BridgePoint UML Suite Rule Specification Language

The BridgePoint UML Suite Rule Specification Language (RSL) is used to write translation rules that traverse the xtUML database for model data, format it, and create text that is emitted to files. This section describes the syntax for the language giving examples.


General Language Attributes

Literal Text

Data Access Control Statements

Assignment Control Statements

Test Control Statements

Function Control Statements

Fragment Attributes

File Control Statements



Substitution Variables

1. Overview

In order to translate a model into code, two inputs are needed: an xtUML database that contains the modeled application data, and a set of translation rules specified in BridgePoint UML Suite RSL. The translation rules act as a specification from which one or more text files are created.

The BridgePoint UML Suite Rule Specification Language controls how the file is generated. The language is a mix of:

  1. literal text,

  2. control statements,

  3. and substitution variables.

The literal text is passed straight through to the output files. Control statements are used to select and iterate over data in the xtUML database. Substitution variables are used to access data from the xtUML database and format it for placement in the output files.

2. General Language Attributes

  1. Execution is sequential.

  2. All transient variables are implicitly declared upon the first assignment - any subsequent assignments simply re-assign the same variable. A re-assignment of a variable to a different type is not allowed.

  3. A stack execution model is assumed. Variables are pushed on the stack as they are implicitly declared and are popped off the stack as they fall out of scope. Any variable implicitly declared inside of an if/elif/else/end if block or for/end for block falls out of scope when the end of the block is encountered.

  4. White space is treated as a token delimiter.

  5. Statements are intended to be readable as a sentence so keywords are used in groups to provide verb phrases or prepositional phrases when combined with variables and metamodel element references.

  6. Key words may be all lower-case, all upper-case, or first character uppercase and all other characters lower-case.

  7. Variables must adhere to the following naming conventions denoted in 8-10:

  8. Names can be made up of any alpha (a-z, A-Z) or numeric (0-9) characters or underscore (_) character.

  9. Names cannot begin with a numeric (0-9) character.

  10. Names cannot conflict with keywords from the BridgePoint UML Suite Rule Specification Language.

  11. Classes in the metamodel are specified by using the class keyletters.

3. Literal Text

Literal text is plain ASCII text that is eventually written to files with the .emit to file statement.

Any line in the rule file which is not a control statement is treated as literal text. Any line beginning with a . (dot) character as the first non-white space character is a control statement except those lines which begin with the .. character sequence.

Lines 2-4 of the following rule are literal text lines. These lines are stored in a buffer than can be emitted to a file at any time by using the .emit statement. The first line is a control statement used to comment the rule:

1             .// comment the rule file
      2             This is a literal text line
      3             and so is this. Each of these lines are stored in a buffer that
      4             can be emitted to a file using the .emit statement.

A literal text line with the dot dot (..) character sequence as the first non-white space characters results in the dot (.) character being emitted. The dot (.)character anywhere else in the literal text line results in a dot (.)character being emitted (no special treatment).

Literal text can contain substitution variables (Substitution Variables). Substitution variables are denoted with the ${<variable_name>} character sequence. This means that the $ (dollar sign) character is a special character which denotes the beginning of a substitution variable. The $$ character sequence anywhere in a literal text line results in one $ character being emitted.

Newline characters at the end of a line of literal text are passed through to the emitted output. If you do not want a newline at the end of an emitted line (presumably due to control statement constraints), then place a \ (backslash) character as the last character of the literal text line. The \\ character sequence as the last two characters of the literal text line results in one \ character and one newline character as the last characters of an emitted line. The \\\ character sequence as the last three characters of a line of literal text results in one \ character as the last character of an emitted line with no newline character.



To Generate Character at Position Use


First Non-White Space





\ (with newline)



\ (without newline)



4. Data Access Control Statements

Data access control statements include the following:

  1. Instance selection statements allow for the selecting of instances from the xtUML database. Instances are either returned in an instance reference set, in the case of a select many , or as an instance reference, in the case of select one and select any .

