MATLAB xUnit Test Framework: How RUNXUNIT Searches for Test Cases

When you call runxunit with no input arguments:

>> runxunit

it automatically searches for all the test cases in the current directory. It looks for test cases in three types of M-files:

1. An M-file function whose name begins or ends with "test" or "Test" and that does not return an output argument. Such a function is considered to be a single test case.

2. An M-file function whose name begins or ends with "test" or "Test" and that returns an output argument that is a test suite. Such a function is considered to contain subfunction-style test cases. Each subfunction whose name begins or ends with "test" or "Test" is a test case.

3. An M-file that defines a subclass of TestCase. Each method beginning or ending with "test" or "Test" is a test case.

runxunit uses the TestSuite static methods fromName and fromPwd to automatically construct the test suites.

Here are a couple of examples.

TestSuite.fromName takes an M-file name, determines what kind of test file it is, and returns a cell array of test case objects.

cd examples_general
test_suite_1 = TestSuite.fromName('testSetupExample')
test_suite_1 = 

  TestSuite handle

    TestComponents: {1x2 cell}
              Name: 'testSetupExample'
          Location: [1x94 char]

TestSuite.fromPwd returns a test suite based on all the test files in the current directory.

test_suite_2 = TestSuite.fromPwd()
test_suite_2 = 

  TestSuite handle

    TestComponents: {1x6 cell}
              Name: [1x75 char]
          Location: [1x75 char]

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