dvdisaster Version 0.72.6 / 0.79 (devel-3)  To the Internet version

·System requirements
·(No) download terms
·Digital signature
·Alpha (unstable) versions
·Additional resources
Questions and Answers
Bug reporting

Digital signature

The downloadable dvdisaster packages have been digitally signed using GnuPG so that you can verify that the software is in its original state.

The signature has been made with the following public key:

pub   1024D/F5F6C46C 2003-08-22
      Key fingerprint = 12B3 1535 AF90 3ADE 9E73  BA7E 5A59 0EFE F5F6 C46C
uid                  dvdisaster (pkg signing key #1)
sub   1024g/091AD320 2003-08-22
Feel free to send an email to email address display as graphics image to obtain the fingerprint directly from the developers. Please include "GPG finger print" in the subject line.

MD5 checksum

Contrary to the digital signature, MD5 checksums are cryptographically weak: It is possible to create a manipulated package which still has the same checksum as the original. However MD5 checksums are sufficient for a quick check whether the download has finished completely and without transmission errors.
Copyright 2004-2014 Carsten Gnörlich.
Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.