  2. Instance set iteration statements allow for iteration over a set of instances contained in an instance reference set.

  3. Class attribute access statements are used to read and write attribute data of instances in the xtUML database.

Instance Selection

Instances may be selected from the xtUML database by using the key letters of the class directly, or by chaining through class keyletter/association pairs using an instance reference or instance reference set as a starting point.

The following two statements are used to select instances based on the key letters alone:

.select any <inst_ref_var> from instances of <class_keyletters> [ where   (<condition>) ]
      .select many <inst_ref_set_var> from instances of <class_keyletters> [   where (<condition>) ]

The following instance selection statements make direct use of chaining through key letter/association pairs to select an instance or set of instances:

.select one <inst_ref_var> related by <inst_chain> [ where (<condition>) ]
      .select any <inst_ref_var> related by <inst_chain> [ where (<condition>) ]
      .select many <inst_ref_set_var> related by <inst_chain> [ where   (<condition>) ]

<inst_ref_var> specifies an instance reference variable name used in the selection. After the select, the variable contains a reference to 0 or 1 instances: 0 if an instance was not found, 1 if the instance was found.

<inst_ref_set_var> specifies an instance reference set variable name used in the selection. After the select, the variable contains a reference to 0, 1, or more instances.

<inst_chain> is a string containing key letter/association number pairs separated by the -> character sequence. <inst_chain> specifies an unbroken navigation from the instance reference variable or instance reference set variable to the destination instance.

<class_keyletters> are the keyletters of a class in the metamodel.

<condition> specifies an expression with a boolean result. <condition> always takes the form of a where clause that discriminates on a attribute of the destination class using the selected keyword, i.e., .select any class from instances of O_OBJ where (selected.Name == "Dog") . Expressions for more details on expressions.

Here are some examples:

To select the set of application classes in the xtUML database:

.select many class_set from instances of O_OBJ

To select the set of attributes related to an arbitrary class instance class_inst :

.select any class_inst from instances of O_OBJ

.select many attr_set related by class_inst->O_ATTR[R102]

To select the set of associations in which the class instance class_inst is involved:

.select many rel_set related by class_inst->R_OIR[R201]->R_REL[R201]

Note that the navigation through the association R201 was in 2 steps - first to the associative-link class and then to the other side of the association. If you are wondering where to find association R201, please look in the Metamodel Reference.

Instance Reference and Instance Reference Set Variables

The resulting <inst_ref_var>/<inst_ref_set_var> is a transient variable which follows the implicit declaration rule. When the resulting <inst_ref_var>/<inst_ref_set_var> is being implicitly declared (used for the first time), the referred to class of the transient variable is set according to the result of the .select . When the resulting <inst_ref_var> /<inst_ref_set_var> is being reassigned, the referred to class of the new selection must match that of the transient variable.

Instance Chains

The related by form of the .select statement uses an instance chain to specify a path through the related instances. An instance chain is simply a sequence of class key letter/association number pairs which specify the path from the source instance to the destination class. The result of a select is 0, 1, or more instances of the last class of the chain.

The syntax of the instance chain places the focus on the classes of the chain (specified by the class keyletters) because the instances of the chain are class instances. The [] syntax is intended to indicate access into a table of that classes instances. The contents of the [] is a specification of which instances are being accessed - since the instances are accessed via an association, the contents of the [] is the association traversal specification.

The association traversal specification can be specified as:





R<number> is the association number as it appears in the metamodel.

<direction> is a specification of the direction of the traversal for the association in terms of an association phrase.

The <direction> is used when traversing a reflexive association, i.e., an association in which a class is related to itself. <direction> is needed so that the reflexive association can be traversed in each direction. Examples of reflexive associations in the metamodel are R103 (to specify order of attributes) and R112 (to specify order of association numbers). For example:

.select one prev_attr related by curr_attr->O_ATTR[R103.'precedes']

selects the previous attribute instance given the current attribute instance and the navigation spec: ->O_ATTR[R103.'precedes'] . Use the association phrase to read the navigation from left to right, with the association phrase as the verb in the middle: start with the instance reference variable prev_attr , apply the association phrase, and end with the instance chain source instance reference variable name. The select statement navigation above reads prev_attr precedes curr_attr . Since we are looking for the attribute that precedes the current attribute we know that our select statement is properly formed.

