Nepalgunj Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 44294 NPR 5/17/15 436 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Kasthamandap Development Bank Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 NPR 5/25/15 4926 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 25, 2015
Kathleen Descarie Qatar International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 475948 NPR 5/22/15 4689 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Kathmandu Finance Ltd. Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 111000 NPR 5/18/15 1094 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Kathmandu Valley Watersupply Management Board Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 82953.74 NPR 5/18/15 817 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Khilraj Regmi including 11 Persons Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 315000 NPR 5/18/15 3103 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Kiran Gurung Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 375448 NPR 5/21/15 3699 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 21, 2015
Kirti Dhanji Qatar International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000 NPR 5/22/15 985 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Kishan Microfinance Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 63981 NPR 5/27/15 630 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 27, 2015
Kishor Kumar Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000 NPR 5/18/15 985 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Kishor Kumar Sunar,Ramechhap Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000 NPR 5/3/15 985 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 3, 2015
Kishor Shrestha / Shobita Bhandari,Swayambhu Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 NPR 5/21/15 4926 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 21, 2015
Kist collage Baneshwor kathmandu Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000 NPR 5/28/15 985 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 28, 2015
Koyickal Raghavan Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 4288899 NPR 5/19/15 42255 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 19, 2015
Krishi Aaujar Karkhana Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 18026.32 NPR 5/28/15 178 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 28, 2015
Kriti Ojha Bhatta Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 310000 NPR 5/29/15 3054 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 29, 2015
Kunjar Sharma Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 164914 NPR 5/19/15 1625 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 19, 2015
Lalitkala Pragya Pratisthan Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 301103 NPR 5/16/15 2967 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 16, 2015
Law Book Management Board Nepal National Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 73816.67 NPR 5/10/15 727 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 10, 2015
Laxmi Laghubitta Sastha Limited Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 562400 NPR 5/18/15 5541 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Legislature Parliament Secretariat Nepal National Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 23614730 NPR 5/22/15 232657 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Li. Ka. Singh Foundation, Hong Kong Hong Kong International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100700000 NPR 5/3/15 1000000 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 15, 2015
Life Insurance Corp. (Nepal) Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1500000 NPR 5/16/15 14778 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 16, 2015
Lila Nath Kadel Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 250000 NPR 5/21/15 2463 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 21, 2015
Lila Nath Kadel Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 250000 NPR 5/2/15 2463 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 15, 2015
Lisa Alfaro Sopale Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 50571.6 NPR 5/19/15 498 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 19, 2015
Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research and Development Nepal National NGOs Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 300005 NPR 5/7/15 2956 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 7, 2015
Lok Bd. Rokaya,Giri R Lamsal,Khim KC and friends from UAE United Arab Emirates International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 35905 NPR 5/26/15 354 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 26, 2015
Lok Raj Adhikari Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 280000 NPR 5/27/15 2759 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 27, 2015
Lumbini General Insurance Co. Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 NPR 5/16/15 4926 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 16, 2015
Macao Henry Fok Foundation International Others Cash Commitment Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 129500 NPR 5/22/15 1276 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Macao Henry Fok Foundation International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 12950000 NPR 5/22/15 127586 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Macao Henry Fok Foundation International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 13183100 NPR 5/26/15 129883 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 26, 2015
Machhapuchchhre Bank Limited Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2633741 NPR 5/20/15 25948 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 20, 2015
Madyabindu Bahumukhi Campus,Kawasoti,Nawalparasi Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 102521 NPR 5/6/15 1010 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 6, 2015
Mahesh Baidhya ,Qater Qatar International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 14897 NPR 5/22/15 147 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Manish Koirala Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 26000 NPR 5/25/15 256 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 25, 2015
Manjushree Buddhist Welfare Association, Swayambhu Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 NPR 5/7/15 4926 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 7, 2015
Manjushree Financial Institution Limited Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 125000 NPR 5/5/15 1232 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - April 27, 2015
Manoj Sharma Kand Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 124721 NPR 5/21/15 1229 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 21, 2015
Meer Ebrahim Pinha Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 134133.4 NPR 5/21/15 1322 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 21, 2015
Megha collage Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 501000 NPR 5/29/15 4936 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 29, 2015
MINISTERTVO VANJSKI, CROCIA Croatia International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 5193877.74 NPR 5/18/15 51171 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Ministry of Commerce and supply (NECTRADE) Nepal National Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 39628 NPR 5/3/15 390 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 15, 2015
MISSION FOUNDATION, South Korea Korea (Republic of) International I/NGOs Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 51025000 NPR 5/20/15 502709 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 20, 2015
Mohammed Afzal Mohammed Tahir, UAE United Arab Emirates International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 191990 NPR 5/17/15 1892 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Mohammed Afzal Mohammed Tahir, UAE United Arab Emirates International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 103721 NPR 5/17/15 1022 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Mohammed Hussain SH Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 412087 NPR 5/21/15 4060 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 21, 2015
Mohammed Zubair, UAE United Arab Emirates International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 173796 NPR 5/24/15 1712 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 24, 2015
Mohan Krishna Shrestha, Former Ambassador for France Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 20496 NPR 5/3/15 202 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 15, 2015
Mohan Raj Bhatta Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 700000 NPR 5/29/15 6897 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 29, 2015
Mr. Nicholas Ekow United Arab Emirates International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 10191 NPR 5/24/15 100 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 24, 2015
Mrigendra Samjhana medical trust Nepal National NGOs Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 111111 NPR 4/29/15 1095 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - April 29, 2015
