Critical client information is trapped in email.
It’s time to set it free.

Bullhorn Pulse lives in your inbox and is the easiest way to get up to speed with what’s going on with your customers from across your team.

Why Forward Thinking Companies Use Bullhorn Pulse

Your team spends an inordinate amount of time requesting customer information from each other. 90% of the time, that information is sitting in someone else’s inbox.

You just can’t see it.

Bullhorn Pulse automatically gathers every email between your team and customers into a searchable activity stream and lets you view the entire email history with a customer right from your inbox.

Find any communication, document or presentation in seconds without leaving Gmail or Outlook.

Get Instant Answers to Questions about Your Customers

Bullhorn Pulse cuts down on internal email by providing instant answers to questions like these:

Who else across my company knows this customer?

Are we having any issues with billing, support or adoption?

Anything I should know before upselling?

Pulse captures your email so that every interaction with external contacts is automatically captured in the background. Your Gmail or Exchange administrator can set it up in a few easy steps.

When a user opens an email from an external contact, the Bullhorn Pulse email extension shows you every email between that contact and your team.

Bullhorn Pulse never captures or displays email between internal contacts and coworkers

Creating Transparency while Respecting Privacy

Bullhorn Pulse provides a suite of privacy and security controls that allow organizations to protect the privacy of sensitive communication data.

Administrators have complete control over how and when Bullhorn Pulse captures email and who has access to it. Individual users can flag communication and contacts as private. Internal or personal email (, is never captured.

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Justin Alvarado, ACME Company
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque tortor sem, sollicitudin at dui non, placerat finibus neque. Aenean a odio aliquet, imperdiet metus at, ultricies sem.”
Kimberly Sperber, MEAC Industries