If we then wanted to get back to curr_attr from prev_attr we could write the following .select statement:

.select one next_attr related by prev_attr->O_ATTR[R103.'succeeds']

The instance reference next_attr is the same instance curr_attr from the previous .select statement.

Chain Multiplicity & Conditionality

The multiplicity of an instance chain is zero or one if the starting instance variable has a multiplicity of zero or one and all association traversals in the chain result have multiplicity zero or one . Otherwise, the multiplicity of the instance chain is zero, one, or more (many).

The keyword one can only be used with an instance chain of multiplicity zero or one, whereas the keywords any and many can only be used with an instance chain of multiplicity zero, one, or many.

The conditionality of an instance chain is unconditional if all association traversals in the chain are unconditional; otherwise, the instance chain is conditional. The conditionality determines how many instances are returned. If any conditional associations occur in the instance chain to the target, zero instances may be returned by the select statement. In this case the result of the select should always be checked for instances before being used.

Where Clause

The where clause <condition> is used to filter out a subset of the instances selected in the .select from instances of or select related by statements. <condition> is applied separately to each instance in the source set. When <condition> is TRUE , the matching instance or instances are placed in the instance reference or instance reference set variable. Instances for which <condition> is FALSE are not included in the result.

<condition> is a boolean expression (Expressions) - the current instance being selected is referred to by the selected keyword. Here are a few examples.

To select all attributes named ID:

.select many attr_set from instances of O_ATTR where (selected.Name == "ID")

To select all attributes in classes with keyletters DOG :

.select many attr_set from instances of O_ATTR where ("${selected ->O_OBJ[R102]}.Key_Lett" == "DOG")

Note: The preceding example uses an instance substitution variable in a quoted string (Quoted Strings) and an instance chain within the substitution variable (Substitution Variables).

Instance Set Iteration

The For Statement

Once a set of instances has been selected, iteration statements can be written to iterate over each of the instances in the set. The control statement which supports this is:

.for each <inst_ref_var> in <inst_ref_set_var>

.end for


<inst_ref_var> is an instance reference variable. Each time the . for statement is evaluated, this variable is set to next instance in the set.

<inst_ref_set_var> is an instance reference set that contains 0, 1, or more instances.

<stmt_blck> is a block of rule statements.

The statements in the .for structure are executed once for each instance in the set. The iterations are sequential in a repeatable order, i.e., the order of the instances in a set are consistent from one execution to another. For example:

Beginning of List of Class Names
      .select many class_set from instances of O_OBJ
      .for each class_inst in class_set
             Class name is ${class_inst.Name}
      .end for
      End of List of Class Names

results in the name of each class being placed on a separate line in the output buffer. Each time the above example is executed, the order of the class names is guaranteed to be the same.

Note: When instances are added to the xtUML database, the order of elements is implementation specific when the order is compared to the order before the instances where added.

The variable <inst_ref_var> is scoped within the <stmt_blck> , i.e., it goes out of scope after the .end for statement. However, if the scope of <inst_ref_var> needs to extend beyond the .end for , then define <inst_ref_var> prior to the .for statement. In the previous example, class_inst is out of scope (and no longer on the stack) when the End of List of Class Names literal text line is reached.

In the following example, class_inst is still in scope (and still on the stack) when the End of List of Class Names literal text line is reached:

Beginning of List of Class Names
      .select any class_inst from instances of O_OBJ
      .select many class_set from instances of O_OBJ
      .for each class_inst in class_set
             Class name is ${class_inst.Name}
      .end for
      Last Class name is ${class_inst.Name}
      End of List of Class Names

The following statement is provided to break out of the iteration through the ordered set, presumably because you have found what you were looking for:

.break for

The While Statement

The .while statement provides a general purpose iteration mechanism. This complements the other iteration mechanism, the .for each statement. The .for each statement is a specific purpose iteration mechanism to iterate through an instance reference set. The .while statement is a general purpose iteration mechanism to iterate until the .while condition is false . The syntax of the .while statement is:

.while (<boolean expression>)

.end while

The statements between the .while and .end while are executed in sequence until <boolean expression> is false . The condition is checked before the first iteration.