Muktishree Pvt.Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 10000000 NPR 5/17/15 98522 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Muneer Usman Paner Qatar International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 553556 NPR 5/22/15 5454 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Muneer Usman Paner Qatar International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 113479 NPR 5/22/15 1118 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Munir Usman Panir Not Known International Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 553000 NPR 5/10/15 5448 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 10, 2015
Mylen Ortega Qatar International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 150302 NPR 5/22/15 1481 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
N Ramjee Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1375515 NPR 5/21/15 13552 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 21, 2015
Nagar Bikash Kosh Nepal Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 5000000 NPR 5/17/15 49261 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Nagur Meera Vali S Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000 NPR 5/21/15 985 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 21, 2015
Nailen Ortega Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 150302 NPR 5/2/15 1481 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 15, 2015
NAMS Bir Hospital(Operational) Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 372465 NPR 5/20/15 3670 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 20, 2015
National Academy of Mecical Science Bir Hospital Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2972126 NPR 5/20/15 29282 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 20, 2015
National Academy of Medical Science(expenditure) Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 278449 NPR 5/20/15 2743 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 20, 2015
National Archives Nepal National Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 85805 NPR 5/6/15 845 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 6, 2015
National Commercial Bank Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 10000000 NPR 5/16/15 98522 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 16, 2015
National Commercial Bank Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 5034062.03 NPR 5/18/15 49597 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
National Election Observation Committee Nepal National Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 25000 NPR 5/5/15 246 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 15, 2015
National Life Insurance Co. Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1250001 NPR 5/16/15 12315 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 16, 2015
National Planning Commission (Vice President, members and including staff) Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 946670 NPR 5/5/15 9327 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 5, 2015
National Police Wives Association Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 505555 NPR 5/18/15 4981 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
National Trust for Nature Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1000000 NPR 5/19/15 9852 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 19, 2015
Natural Resource Research Center Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 60711 NPR 4/30/15 598 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 15, 2015
NB Insurance Co.Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 NPR 5/16/15 4926 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 16, 2015
NCC Bank Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 5500000 NPR 5/27/15 54187 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 27, 2015
NCCI, Nepalgunj Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 106411 NPR 5/17/15 1048 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Ncell Pvt.Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 102000000 NPR 5/27/15 1004926 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 27, 2015
NECO Insurance Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 NPR 5/16/15 4926 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 16, 2015
Nepal Academy Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 878140.25 NPR 5/13/15 8652 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 13, 2015
Nepal Academy of Science and Technology Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 854130 NPR 5/8/15 8415 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 8, 2015
Nepal Airlines Corporation Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 4696973 NPR 5/19/15 46276 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 19, 2015
Nepal Ambassy of UAE Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 273460 NPR 5/19/15 2694 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 19, 2015
Nepal Bangladesh Bank Limited Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 5000000 NPR 5/7/15 49261 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 7, 2015
Nepal Bank Limited Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 8725605.8 NPR 5/29/15 85967 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 29, 2015
Nepal Bar Assocation Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 51000 NPR 5/25/15 502 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 25, 2015
Nepal Bar Association Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1000000 NPR 5/18/15 9852 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Nepal Bergen Society Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1298478.08 NPR 5/17/15 12793 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Nepal Bharat Maitrisanga, Chandrouta kapilavastuvata Nepal National NGOs Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 105600 NPR 4/29/15 1040 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - April 29, 2015
Nepal Boudha Sakya Sanga Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2500000 NPR 5/16/15 24631 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 16, 2015
Nepal Centre for Contempory Research Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 30000 NPR 5/22/15 296 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Nepal Chamber of Commerce Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 107835 NPR 5/18/15 1062 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Nepal CMA Sangh Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 151000 NPR 5/18/15 1488 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Nepal collage of informatiom Technology Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 296727 NPR 5/29/15 2923 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 29, 2015
Nepal Dana Udhoyog Sangha Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 5111112 NPR 5/27/15 50356 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 27, 2015
Nepal District Development committee,Nepal Nepal National Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000 NPR 5/22/15 985 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Nepal Egg Production Sang Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1000000 NPR 5/26/15 9852 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 26, 2015
Nepal Electricity Authority Nepal National Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 25000000 NPR 5/27/15 246305 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 27, 2015
Nepal Embassy of UAE Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 273460 NPR 5/17/15 2694 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Nepal Engineer's Assocation Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 51000 NPR 5/25/15 502 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 25, 2015
Nepal Food Coorporation Nepal National Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1225120 NPR 5/6/15 12070 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 6, 2015
Nepal general marketing . Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 4000000 NPR 5/29/15 39409 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 29, 2015
Nepal Insurance Co.Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 NPR 5/16/15 4926 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 16, 2015
Nepal Intermodel Transport Development Commitee Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 108308.33 NPR 5/6/15 1067 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 6, 2015
Nepal Kist collage pvt. ltd. Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 168012 NPR 5/29/15 1655 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 29, 2015
Nepal Life Insurance Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 5100000 NPR 5/16/15 50246 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 16, 2015
Nepal Medical Association Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 510000 NPR 5/25/15 5025 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 25, 2015
Nepal National Commission for UNESCO Nepal National Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 28377 NPR 5/8/15 280 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 8, 2015
Nepal Nijamati Karmachari Union Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000 NPR 5/28/15 985 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 28, 2015
