The Kernel interface

class mklaren.kernel.kinterface.Kinterface(data, kernel, kernel_args={}, data_labels=None, row_normalize=False)

Interface to invoke kernels. Acts as a wrapper for a unified use of kernel functions/matrices by implementing __getitem__ and __call__.

Required for methods that only require access to parts of the kernel matrix.

__call__(x, y)

Mimic a callable kernel function.

  • x – (numpy.ndarray) Data point.
  • y – (numpy.ndarray) Data point.

(float) Value of the kernel for x, y.


Access portions of the kernel matrix generated by kernel.

Parameters:item – (tuple) pair of: indices or list of indices or (numpy.ndarray) or (slice) to address portions of the kernel matrix.
Returns:(numpy.ndarray) Value of the kernel matrix for item.

Diagonal of the kernel matrix.

\[\mathbf{d}_i = k(\mathbf{x}_i, \mathbf{x}_i)\]

:return (numpy.ndarray) diagonal values of the kernel matrix.


Diagonal of the kernel matrix (alias).