A .break while statement is available, providing an alternative technique to end the iteration. The syntax of the .break while statement is:

.while (<boolean expression>)
             .break while
      .end while

When executed, the .break while statement causes control to be transferred to the statement after the .end while corresponding to the innermost executing .while statement. For example:

.assign count = 1
      .while (count < 10)         .//  while 1
             .while (1 == 1)        .//  while 2
                   .if (<condition>)
                          .break while  .//  break 2
                   .end if
             .end while                       .//  end while 2
             .if (<condition2>)
                   .break while      .// break 1
             .end if
      .end while                 .// end while1 

Execution of break 2 causes control to transfer to the statement following end while 2 , whereas execution of break 1 causes control to transfer to the statement following end while 1 .

Class Attribute Access

Attribute access statements take the form of:



<inst_ref_var> is the instance reference variable that refers to an instance.

<attribute> is the name of a valid attribute for the instance.

Note: Great care should be taken when writing class attributes. Writing a class attribute permanently affects the value for all future uses of the attribute - the new value of the attribute is stored persistently in the xtUML database. Altering the value of an attribute populated from a BridgePoint Builder model is not recommended. Changing the values of extended attributes, i.e., those that you have added to the default metamodel, is a normal part of system architecture development.

Class Instance Creation

The .create statement supports creation of instances in the xtUML database:

.create object instance <inst_ref_var> of <class_keyletters>


<inst_ref_var> is an instance reference variable name that refers to the to-be created instance.

<class_keyletters> are the keyletters of a metamodel class.

Note: Great care should be taken when creating new instances of classes. New instances are stored persistently in the xtUML database. Note also that there is no way to delete such an instance.

Here are some examples:

To create an instance of O_OBJ metamodel class:

.create object instance class_inst of O_OBJ
      .assign class_inst.Name = "foo"
      .assign class_inst.Numb = 27
      .assign class_inst.Key_Lett = "F"
      .assign class_inst.Descrip = ""
      .// relate the instance to the subsystem
      .select any ss_inst from instances of S_SS
      .assign class_inst.ss_id = ss_inst.ss_id

To unrelate the instance (perhaps during translation initialization):

.select any class_inst from instances of O_OBJ
      .assign class_inst.ss_id = 0

5. Assignment Control Statements

Assign Statement

The .assign statement makes use of expressions. Expressions for complete details on valid expressions.

The .assign statement has the following syntax:

.assign <variable> = <expression>


< variable > is a data item, i.e., a class attribute, fragment attribute, or transient variable.

< expression > is an expression, usually a calculation using class attribute access and literal values.

When <variable> is a class attribute, the data type of <expression> must be compatible with the data type of <variable> .

If <variable> is a transient variable, then the transient variable follows the implicit declaration rule. When a transient variable is being implicitly declared (assigned for the first time), the data type of the transient variable is set to be the same as the data type of <expression> . When a transient variable is being re-assigned, the data type of <expression> must be compatible with the data type of <variable> .

<variable> Data Type

<expression> Data Type













Truncates all digits after the decimal point.

















If <variable> is of data type inst_ref<Object> , inst_ref_set<Object> , or frag_ref<Object> , then <expression> may be one of the following:

  1. Transient Variable

  2. Fragment Attribute

Here are some examples:

.assign obj_inst = prev_obj_inst
      .assign obj_set = next_obj_set
      .assign attr_inst = base_attr_frag.base_attr_inst
      .assign data_type_frag = attr_data_type_frag

6. Test Control Statements

Tests are supported through the use of the .if statement:

.if (<condition>)
      [.elif (<condition>)
      .end if


<condition> is an expression with boolean result, Expressions

<stmt_blck> is a block of rule language statements

Many .elif constructs may be present in the same .if construct.