Nepal Oil Corporation Limited Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2111820 NPR 5/11/15 20806 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 11, 2015
Nepal Paediatric Society Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1200000 NPR 5/20/15 11823 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 20, 2015
Nepal Petroleum Dealer's National Assocation Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1625000 NPR 5/14/15 16010 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 14, 2015
Nepal Professor Association Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 51000 NPR 5/25/15 502 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 25, 2015
Nepal Re-Insurance Company Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 10000001 NPR 5/17/15 98522 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Nepal Red Cross Doti Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 207623 NPR 5/18/15 2046 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Nepal Reinsurance Company Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 10000000 NPR 5/11/15 98522 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 11, 2015
Nepal Shichyak Mahasang Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 51000 NPR 5/25/15 502 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 25, 2015
Nepal Stock Exchange Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 5000000 NPR 5/18/15 49261 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Nepal Tanning Udhyog Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 111111 NPR 5/17/15 1095 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Nepal Telecom Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 250000000 NPR 5/11/15 2463054 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 11, 2015
Nepal Telecom Authority Nepal National Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 50000000 NPR 5/13/15 492611 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 13, 2015
Nepal Tourism Board Nepal National Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 178189.44 NPR 5/21/15 1756 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 21, 2015
Nepal Tourism Board Nepal National Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 50000000 NPR 5/20/15 492611 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 20, 2015
Nepal Transit & Warehousing Co. Ltd. Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 309979 NPR 5/6/15 3054 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 6, 2015
Nepalese Army Nepal National Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 243606986.7 NPR 5/25/15 2400069 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 25, 2015
Nepalese community Negoya japan Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1000000 NPR 5/29/15 9852 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 29, 2015
Nepalese Forum in Ehime, Japan Japan International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1257993 NPR 5/17/15 12394 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Nepali Dukkha Niwaran Kalyan Kosh ,Lhasa, Tibet Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 0 NPR 5/27/15 0 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 27, 2015
Nepathya Band Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 NPR 5/10/15 4926 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 10, 2015
Nexus Insurance Brokers L.L.C , Dubai United Arab Emirates International Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 10191000 NPR 5/24/15 100404 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 24, 2015
NGO Federation Nepal National I/NGOs Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 205896 NPR 5/18/15 2029 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Nick Simons Foundation, New York Not Known International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 101600000 NPR 5/22/15 1000985 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
NIDC Capital Market Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000 NPR 5/18/15 985 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
NIDC Development Bank Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 5100000 NPR 5/6/15 50246 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 6, 2015
Niharika Malego Sukhedhara,Ktm Not Known National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2435 NPR 5/3/15 24 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 15, 2015
Nirman Vyavasayi Sangha Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 115410 NPR 5/17/15 1137 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
NLG Insurance Co. Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 751000 NPR 5/16/15 7399 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 16, 2015
Nolim Chukwuema Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 19442.43 NPR 5/24/15 192 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 24, 2015
North star engineering consultancy Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 62809 NPR 5/28/15 619 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 28, 2015
Not identified Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2409650 NPR 5/18/15 23740 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Office of Audit General Nepal National Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2119479 NPR 5/15/15 20882 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 15, 2015
Oladeji Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 102000 NPR 5/19/15 1005 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 19, 2015
Om Chao Biro Feed Industries Pvt. Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2500000 NPR 5/27/15 24631 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 27, 2015
Online Collection Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 581181 NPR 5/25/15 5726 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 25, 2015
OSHODHARMA DKM Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 101000 NPR 5/18/15 995 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Padma Arcade Money Exchange Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 25000 NPR 5/24/15 246 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 24, 2015
Pankaj Ghimire, New Pig Corporation Staff, Tipton USA Not Known International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 51000 NPR 5/22/15 502 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Pashupati Dhunga Udhyog Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000 NPR 5/17/15 985 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Patan Industrial Estate Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 40802 NPR 5/7/15 402 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 7, 2015
Paurakhi Saving and Credit Sahakari Kawasoti, Nawalparasi Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 30000 NPR 5/18/15 296 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Pawan Kumar Sardha Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1138671 NPR 5/17/15 11218 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Petroleum Technology Co. WLL , Doha ,Qatar Qatar International Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1763597.39 NPR 5/24/15 17375 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 24, 2015
Pokhara Finance Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 237218.33 NPR 5/19/15 2337 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 19, 2015
Police Officers from Police Department Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000111 NPR 4/30/15 985223 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 15, 2015
Prabhu Insurance Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 NPR 5/16/15 4926 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 16, 2015
Pradhan Mathema Mala Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 200000 NPR 5/29/15 1970 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 29, 2015
Pranaya Rai Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 819185.6 NPR 5/29/15 8071 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 29, 2015
Prashasan, Mgt, Dev C Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000 NPR 5/18/15 985 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Premier Insurance Co. (Nepal) Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 NPR 5/16/15 4926 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 16, 2015
President Chure Terai Madhesi Protection Development Committee Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 421090 NPR 5/10/15 4149 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 10, 2015
Prime Commercial Bank Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 5000000 NPR 5/25/15 49261 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 25, 2015
Prime Life Insurance Co. Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1500000 NPR 5/16/15 14778 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 16, 2015
Prithvi Narayan Campus Pokhara Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 397665 NPR 5/8/15 3918 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 8, 2015
Probiotech Industries Pvt.Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 499999 NPR 5/27/15 4926 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 27, 2015
