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## Tokenizing Our First Building ![brickblock-logo](images/brickblock-logo.svg)
# Good evening --- ### Matthew Stevens :: Software Engineer #### Things I enjoy: * blockchains * the internet (and other open protocols) * chai tea ----- # What is Brickblock? --- ![brickblock-overview](images/brickblock-overview.png) ----- ## What is Brickblock? --- ### * launched alpha version of app October 2017 * sold a building privately December 2017 * selling first building publically Q1 2018 ----- # ERC20 (aka tokens) --- ### what are they and how to use them ----- ## ERC20 (aka tokens) --- ### why is it called that * anyone makes a EIP (Ethereum Improvement Proposal) * also called ERC (Ethereum Request for Comments) * numbered based on how many proposals there are * goes through rounds of debates and updates * if finally agreed upon, it becomes a known standard ----- ## ERC20 (aka tokens) --- ### standard in Ethereum ecosystem * this allows for tokens to be traded in many places * an Ethereum address can hold many tokens * wallets and online indexes make tracking the tokens you own easy ----- ## ERC20 (aka tokens) --- ### what is a "basic" token * balanceOf * transfer * event :: Transfer ----- ## ERC20 (aka tokens) --- ### what is a "standard" token * approve * increaseApproval * decreaseApproval * allowance * transferFrom * event :: Approval ----- # Why use a blockchain? --- ### what makes them useful ----- ## Why use a blockchain? --- ### transactions are secure by default * must be signed with a private key * distributed verification of transactions ----- ## Why use a blockchain? --- ### ease of reporting * for us and the customers on our platform * data access and sharing is easy by default ----- ## Why use a blockchain? --- ### ease of operational requirements * no centralized trust * data backups * hold onto funds ----- # Why use smart contracts? --- ### what business needs does it help with ----- ## Why use smart contracts? --- ### using Ethereum means ERC20 tokens * transfers and approvals * events for the above * each asset is a POA (Proof Of Asset) token ----- ## Why use smart contracts? --- ### transparency * can make source code of deployed contracts available * link via * audit trail for us * customers can find out more / verify contract terms ----- ## Why use smart contracts? --- ### asset owners and holders are funded directly * buyers are credited POA tokens immediately after sending funds * asset custodian will receive the funds without any in-between handling / delays when funding is complete * after a payout POA token holders have funds available immediately ----- ## Why use smart contracts? --- ### holds our KYC list * the transparency of access (who can participate in asset funding) * audit trail of who was whitelisted and when ----- # Whats next for Brickblock --- ### projects and partnerships ----- ## Whats next for Brickblock --- ### partnerships * finalized agreements with real estate / development companies in Brazil and Czech Republic * Blockchain Research Institute in São Paulo * Intercam Banco to provide ETFs ----- ## Whats next for Brickblock --- ### projects * Blocks Investments * TRX Investments * RFM Constructora * C Group Developments * Captima ----- ## Whats next for Brickblock --- ### First house sale Q1 2018 ----- # Thank you --- ### @mattgstevens ### twitter / github / other fine places online
![brickblock-logo](images/brickblock-logo.svg) **Want to join the team?** --- **Partnership opportunity?** --- **Participate in user tests?** (until Sunday March 11, 2018)