Here are some examples:

.// example 1
      .if (class_inst.Numb < 100)
              literal text...
      .elif ((class_inst.Numb >= 200) && (class_inst.Numb < 300))
              literal text...
              literal text...
      .end if
      .// example 2
      .if ("${class_inst.Descrip:PERSISTENCE}" == "TRUE")
              source code for persistent classes ...
      .elif ("${class_inst.Descrip:PERSISTENCE}" == "FALSE")
              source code for non-persistent classes ...
              .print "Error in specification of persistence"
              .print " Class `${class_inst.Name}'"
              .exit 1
      .end if
      .// example 3
      .if ( p_operator == "NOT" )
        .assign cond = "!${p_operand_rval.rval}"
        .assign type = "boolean"
      .elif ( p_operator == "EMPTY" )
        .if ( p_operand_rval.var_card == "ONE" )
          .assign cond = "((${p_operand_rval.var_name} == 0) ? true : false)"
          .invoke method = GetCollectionIsEmptyMethodName()
          .assign cond = "${p_operand_rval.var_name}.${method.result}()"
        .end if
        .assign type = "boolean"
      .elif ( p_operator == "NOT_EMPTY" )
        .if ( p_operand_rval.var_card == "ONE" )
          .assign cond = "((${p_operand_rval.var_name} != 0) ? true : false)"
          .invoke method = GetCollectionIsEmptyMethodName()
          .assign cond = "!${p_operand_rval.var_name}.${method.result}()"
        .end if
        .assign type = "boolean"
        .// Should never happen
        .print "TRANSLATOR ERROR: Unknown 'rval_unary_op' operator: ${p_operator}"
        .exit 100
      .end if 

7. Function Control Statements

Functions are supported in the rule language to allow reuse of blocks of rule language statements. Functions always return a fragment . A fragment can be thought of as a pseudo-instance that has at least one, and possibly more attributes containing data specified by the function. The intent of functions is to use them to build fragments which can be organized into larger fragments and eventually used to build a whole generated file.

To define a function, use the .function statement:

.function <function_name>
              [.param <param_type> <param_name>
               .param <param_type> <param_name>
      .end function


      is the name of the function. The name of the function should be unique within the rule file, or any included rule files.
      is the type of the parameter. Allowed types are:
      is the name of the parameter.
      is a block of rule language statements including literal text, control statements, and substitution variables.

To invoke a function, use the .invoke statement:

.invoke [ <frag_ref_var> =] <function_name> (<actual_param>, <actual_param>...)


<frag_ref_var> is a transient variable which holds a reference to the fragment.

<function_name> is the name of the function being invoked.

<actual_param> is an actual parameter.

Parameter Type

Actual Parameter Forms Allowed


Rvalue of type boolean


Rvalue of type integer


Rvalue of type real


Rvalue of type string


< transient_var > of type inst_ref


< transient_var > of type inst_set_ref


< transient_var > of type frag_ref

8. Fragment Attributes

Attributes may be defined for a fragment when the fragment is formed inside the function. The attribute body is always defined. After the invocation of a function, the body attribute contains the literal text lines within the function.

Additional attributes are defined by declaring transient variables inside the function of the form:



<attribute_name> is the name of the attribute. The name of the attribute should be selected to convey meaning to the caller of the function.

For example:

.function GetAttributeData
      .param inst_ref p_attr
              .assign attr_used = TRUE
              .assign attr_type = ""
              .if ( not p_attr.Used )
                      .assign attr_used = FALSE )     
                      .assign attr_type = "${p_attr.CppImplementationType}"
      // $(p_attr.Name}
              .end if

.end function

specifies a function, that when called, results in the variables type , used , and body being available to the caller through <frag_reg_var>.<attribute_name> :

.select many attrs from instances of O_ATTR
      .for each attr in attrs
              .invoke attribute_data = GetAttributeData(attr)
              .if (attribute_data.used)
      ${attribute_data.type} ${attr.Name};
              .end if
      .end for

Be careful to make sure the attr_<attribute_name> variables are in scope when the .end function statement is reached. For example:

.function GetNewValueForValue
      .param integer p_value
      .if (p_value < 100)
              .assign attr_new_value = 22
              .assign attr_new_value = 2000
      .end if

.end function

results in the transient variable attr_new_value NOT becoming a fragment attribute since it falls out of scope with the .if statement and is therefore not on the stack when the .end function statement is encountered. A correct solution is:

.function GetNewValueForValue
      .param integer p_value
      .assign attr_new_value = 0
      .if (p_value < 100)
              .assign attr_new_value = 22
              .assign attr_new_value = 2000
      .end if
      .end function

9. File Control Statements

File control statements are used to produce files based on the text accumulated in the buffer when the statement is reached.

Emitting Text

All literal text is buffered as it is encountered in the rules. To output the contents of the buffer to a file, use:

.emit to file "<file_name>"

The .emit statement also clears the buffer's contents. For example:

.emit to file "/source_code/$_{}/$_{}.cpp"

results in a file being emitted in a directory based on the subsystem name with a filename based on the class name.

If an emitted file already exists, then the contents of the new file are compared to the existing file. If the files are the same, then the existing file is left undisturbed, so that modification times are left in-tact. If the files are different, then the existing file is replaced with the newly generated file.

To clear the contents of the buffer without emitting the contents to a file, use the following statement:



To add a comment in a rule file, use the following statement:

.comment <user_comment>


.// <user_comment>

At least one white space character must follow the .comment keyword.

A white space character does not need to follow the .// keyword.

All text from the comment keyword to the end of the line is ignored.


To include another rule file, use the following statement:

.include "<file_name>"

When a file is included, a marker is placed on the stack and the interpreter begins interpretation on the first line of the included file. When all lines in the included file have been processed, all variables pushed on the stack since the include marker was pushed are considered out of scope (and therefore popped from the stack). The interpreter then resumes interpretation on the line following the .include statement.

Handling Errors and Printing Information

To print a message to stderr from a rule, use the following statement:

.print "<error_message>"

To stop the interpreter with integer value <exit_status> , use the following:

.exit <exit_status>

10. Rvalues

An rvalue is a specification of a literal value or the specification of a variable.

Literals as Rvalues

Literal values can be entered for the each of the core datatypes. The table below uses example specifications to illustrate how the literal values are specified for each.

Core Data Type

Literal Specification Examples












"Hello World"


Not Allowed


Not Allowed


Not Allowed

Quoted Strings

Quoted strings get special handling in the rule language. Each quoted string is treated as a literal text line and is run through the variable substituter. For example:

.assign name = class_inst.Name


.assign name = "${class_inst.Name}"

are equivalent. Treating quoted strings as literal text adds flexibility in concisely specifying the string value. For example, the following shows substitution variables used in the .if statement and .emit statement:

        .select many class_set from instances of O_OBJ
              .for each class_inst in class_set
                      .if ("${class_inst.descrip:PERSISTENCE}" == "TRUE")
                              // Persistent implementation for class `${class_inst.Name}'
                      .end if
                      .emit to file "$_{class_inst.key_lett}.cpp"
              .end for

Since the quoted strings get run through the literal text substituter, use $$ to yield one $ character. In addition, use "" to yield one " character.

Variables as Rvalues

Variables of the following types may be used as values:

  1. <transient_variable> of type boolean , integer , real , or string .

  2. <inst_ref_var>.<attribute> where <attribute> is of type boolean , integer , real , or string .

  3. <frag_ref_var>.<attribute> where <attribute> is of type boolean , integer , real , or string .

11. Expressions

The rule language supports simple and compound expressions.

Simple Expressions

Simple expressions are single unary or binary operations:

(<unary_operator> <operand>)

(<operand> <binary_operator> <operand>)


<unary_operator> is a unary operator.

<binary_operator> is a binary operator.

<operand> is the operand, i.e., a literal value, class attribute, or transient variable.