Process Automation Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 214272 NPR 5/22/15 2111 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Prudential Insurance Co.Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 NPR 5/16/15 4926 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 16, 2015
Purba Karmachari Sewa Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 201111 NPR 5/18/15 1981 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Radhakrishnan Puth Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 106211 NPR 5/22/15 1046 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Raj Kumar Pokharel Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100001 NPR 5/18/15 985 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Rajeev Nand , UAE United Arab Emirates International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 30560 NPR 5/17/15 301 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Raju K C Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100011 NPR 5/22/15 985 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Raju Prasad Acharya, Matar Qadeem,Malaysia Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 41202 NPR 5/17/15 406 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Rakesh Tharoor, UAE United Arab Emirates International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 510207 NPR 5/17/15 5027 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Ram Prasad Gautam , Qatar Qatar International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 115422 NPR 5/24/15 1137 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 24, 2015
Ramesh Kumar Bhattarai Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 200000 NPR 5/7/15 1970 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 7, 2015
Rastriya Anusandhan Bibhag Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2206969.61 NPR 5/29/15 21744 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 29, 2015
Rastriya Anusandhan Bibhag Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2793030.39 NPR 5/29/15 27518 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 29, 2015
Rastriya Beema Company Limited, Ramshahpath Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 10000000 NPR 5/3/15 98522 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 3, 2015
Rastriya Khelkud Parisadka Sadasya Sachib lagyatka karmarichari Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 3870093.46 NPR 5/3/15 38129 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 3, 2015
Rastriya Sahakari Sangh Ltd. Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2500000 NPR 5/14/15 24631 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 14, 2015
Ratheesh Parappurath, Qatar Qatar International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 27565 NPR 5/24/15 272 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 24, 2015
RBB Remit- Dinesh Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 167090 NPR 5/18/15 1646 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Regional Public Organisation Society of Cooperation and Friendship Nepal Moscow Nagatinskaya Not Known International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2008347.6 NPR 5/24/15 19787 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 24, 2015
Reliable Development Bank Ltd. Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 600000 NPR 5/27/15 5911 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 27, 2015
Reliance Lotus finance limited Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 200000 NPR 5/29/15 1970 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 29, 2015
Renewable Energy for Rural Livelihood Program Nepal National Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 72638.32 NPR 5/10/15 716 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 10, 2015
Ricardo Miguel Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 56355 NPR 5/19/15 555 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 19, 2015
Rohit Bd. Karki, Morang Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 101000 NPR 5/26/15 995 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 26, 2015
Sag. Bus Byabsayi San Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 275555 NPR 5/18/15 2715 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Sagarmatha EBS Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 101101 NPR 5/18/15 996 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Sagarmatha Insurance Co.Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1000000 NPR 5/16/15 9852 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 16, 2015
Sahid Gagalal Health Kendra Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1327883 NPR 5/25/15 13083 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 25, 2015
Salt Trading Co-operation limited Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1306720 NPR 5/3/15 12874 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 3, 2015
Samantha Wen United Arab Emirates International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 16671 NPR 5/17/15 164 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Samridhi Samudaik Bikash Sahakari Sanstha Ltd. Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 61700 NPR 5/24/15 608 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 24, 2015
Samsen RD. Bang Khumprom, Bank of Thailand Thailand International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 6246470 NPR 5/20/15 61542 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 20, 2015
Sana Kisan Bikash Bank Ltd. Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2309098 NPR 5/14/15 22750 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 14, 2015
Sanjay Kumar Singh Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 141830 NPR 5/22/15 1397 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Satya Narayan Veera, Qatar Qatar International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 45361 NPR 5/17/15 447 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Satyanarayan Keyal Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 200000 NPR 4/27/15 1970 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - April 27, 2015
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia International Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 13149500 NPR 5/4/15 130000 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 4, 2015
Sayed Yusuf Khalil Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 216723 NPR 5/21/15 2135 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 21, 2015
Seti Mahakali eta udhyoga byawasayik sang Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000 NPR 4/28/15 985 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - April 28, 2015
Shahul Hameed Shaf Qatar International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 117191 NPR 5/22/15 1155 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Shangrila Development Bank Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2185362 NPR 5/22/15 21531 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Shanta Nirkari Mandal Nepal,Kathmandu Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 NPR 5/11/15 4926 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 11, 2015
Shashidhar Nepali Khanal Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 111101 NPR 5/17/15 1095 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Shikhar Insurance Co.Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 NPR 5/16/15 4926 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 16, 2015
Shiva Raj Sapkota Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000 NPR 5/27/15 985 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 27, 2015
Shree Samundra Man Bidhya Pratisthan, Tangal Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 151000 NPR 5/22/15 1488 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Siddhartha Development Bank Ltd. Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 NPR 5/10/15 4926 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 10, 2015
Siddhartha Insurance Limited Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 225130 NPR 5/3/15 2218 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 3, 2015
Siddhartha Insurance Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 NPR 5/16/15 4926 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 16, 2015
Siddhi Ganesh Enterprize Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 3500000 NPR 5/11/15 34483 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 11, 2015
Sidhdartha Campus Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 111111 NPR 5/18/15 1095 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Silver Heritage Investment Pvt.Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2200000 NPR 5/12/15 21675 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 12, 2015
Social Development and Awareness , Baitadi Nepal National NGOs Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 51000 NPR 5/17/15 502 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
SOS Balgram Nepal National NGOs Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 129965 NPR 5/3/15 1280 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 15, 2015
