
Combine multiple products from files or directories by appending them accross the time dimension and storing the result into a single output file.

    harpmerge [options] <file|dir> [<file|dir> ...] <output product file>
        Concatenate all products as specified by the file and directory paths
        into a single product.

            -a, --operations <operation list>
                List of operations to apply to each product.
                An operation list needs to be provided as a single expression.
                See the 'operations' section of the HARP documentation for
                more details.
                Operations will be performed before a product is appended.

             -ap, --post-operations <operation list>
                 List of operations to apply to the merged product.
                 An operation list needs to be provided as a single expression.
                 See the 'operations' section of the HARP documentation for
                 more details.

            -o, --options <option list>
                List of options to pass to the ingestion module.
                Only applicable if an input product is not in HARP format.
                Options are separated by semi-colons. Each option consists
                of an <option name>=<value> pair. An option list needs to be
                provided as a single expression.

            -l, --list
                Print to stdout each filename that is currently being merged.

            -f, --format <format>
                Output format:
                    netcdf (default)

            --hdf5-compression <level>
                Set data compression level for storing in HDF5 format.
                0=disabled, 1=low, ..., 9=high.

        If the merged product is empty, a warning will be printed and the
        tool will return with exit code 2 (without writing a file).

    harpmerge -h, --help
        Show help (this text).

    harpmerge -v, --version
        Print the version number of HARP and exit.