Global attributes

The HARP format defines the following global attributes:

Conventions string
This attribute should follow the netCDF convention and should contain HARP-1.0 in its value to indicate that the file conforms to the HARP data format conventions.
history string (optional)
This attribute is used by all HARP tools to keep a trace of the operations performed on a product. Each time a command is performed on a HARP file the full command line is appended to this attribute (using a newline separator between commands). This usage is in line with the general netCDF conventions for this attribute.
source_product string (optional)
This attribute will hold the name of the original product in case the HARP file was converted using harpconvert. This approach makes it possible to use your own file naming approach for HARP files without losing trace of which original product files the data came from. Note that this attribute value is used as the main source to uniquely identify a product within a dataset. Only if the attribute is absent then the current filename of the product will be used as product id within a dataset. It is therefore important that the value of source_product (or, if absent, the current filename) is unique within a dataset to allow the product to be uniquely identified. Tools such as harpcollocate rely on this.
datetime_start double (optional)
This attribute is mandatory if the file is to be used with harpcollocate. It allows for quick extraction of the time range of the product. The attribute should be a scalar double precision floating point value giving the datetime of the first measurement as days since 2000-01-01 (using the fractional part to represent time-of- day). When exporting data, HARP will itself generate the value by looking at the minimum value of the available datetime_start (or, if absent, datetime`) variable.
datetime_stop double (optional)
This attribute is mandatory if the file is to be used with harpcollocate. It allows for quick extraction of the time range of the product. The attribute should be a scalar double precision floating point value giving the datetime of the last measurement as days since 2000-01-01 (using the fractional part to represent time-of- day). When exporting data, HARP will itself generate the value by looking the maximum value of the available datetime_stop (or, if absent, datetime`) variable.

Note that the Conventions, datetime_start, and datetime_stop attributes are only used inside files. For the in-memory representation (in C, Python, etc.) only the history and source_product attributes are present.

Note that files using the HARP data format can include global attributes in addition to the ones mentioned above. However, such attributes will be ignored when the product is imported.