South Asia Institute of Advance Studies Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 76500 NPR 5/28/15 754 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 28, 2015
Staff of RVWRMP Project Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 323230 NPR 5/26/15 3185 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 26, 2015
Stanbic Bank/ Harniky Symington Not Known International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 29393.28 NPR 5/24/15 290 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 24, 2015
Stupa International Pvt.Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 200000 NPR 5/24/15 1970 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 24, 2015
Subisu Cable Net Pvt. Ltd. Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2000000 NPR 5/16/15 19704 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 16, 2015
Sudhindra Bandacha Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 115000 NPR 5/21/15 1133 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 21, 2015
Sudurpachim yatayat bawasayik, Dhangadi Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 111111 NPR 4/27/15 1095 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - April 27, 2015
Sunayna Kumari Yadav, Lahan, Siraha Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 141000 NPR 5/13/15 1389 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 15, 2015
Sunder Vijaya Koirala Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 111111 NPR 5/29/15 1095 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 29, 2015
Sunrise International Hotel group Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 5000000 NPR 4/30/15 49261 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 15, 2015
Surya life Insurance Co. Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 NPR 5/16/15 4926 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 16, 2015
Surya Nepal Private Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000000 NPR 5/12/15 985222 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 12, 2015
Swawlamvan Laghubitta Bikash Bank Ltd., Laldurbar, Kathmandu Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 111111 NPR 5/14/15 1095 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 14, 2015
Syakar Trading company . Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 6000000 NPR 5/29/15 59113 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 29, 2015
Syed Ajmal syed Mli Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 137703 NPR 5/21/15 1357 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 21, 2015
Synergy Finance Ltd. Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 200000 NPR 5/18/15 1970 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
T Oboshie Torgbor, Accra / Ghana Ghana International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 30618 NPR 5/24/15 302 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 24, 2015
T.M. Tiwari silgudi Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000 NPR 5/28/15 985 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 28, 2015
Tamdin Dorje Tuladhar Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 5000000 NPR 4/30/15 49261 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 15, 2015
Tashi Cheten Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2000000 NPR 4/30/15 19704 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 15, 2015
Technical Education and Vocational Training Council Nepal National Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 4002374.64 NPR 5/18/15 39432 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Tej Ram Sapkota & Asry staffs Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 227000 NPR 5/21/15 2236 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 21, 2015
The National Insurance Institute Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 10000000 NPR 5/16/15 98522 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 16, 2015
The Timber Corporation of Nepal Ltd. Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 434069.67 NPR 5/10/15 4277 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 10, 2015
Thirupathi Reddy D Qatar International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 352630 NPR 5/22/15 3474 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Tikaram Chaudhary,UAE Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 43367 NPR 5/17/15 427 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Tikeshwari Kumari Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 479234 NPR 5/22/15 4722 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Tikeswari Kumari Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 479334 NPR 5/10/15 4723 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 10, 2015
Tourism Development Bank Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1000000 NPR 5/3/15 9852 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 15, 2015
Trans Nepal Private Limited Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 101000 NPR 5/17/15 995 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Tribhuvan International Airport Civil Aviation Office, Gaucharan Nepal National Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2332317.96 NPR 5/18/15 22979 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Tribhuvan University Employees Union Central commities Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 221000 NPR 4/30/15 2177 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund -April 30, 2015
Trinity international collage Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 575272 NPR 5/29/15 5668 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 29, 2015
Tulsipur CCI Dang Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 311111 NPR 5/18/15 3065 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Twinkle Kutisummoo Qatar International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 719371 NPR 5/22/15 7087 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Uday S Mukhopadhya Qatar International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 220143 NPR 5/22/15 2169 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Udhyog Sangathan, Morang Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 401000 NPR 5/17/15 3951 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Udhyog Sangathan, Morang Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 288500 NPR 5/26/15 2842 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 26, 2015
Udyog Banijya Sangha, Butwal Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 575555 NPR 5/18/15 5670 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Udyog Banijya Sangha, Dhankuta Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 101121 NPR 5/18/15 996 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Unilever Nepal Limited Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2500000 NPR 5/11/15 24631 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 11, 2015
United Insurance Co. (Nepal) Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 501000 NPR 5/16/15 4936 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 16, 2015
Upper TamaKoshi Hydropower Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 5000000 NPR 5/27/15 49261 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 27, 2015
Uttam Prasad Poudel Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 59700 NPR 5/18/15 588 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Uttari Morang Supari Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000 NPR 5/18/15 985 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 18, 2015
Various Reciepient Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1222508.78 NPR 5/25/15 12044 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 20, 2015
Venglath Vamadeban Sakhosh ,UAE United Arab Emirates International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 13718 NPR 5/17/15 135 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Venugopal Raghava Varma,Taweela Power Company, UAE United Arab Emirates International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 10000 NPR 5/17/15 99 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Venus Printing Press Staff ,UAE United Arab Emirates International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 50320 NPR 5/22/15 496 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 22, 2015
Vinay Kamal Kumar Suran,UAE United Arab Emirates International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 32858 NPR 5/17/15 324 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 17, 2015
Vishnu Sankaran Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 121012 NPR 5/21/15 1192 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 21, 2015
Zhong Shan Doo Not Known International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 257297.5 NPR 5/19/15 2535 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 19, 2015