Here are some examples:

.if (empty class_inst)
              .assign number_selected = cardinality class_set
      .end if
      .if (class_inst.Numb >= 100)
              .assign attr_decl = "${attr_inst.Type} $cr{};"
      .end if

Compound Expressions

Simple expressions can be combined to form a compound expressions:

(<unary_operator> <expression>)
      (<expression> <binary_operator> <operand>)
      (<operand> <binary_operator> <expression>)

(<expression> <binary_operator> <expression>)


<unary_operator> is a unary operator.

<binary_operator> is a binary operator.

<operand> is an operand, i.e., a literal value, class attribute, or transient variable.

<expression> is an either a simple or compound expression.


Note the required use of the and operator to delimit expressions in a compound expression. This takes away the issues surrounding precedence and associativity of operators.

Here are some examples:

.invoke allocation_strategy = GetAllocationStrategyForClass( class )
      .if ( ( allocation_strategy.FixedBlock ) AND ( class.IsLocal ) )
              .select any fixed_block_unit from instances of MA_FBU where ( ( "${selected.Type}" == "LocalAllocationType1") OR ("${selected.Type}" == "LocalAllocationType2"))
      .end if


The following tables define the core unary, binary, and set operators.




Logical Negation


inst_ref<Object> or inst_ref_set<Object> test for empty set


inst_ref<Object> or inst_ref_set<Object> test for not empty set


Test if the inst_ref_set<Object> cursor is on the first in the set


Test if the inst_ref_set<Object> cursor is not on the first in the set


Test if the inst_ref_set<Object> cursor is on the last in the set


Test if the inst_ref_set<Object> cursor is not on the last in the set


Count the number of items in inst_ref_set<Object>




logical AND


logical inclusive OR


arithmetic addition ( integer & real ) or concatenation ( string )


arithmetic subtraction


arithmetic multiplication


quotient from arithmetic division


remainder from arithmetic division




less-than or equal-to






greater-than or equal-to




































Left Operand


Right Operand



and or == !=




+ - * / %




< <= == != >= >




+ - * /




< <= == != >= >




+ - * /




< <= == != >= >




+ - * /




< <= == != >= >








< <= == != >= >




Left Operand


Right Operand



































































12. Substitution Variables

Literal text lines can contain substitution variables which allow you to pull information out of the xtUML database and place it in a buffer so it can be emitted to text files.

A substitution variable takes on the following form:

$ <format> { <inst_ref_var> . <attribute> [ : <parse_keyword> ] }


$ <format> { <inst_chain> . <attribute> [ : <parse_keyword> ] }


$ <format> { <frag_ref_var> . <attribute> }


$ <format> { <transient_var> }


<format> are string substitution format characters that specify how to format the string.

<inst_ref_var> is a reference to an instance in the xtUML database.

<inst_chain> is an instance chain which results in one instance (Instance Chains)

<frag_ref_var> is a reference to a fragment which has been returned from a function.

<attribute> is an attribute of the class referred to by <inst_ref_var> or attribute of the fragment referred to by <frag_ref_var> .

<parse_keyword> represents a keyword which is parsed to obtain data from the string on which the substitution occurs. Parse keywords are discussed in Parse Keyword.

<transient_var> is a transient variable.

Here are some examples:






Substitution Variable Format Characters

The <format> characters are needed to allow the legal names in xtUML models to be transformed into legal names in the generated file. For example, spaces are allowed in class names in xtUML models but are not allowed in class names in C++. If the class name from the model is going to be used as the class name in a generated C++ file, then the class name must be transformed into a legal C++ name.

Format Character

Format Action

U or u

Upper - make all characters upper case

C or c

Capitalize - make the first character of each word capitalized and all other characters of a word lower case

L or l

Lower - make all characters lower case


Underscore - change all white space characters to underscore characters

R or r

Remove - remove all white space

Note: The removal of white space occurs after the capitalization has taken place in the case of the CR or RC combination.

O or o

cOrba - make the first word all lower case, make the first character of each following word capitalized and all other characters of the words lower case. Characters other than a-Z a-z 0-9 are ignored.

T or t

Translate - default user supplied translate format function. No translation is made.

Tnosplat or tnosplat

Built-in translate format function that removes *'s (splats). This can be used to remove the * character found in polymorphic events.

