
This documentation provides installation instructions for HARP.

HARP is a toolset for ingesting, processing and inter-comparing satellite data against correlative data. The toolset is composed of a set of command line tools and a library of analysis functions.

Supported platforms

HARP is designed to run on most Unix-based operating systems (including Linux and Mac OS X) and Windows. The platforms that are supported include at least Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. The current version of HARP does not support Windows yet, but this will be added in a later release.

What you will need

  • The HARP package : The package only comes in a source installation (harp-x.y.z.tar.gz) or a binary installation (Windows only; not yet available). Note that x.y.z stands for the version number of the package. The source package contains the source code for the HARP components (C Library and command line tools) together with all documentation. You will need this package if you want to use HARP on a Unix-based system.

    If you do not have the HARP package, you can download it from the BEAT website:

The following items are needed if you use the HARP source distribution:

  • A C compiler : Most Unix platforms come with their own C compiler so this should not be a problem. For Mac OS X you should make sure you have installed the Developer Tools.

  • A recent version of HDF4. You will also need the additional libraries libjpeg, zlib, and szlib depending on whether HDF4 was build against them. In order to prevent conflicts of the HDF4 library with the netCDF interface that HARP uses, make sure you build the HDF4 software from source and use the following options when configuring the package:

    ./configure --enable-shared --disable-fortran --disable-netcdf

    Make sure that after installation the location of the libraries is in your shared library path (e.g. update your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable).

  • A recent version of HDF5. You will also need the additional libraries zlib, and szlib depending on whether HDF5 was build against them.

Building the source package (Unix)

The HARP source package comes with both an autotools and a CMake build system. For Unix-based systems the recommended approach is to use the autotools based system (using the configure script), which is what is described below. Building with CMake is nevertheless supported, although not documented here.

The following steps will guide you through the process of building the HARP library and executables:

  1. Go to the directory that contains the downloaded harp-x.y.z.tar.gz file and unpack this package:

    % gzip -d harp-x.y.z.tar.gz
    % tar xf harp-x.y.z.tar

    Make sure you replace x.y.z with the appropriate version number.

  2. You should now have a harp-x.y.z directory. Go to this directory:

    % cd harp-x.y.z
  3. Next you will have to execute the configure script that checks what system you are on and sets up the build environment. There are several options you can pass to this script. The most important ones are:

    --prefix <HARP installation directory> :

    By default, if you perform an installation of the HARP package (see further below on how to do this) all files are installed in subdirectories under /usr/local. Executables will appear under /usr/local/bin, libraries under /usr/local/lib and all data files (e.g. documentation) under /usr/local/share/harp. However, installing the files into the default places requires you to have administrator privileges, which you may not have. In order to install HARP in a different location where you do have permission to copy files to, you can use this option to provide a different installation directory. For instance, you can use --prefix=$HOME/harp to install the software in the subdirectory harp of your home directory.

    HDF4_LIB=<HDF4 library directory> :

    The configure script will automatically try to locate the HDF4 libraries in the default locations for libraries (/usr/local/lib is usually not considered a default location!). If ./configure complains that it can’t find the df or mfhdf library files, pass this option to ./configure with the location of these library files.

    HDF4_INCLUDE=<HDF4 include file directory> :

    The configure script will automatically try to locate the HDF4 include files in the default locations for include files (/usr/local/include is usually not considered a default location!). If ./configure complains that it can’t find the hdf.h or mfhdf.h include files, pass this option to ./configure with the location of these include files.

    HDF5_LIB=<HDF5 library directory> :

    The configure script will automatically try to locate the HDF5 library in the default locations for libraries (/usr/local/lib is usually not considered a default location!). If ./configure complains that it can’t find the hdf5 library files, pass this option to ./configure with the location of this library file.

    HDF5_INCLUDE=<HDF5 include file directory> :

    The configure script will automatically try to locate the HDF5 include files in the default locations for include files (/usr/local/include is usually not considered a default location!). If ./configure complains that it can’t find the hdf5.h include file, pass this option to ./configure with the location of this include file.

    You should now call the configure script with the options that are appropriate for you. For instance, if you want to install HARP in the harp subdirectory of your home directory then your invocation of configure would be:

    % ./configure --prefix=$HOME/harp
  4. If this completes successfully, you are now able to build the library by executing the make command:

    % make

    If everything was successful, you are now ready to install the package (this installation step is not optional! You will have to install HARP before you can use it). If you encountered any problems while building HARP and if you need help contact us (see the Feedback section at the bottom for contact information).

Installing the source package (Unix)

In order to make use of the HARP library and tools, you should install HARP as build in the previous step. Please make sure you have provided the appropriate installation directory option (--prefix=<installdir>) to the configure script, as explained in the previous section, if you do not want to install HARP in its default location /usr/local. After running the configure script, issue the following command:

% make install

Documentation location

Both the source and binary HARP packages come with documentation in HTML. For the source package you can access the documentation from within the unpacked HARP source package directory by going to the doc/html subdirectory and opening the file index.html in your browser. If you perform an install of the source package all documentation will also be installed. You can find the documentation under the subdirectory share/harp/doc/html of your installation directory (/usr/local by default).


If you encounter any problems while trying to build, install or run one or more components of the HARP package you can send an e-mail to:

If you are using the source package on a Unix based system, please provide a copy of the config.log file that is created when you run ./configure and a copy of the output of make with your e-mail.

Apart from problems, we would also appreciate to hear from you if you have any ideas, suggestions, or comments that may help us to improve the quality or functionality of HARP.