Abbs Trpurwa Karmachari Sewa Parisad Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 650000 NPR 6/1/15 6403.941 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Web Lalitpur Sdibasi Janjati Utthan Rastriya Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 194513 NPR 6/1/15 1916.384 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Nepali Society Nigata Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2163707 NPR 6/1/15 21317.31 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Embassy Of Nepalwisma Paradise Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 22173931 NPR 6/1/15 218462.373 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Cecillia Kabwe Chisangaeurrate Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 11070 NPR 6/1/15 109.064 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Purna Bahadur Thakali Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 131000 NPR 6/1/15 1290.64 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
City Express Money Transfer Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 306433 NPR 6/1/15 3019.044 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Ntv Daibiprakop Uddar Rahat Kosh Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1564372 NPR 6/1/15 15412.529 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Jilla Kastha Sangh Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 150100 NPR 6/1/15 1478.818 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Embassy Of Nepal Earthquake Fund Fukukawa House B-6-20-28 Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 19603000 NPR 6/1/15 193133.005 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
M Boudal Alexis 29 Avlapte Ses Poissionniers 75018 Paris Not Known International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 109252 NPR 6/1/15 1076.376 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Saad Moosa Essa Al Salami Qatra Not Known International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 276684 NPR 6/1/15 2725.951 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Nepalese Student Organisation Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 397125 NPR 6/1/15 3912.562 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Rajendra Chettri Usa Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 521925 NPR 6/1/15 5142.114 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Sharifah Azreena Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 111630 NPR 6/1/15 1099.803 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
25221 B7507 Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 507838 NPR 6/1/15 5003.331 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Contris Hedwig Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 15192 NPR 6/1/15 149.675 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Trf Frm Nsbi Bank Of Toyko Mitsubishi Japan International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 288000 NPR 6/1/15 2837.438 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Dolendra Karki Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1010895 NPR 6/1/15 9959.557 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Local Staff Support Group Scbnl Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 392450 NPR 6/1/15 3866.502 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Laxman Dhakal Sunsari Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000 NPR 6/1/15 985.222 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Nabil Bank Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 50000 NPR 6/1/15 492.611 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Everst Insurance Company Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000 NPR 6/1/15 985.222 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Rajendra Singh Bhandari Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 203405 NPR 6/1/15 2003.99 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Korea Daily In Newyork And 1004 Foundation Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2437092 NPR 6/1/15 24010.759 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Loveth Abiere Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 5122 NPR 6/1/15 50.458 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Chwomado E Endrew Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 102520 NPR 6/1/15 1010.049 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Parsa Ram Jat Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 240649 NPR 6/1/15 2370.926 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Manohar Bachani Dayal Das & Friends Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 50000 NPR 6/1/15 492.611 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Sankhe Rai Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 61051 NPR 6/1/15 601.488 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Ime Limited Not Known International Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 55493 NPR 6/1/15 546.729 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Ganesh Moily Krishna Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 250920 NPR 6/1/15 2472.118 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Hamro Bazar Helsinki Finland Samakhusi Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 103860 NPR 6/1/15 1023.251 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Mukti Prasad Chadhury Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 81615 NPR 6/1/15 804.089 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Mass Express Pte Ltd . Singapore Singapore International Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 76000 NPR 6/1/15 748.768 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Agnani Kumar & Friends Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 58381 NPR 6/1/15 575.182 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Deepak Kamath & Friends Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 193436 NPR 6/1/15 1905.773 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Waheedsyed Arshad & Friends Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 69159 NPR 6/1/15 681.369 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Riyad Mahmud Mohd Abul Bashar Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 72688 NPR 6/1/15 716.138 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Leah Genogun Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 296125 NPR 6/1/15 2917.488 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Kamal Sharestha & Friends Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 NPR 6/1/15 4926.108 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Shyam Bahadur Pun & Friends Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 584247 NPR 6/1/15 5756.128 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Yadav Prasad Devkota & Friends Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 911854 NPR 6/1/15 8983.783 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Pramodkumar Satyadev Mishra & Friends Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 284540 NPR 6/1/15 2803.35 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Coral Deira Dubai Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 80991 NPR 6/1/15 797.941 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Chet Sigdel & Friends Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 793690 NPR 6/1/15 7819.606 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Badri Subedi & Friends Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 793690 NPR 6/1/15 7819.606 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 1, 2015 Alina Acharya
Prime Minister Disaster Relief Fund Baharain International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1996101 NPR 6/2/15 19666.02 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 2, 2015 Alina Acharya
Shafuddeen Chemberi Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 78359 NPR 6/2/15 772.01 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 2, 2015 Alina Acharya
Ncsc-Nepal Eathquake Relief Fund 23 Taralake Gadns Ne Calgary Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2179984 NPR 6/2/15 21477.675 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 2, 2015 Alina Acharya
World Mission Society Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1000000 NPR 6/2/15 9852.217 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 2, 2015 Alina Acharya
South Asia Watch On Trade Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 111111 NPR 6/2/15 1094.69 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 2, 2015 Alina Acharya
Emloyees Of Bir Hospital Nursing Campus Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 186964 NPR 6/2/15 1842.014 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 2, 2015 Alina Acharya
Chitria Hotel Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 101111 NPR 6/2/15 996.167 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 2, 2015 Alina Acharya
Infrastructure Development Bank Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1001111 NPR 6/2/15 9863.163 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 2, 2015 Alina Acharya
Paswa Saving And Credit Co Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 111000 NPR 6/2/15 1093.596 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 2, 2015 Alina Acharya
Nepal Bank Limited Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1500000 NPR 6/2/15 14778.325 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 2, 2015 Alina Acharya
A.B.C. Nepal Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 200000 NPR 6/2/15 1970.443 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 2, 2015 Alina Acharya