T<switch> or t<switch>

User-defined translate format function defined by <switch> . The user may define any number of custom translation formatters. Translate Format Character

Here are some examples:




Example Text



Example Text



Example Text



ExamplE TExt


Example Text

ExamplE TExt



ExamplE TExt



ExamplE TExt


example text

ExamplE TExt



ExamplE TExt



ExamplE@34 TExt



* ExamplE TExt *



Translate Format Character

The $t format character allows the user to execute custom string transformations that are not supplied by the BridgePoint UML Suite tools. For example, most computer languages only allow ASCII to be used for program source text; if a model contains (non-ASCII) international characters, a user-supplied translate function could be added to change these strings to an ASCII string that can be used by the language compiler.

When specifying multiple <format> characters, the $t character must be the last. All characters between the ` t ' and the ` { ' are assumed to be part of the <switch> used by the $t format. The $t substitution is applied before any other substitution (i.e., $ut{...} applies $t first, then $u ). The default translate function supplied with BridgePoint UML Suite returns the string unchanged. The supplied translate function also ignores all <switch> 's except nosplat .

The translate function is stored in a shared library. The code used to implement the default translate function is in the directory samples/translate . If the additional functionality for the $t format character is desired, simply add your changes to the file pt_trans.c , re-make the library according to the instructions in the makefile appropriate to your platform. Be sure that the newly created library (or DLL) replaces the existing one in your search path.

The shared library must implement these three functions:

void *pt_TranslateInit( )
      const char *pt_TranslateString( void *p_parm,
                                      const char *p_switch, 
                                      const char *p_string )

void pt_TranslateCleanup( void *p_parm )

The function pt_TranslateInit() is called once at the start of pt_gen_file , before any rule files have been read. The user should perform any initialization needed in this function. The value returned by the function is the address of any user-specific data that the translation functions might need. The return value can be NULL .

The function pt_TranslateString() is called whenever the $t format character is parsed. The first parameter is the value returned by pt_TranslateInit() . The second parameter is the <switch> value for the $t format character. The default transformation is passed as an empty string. The third parameter is the string that is contained in the substitution variable (between the ` { ' and ` } ' in the rule). The function returns the translated string.

The function pt_TranslateCleanup() is called after all rule files have been processed by pt_gen_file , and shortly before the program exits. It is responsible for any housekeeping that must be done (free memory, close files, etc.) before the program exits. The parameter is the value returned by pt_TranslateInit() .

Parse Keyword

A parse keyword is a piece of text placed in a string attribute of a class (such as a description) in the xtUML model. Rules may gain access to the string that follows the parse keyword, up to the next newline character, by using substitution variables of the following type:



For example, if an attribute description contains the following text and two parse keywords:

This attribute captures the name of the quick brown fox who jumped over the lazy brown dog.
      TYPE: String
      LENGTH: 64

the data after TYPE: can be assigned to attr_type by using the following substitution:

.assign attr_type = "${attr_inst.Descrip:TYPE}"

The data after LENGTH: can be obtained with the following substitution:


Note that the above examples explicitly place architectural information into the application xtUML models. This has ramifications on the reusability of the xtUML models across different application-independent system architectures. Use with care!

Information Substitution Variables

There are some special substitution variables available which can be used anywhere:


The word info is a keyword and cannot be used as a transient variable name. The first six are commonly used for information placed in the headers of generated files. The last is used to produce unique variable names within the generated code.

${} returns the current date and timestamp.

${info.user_id} returns the user id of the user running pt_gen_file .

${info.arch_file_name} returns the name of the rule file currently being executed.

${info.arch_file_line} returns the current line number in the rule file.

${info.interpreter_version} returns the version of pt_gen_file .

${info.interpreter_platform} returns the platform on which pt_gen_file is running.

${info.unique_num} returns a unique integer each time it is referenced. For example, the first time it is referenced, it may produce 1, the next time 2, the next time 3, and so on. The order of the unique numbers generated is guaranteed to be exactly the same from one invocation of the pt_gen_file to the next.