
The table below lists the variables that are present in the HARP product that results from an ingestion of IASI_L1 data.

field name type dimensions unit description
datetime double {time} [seconds since 2000-01-01] time of the measurement
orbit_index int32     absolute orbit number
latitude double {time} [degree_north] center latitude of the measurement
longitude double {time} [degree_east] center longitude of the measurement
wavenumber_radiance float {time, spectral} [W/m^2.sr.m^-1] measured radiances
wavenumber float {time, spectral} [m^-1] nominal wavelength assignment for each of the detector pixels
scan_subindex int8 {time}   relative index (0-119) of this measurement within an MDR
index int32 {time}   zero-based index of the sample within the source product

Mapping description

IASI Level 1 products contain a number of scanlines, each scanline contains 30 scans, each scan contains 4 spectra and each spectrum contains 8700 measurements

The table below details where and how each variable was retrieved from the input product.

field name mapping description
orbit_index path /MPHR/ORBIT_START
latitude path /MDR[]/MDR/GGeoSondLoc[,,1]
longitude path /MDR[]/MDR/GGeoSondLoc[,,0]
wavenumber_radiance path /MDR[]/MDR/GS1cSpect[], /MDR[]/MDR/IDefNsfirst1b, /GIADR_ScaleFactors/IDefScaleSondNbScale, /GIADR_ScaleFactors/IDefScaleSondScaleFactor[], /GIADR_ScaleFactors/IdefScaleSondNsfirst[], /GIADR_ScaleFactors/IDefScaleSondNslast[]
description spectral data is scaled using the information in GIADR_ScaleFactors:for numScale = 0 to (IDefScaleSondNbScale - 1) do { SF = IDefScaleSondScaleFactor[numScale]; for chanNb = IdefScaleSondNsfirst[numScale] to IDefScaleSondNslast[numScale] do { w = chanNb - IDefNsfirst1b + 1; pixel_readout[w] = GS1cSpect[..,..,w] * 10^(-SF) } }
wavenumber path /MDR[]/MDR/IDefSpectDWn1b, /MDR[]/MDR/IDefNsfirst1b, /MDR[]/MDR/IDefNslast1b
description wavenumber[i] = IDefSpectDWn1b * (i + IDefNsfirst1b - 1).