Barja Bahadur Gharti Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 111111 NPR 6/2/15 1094.69 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 2, 2015 Alina Acharya
B.P Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1383453 NPR 6/2/15 13630.083 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 2, 2015 Alina Acharya
Pokhara Tourism Revival Committee Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 NPR 6/2/15 4926.108 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 2, 2015 Alina Acharya
Nic Asia Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2551000 NPR 6/2/15 25133.005 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 2, 2015 Alina Acharya
Teacher Of Gov Nepal National Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 77361485 NPR 6/2/15 762182.118 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 2, 2015 Alina Acharya
Employees Of Gov Nepal National Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 358503342 NPR 6/2/15 3532052.626 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 2, 2015 Alina Acharya
Agrivat Consultancy Not Known International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 120000 NPR 6/3/15 1182.266 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 3, 2015 Alina Acharya
Bin Sabt Jewellery Not Known International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 101901 NPR 6/3/15 1003.951 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 3, 2015 Alina Acharya
Icfc Bittiya Sanstha Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 NPR 6/3/15 4926.108 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 3, 2015 Alina Acharya
Prudential Finance Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 520133 NPR 6/3/15 5124.463 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 3, 2015 Alina Acharya
Mahalaxmi Finance Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 916469 NPR 6/3/15 9029.249 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 3, 2015 Alina Acharya
Prime International Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2000000 NPR 6/3/15 19704.433 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 3, 2015 Alina Acharya
United Liquors Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 3000000 NPR 6/3/15 29556.65 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 3, 2015 Alina Acharya
Ictc Pvt Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 5000000 NPR 6/3/15 49261.084 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 3, 2015 Alina Acharya
Jyoti Bikash Bank Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 NPR 6/3/15 4926.108 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 3, 2015 Alina Acharya
Surya Construction Co. Pvt.Ltd Pokhara Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 111111 NPR 6/3/15 1094.69 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 3, 2015 Alina Acharya
Nepalese Community In North Queensland Not Known International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 597018 NPR 6/3/15 5881.949 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 3, 2015 Alina Acharya
Sahakari Disaster Relief Fund Kaski Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1527127 NPR 6/3/15 15045.586 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 3, 2015 Alina Acharya
Chatra Bahadur Shrestha Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 381468 NPR 6/3/15 3758.305 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 3, 2015 Alina Acharya
Pay Point Nmb Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000 NPR 6/3/15 985.222 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 3, 2015 Alina Acharya
Singhadurbar Vaidyakhana Nepal National Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 180758 NPR 6/3/15 1780.87 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 3, 2015 Alina Acharya
Nepal Medicine Limited Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 619231 NPR 6/3/15 6100.794 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 3, 2015 Alina Acharya
Apollo Manpower Service Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 151000 NPR 6/3/15 1487.685 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 3, 2015 Alina Acharya
Siddhartha Bhandari Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 225000 NPR 6/3/15 2216.749 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 3, 2015 Alina Acharya
Vision Dolpo Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000 NPR 6/3/15 985.222 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 3, 2015 Alina Acharya
Sawal Sahakari Sanstha Limited Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 208881 NPR 6/3/15 2057.941 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 3, 2015 Alina Acharya
Cemt Not Known International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 217058 NPR 6/3/15 2138.502 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 3, 2015 Alina Acharya
Bheri Co Finance Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 101111 NPR 6/3/15 996.167 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 3, 2015 Alina Acharya
Shree Aishwarya Bidhya Niketan Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 111380 NPR 6/3/15 1097.34 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 3, 2015 Alina Acharya
Binayak Poudel Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 121481 NPR 6/3/15 1196.857 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 3, 2015 Alina Acharya
Kendirya Bal Kalyan Sangh Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 105733 NPR 6/3/15 1041.708 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 3, 2015 Alina Acharya
Nepali Dukkha Niwaran Kalyan Kosh From Lhasa China National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 5/31/15 0 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 31, 2015 Alina Acharya
Anup Subedi And Sarita Sharma From Usa United States International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1018000 5/31/15 10029.557 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - May 31, 2015 Alina Acharya
Burmese American Dental Association From Usa United States International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 206552 6/4/15 2034.995 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 4, 2015 Alina Acharya
Embassy Of Nepal Korea, Republic of International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 32387720 6/4/15 319090.84 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 4, 2015 Alina Acharya
Embassy Of Nepal Kuwait International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 11750056 6/4/15 115764.102 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 4, 2015 Alina Acharya
Australia Awards Australia International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 280982 6/4/15 2768.296 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 4, 2015 Alina Acharya
Gandaki Hydropower Project Development Committee Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 115197 6/4/15 1134.949 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 4, 2015 Alina Acharya
Urban Environment Management Society Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 110000 6/4/15 1083.744 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 4, 2015 Alina Acharya
Davanli Samaj Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 101000 6/4/15 995.074 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 4, 2015 Alina Acharya
Nepal Ghitopatra Board Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 5703885 6/4/15 56195.915 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 4, 2015 Alina Acharya
Yeti Development Bank Ltd. Nepal Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1006000 6/4/15 9911.33 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 4, 2015 Alina Acharya
Shivashakthi Bio Planttee Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 6/4/15 4926.108 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 4, 2015 Alina Acharya
Sawarga Pawitra Satya Sundar Samaj Mokichi Okada Swargiya Sansar Nirman Pariyojana Nepal Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 200000 6/4/15 1970.443 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 4, 2015 Alina Acharya
Bikendrakaran Sahayog Samaj Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 51000 6/4/15 502.463 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 4, 2015 Alina Acharya
Karuna Foundation Nepal Nepal National NGOs Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 6/4/15 4926.108 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 4, 2015 Alina Acharya
South Asian Regional Trade Union Council Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1016453 6/4/15 10014.31 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 4, 2015 Alina Acharya
Ek Bahadur Thapa Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000 6/4/15 985.222 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 4, 2015 Alina Acharya
Mumbi Angela Chileshe Not Known International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 3860 6/5/15 38.026 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 5, 2015 Alina Acharya
Uchenna Francis Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 102670 6/5/15 1011.527 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 5, 2015 Alina Acharya
Embassy Of Nepal Canada International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 710355 6/5/15 6998.571 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 5, 2015 Alina Acharya
Botschaft Der D Germany International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2702258 6/5/15 26623.229 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 5, 2015 Alina Acharya
Herbs Production And Processing Pvt.Ltd Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 403050 6/5/15 3970.934 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 5, 2015 Alina Acharya
Indian Embassy' Employees India International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1400000 6/5/15 13793.103 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 5, 2015 Alina Acharya
Nepal Awash Finance Ltd. Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 201000 6/5/15 1980.296 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 5, 2015 Alina Acharya
Siddhartha Bank Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 10100000 6/5/15 99507.389 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 5, 2015 Alina Acharya
Shangpa Foundation Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 6/5/15 4926.108 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 5, 2015 Alina Acharya
Nar Bahadur Pun / Niraj From Baglung (Pandapkhani Samaj Japan) Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 101000 6/5/15 995.074 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 5, 2015 Alina Acharya
Sabitri Devi And Family Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000 6/5/15 985.222 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 5, 2015 Alina Acharya
Union Coordination Committee Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 101101 6/5/15 996.069 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 5, 2015 Alina Acharya
Babubabu Gyanu Social Service Award Fund Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000 6/7/15 985.222 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 7, 2015 Alina Acharya
Former Employee Service Council Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 851000 6/7/15 8384.236 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 7, 2015 Alina Acharya
Constitutional Legal Forum Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 101101 6/7/15 996.069 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 7, 2015 Alina Acharya
Kathmandu Metropolitan City Office Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 3500000 6/7/15 34482.759 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 7, 2015 Alina Acharya
Liability Vanamaya Establishment Of Nepal Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000 6/7/15 985.222 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 7, 2015 Alina Acharya
National Christian Federation Of Nepal Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 2507350 6/7/15 24702.956 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 7, 2015 Alina Acharya
Peshal Kumar Magar Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000 6/7/15 985.222 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 7, 2015 Alina Acharya
Bagmati Development Bank Ltd. Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 158112 6/7/15 1557.755 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 7, 2015 Alina Acharya
Nepal Water Supply Corporation Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1850100 6/7/15 18227.588 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 7, 2015 Alina Acharya
Sangita Upreti Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 100000 6/7/15 985.222 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 7, 2015 Alina Acharya
Ndep Development Bank Ltd. Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1004500 6/7/15 9896.552 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 7, 2015 Alina Acharya
Narayani National Finance Ltd. Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1000000 6/7/15 9852.217 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 7, 2015 Alina Acharya
Binod Pradhan / Bina Pradhan Nepal International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 449899 6/8/15 4432.501 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 8, 2015 Alina Acharya
Archana Sharma United Arab Emirates International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 214781 6/8/15 2116.069 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 8, 2015 Alina Acharya
Faraz Khan United Arab Emirates International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 126061 6/8/15 1241.98 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 8, 2015 Alina Acharya
Sarah Louise Porter United Arab Emirates International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 214601 6/8/15 2114.296 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 8, 2015 Alina Acharya
Steven Ndjamba Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 5114 6/8/15 50.379 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 8, 2015 Alina Acharya
Martin Chungu Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 15623 6/8/15 153.919 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 8, 2015 Alina Acharya
Consolidated Contribution From Doha Qatar International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 11252129 6/8/15 110858.413 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 8, 2015 Alina Acharya
Ms Dorcas Mizinga Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 13950 6/8/15 137.434 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 8, 2015 Alina Acharya
Kelechukwu Nnab Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 22666 6/8/15 223.31 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 8, 2015 Alina Acharya
Issack Lesion Mel Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 510000 6/8/15 5024.631 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 8, 2015 Alina Acharya
Embassy Of Nepal Switzerland International Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1022766 6/8/15 10076.512 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 8, 2015 Alina Acharya
Joseph L. Thaler Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1000000 6/8/15 9852.217 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 8, 2015 Alina Acharya
Kalaikivasi Halesi Not Known International Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 65000 6/8/15 640.394 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 8, 2015 Alina Acharya
Narayan Sub-Regional Hospital Development Committee Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 358487 6/8/15 3531.887 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 8, 2015 Alina Acharya
Gokuleswor Hospital Development Committee Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 140517 6/8/15 1384.401 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 8, 2015 Alina Acharya
Vaunnakoti Sustha Bhairahawa Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 47930 6/8/15 472.217 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 8, 2015 Alina Acharya
Bishwabichwa Vdc Mahendranagar Nepal National Government Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 379758 6/8/15 3741.458 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 8, 2015 Alina Acharya
Prakash Thapa Wajuddi Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 48125 6/8/15 474.138 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 8, 2015 Alina Acharya
Birgunj Bangali Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 50000 6/8/15 492.611 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 8, 2015 Alina Acharya
Mr Investment And Finance Co.. Ltd. Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 138260 6/8/15 1362.167 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 8, 2015 Alina Acharya
Bharat Raj Upreti Nepal National Individual Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 6/8/15 4926.108 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 8, 2015 Alina Acharya
Karnali Excursion Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 218250 6/8/15 2150.246 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 8, 2015 Alina Acharya
Johnson Lifts Private Ltd. Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 1000000 6/8/15 9852.217 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 8, 2015 Alina Acharya
Communist Party Of Nepal (United) Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 55000 6/8/15 541.872 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 8, 2015 Alina Acharya
Bhaktapur Finance Kamli Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 6/8/15 4926.108 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 8, 2015 Alina Acharya
Tel Welfare Society Nepal National Others Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 401111 6/8/15 3951.833 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 8, 2015 Alina Acharya
Jebil'S Finance Limited Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 360000 6/8/15 3546.798 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 8, 2015 Alina Acharya
Unique Finance Limited Nepal National Corporates Cash Disbursement Nepal Government Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund 500000 6/8/15 4926.108 Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund - June 8, 2015 Alina Acharya