The Lemon Programming Language

Zhicheng Wei


Part I - Basic Part

Chapter 1 - Overview

1.1 Get source code and build

Lemon using git management source code, you can learn about git from

$ git checkout

then inside lemon’s source code folder run

$ make

if build success, have lemon and, lemon is execute file, is required runtime lib.

Windows platform need TDM-GCC tool.


1.2 Build Options

In the build phase, have some options you can use.

default build also can use with options:


The most important is STATIC options, if STATIC = 1, then build without instead liblemon.a, and the lemon execute file can’t run lemon source that’s import dynamic library from C.

1.3 Run lemon

run lemon from source.

$ ./lemon lemon.lm

or run lemon shell

$ ./lemon
Lemon Version 0.0.1
Copyright 2017 Zhicheng Wei
Type '\help' for more information, '\exit' or ^D exit


print ‘hello,world’ from lemon shell, print can print any lemon object.

>>> print('hello,world');

Chapter 2 - Variables and Types

2.1 Variable declare.

lemon is dynamic type language, declare a variable just use keyword var, example

var a;

you can set variable’s value at declare, example

var a = 100;

you can declare multiple variable at once, example

var a, b, c;

multiple variable declare can’t set value.

2.2 Value Types

2.2.1 integer

Integer is basic type of lemon, It’s represent any integer from very little to very big. The whole integer range limit is depends on memory, example


all validate integer.

2.2.2 number

Number is float pointer, lemon’s implement number use double, example

2.2.3 string

String is array of byte, define string within ' or ", example


String use escape to encode special char, example

Methods of string object

2.2.4 true false

boolean value true false, and other type can be false,example

2.2.5 nil and sentinel

nil is a value represent for nothing, It’s variable default value and function default return value.

sentinel is another value represent for nothing, but sentinel is mean’s stop or non-exist value, like stop a iterator or delete a key from dictionary.

2.3 Assign and Unpack

Variable use = assign a value, and lemon is a dynamic type language, you can assign any value to variable, example

a = 10;
a = 'hello';
a = 0.0;

Lemon also support array unpack, you can assign multiple variable at once, example

a, b, c = [10, 'hello', 0.0];

Variable a is 10, variable b is 'hello' and variable c is 0.0.

If array unpack items short then variables, rest variable assign to nil, example

a, b, c = [10, 'hello'];

Variable a is 10, variable b is 'hello' and variable c is nil;

If variables short then array unpack items, rest items will discard, example

a, b, c = [10, 'hello', 0.0, 'world'];

Variable a is 10, variable b is 'hello' and variable c is 0.0, 'world' is discard.

Chapter 3 - Collection Types

3.1 Value type and Reference type

Last chapter we talk about lemon’s basic type, like integer, number and string, those type are also value type. That mean’s those type are readonly, they shouldn’t have function update in place. And this chapter’s we talk type is reference type, those type is also a container of other values, you can add or delete item from those types.

3.2 Array

Array is a collection of elements, each element with a start with 0 index, represent element’s position, example

a = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];

Variable a is an array with elements 'a', 'b', 'c' and 'd' in this specific ordered.

Access array’s elements with index, example a[0] is ‘a’, a[1] is ‘b’. or use negative index, then index of element is array’s length + negative index, example a[-1] is ‘d’, a[-2] is ‘c’.use a[0] = 10 to set an item with index.

If an index large then or equal array’s length, array will throw an exception, example

<ItemError('['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']' index out of range)> 

Get bulk elements from array, example a[0:2] is ['a', 'b'], get all elements index >= 0 and index < 2. Starts with 0, 0 can ignore.a[0:2] is same as a[:2].

Methods of array

3.3 Dictionary

Dictionary is a collection of elements, every element has a key, Items in dictionary is orderless, example

a = {'a': 1, 'b': 2', 'c': 3, 'd': 4}

Get elements with key, example


Set elements with key, example

a['a'] = 10;

Delete elements from key, example

delete a['a'];

Method of dictionary

Chapter 4 - Operators and Expressions

4.1 Arithmetic Operators

If both left and and right operand is integer then result is integer. if one operand is number other is integer then result will be a number.

Number is not support <<, >>, ~, | and & operator.

String support + operator, example 'hello' + 'world' result is 'helloworld'.

4.2 Relational and Logical Operators

||, && and ! is short-circuit evaluation, once operator has certain value, It stop evaluation rest expression, example 1 || func() the func() will never execute.

All object support ==, ||, && and !. only integer and number support compare operator.

4.3 Assignment Operators and Expressions

4.4 Conditional Expressions

4.5 In Expressions

Chapter 5 - Control Flow

5.1 if-else


if (condition) {
} else {

If condition expression is true, run block_stmt1, otherwise run block_stmt2. Else part is optional, example

if (condition) {

The block_stmt1 only run when condition expression is true.

If-else can nested use, example

if (condition1) {
} else {
    if (condition2)  {
    } else {

When condition1 is true, run block_stmt1, block_stmt2 and block_stmt3 not run. When condition1 is false and condition2 is true, block_stmt2 run. When both condition1 and condition2 is false, block_stmt3 run.

5.2 else-if

Nesting if-else-if-else have a short version, example

if (condition1) {
} else {
    if (condition2)  {
    } else {

Short version

if (condition1) {
} else if (condition2)  {
} else {

5.3 while loop


while (condition) {

When condition is true, the block_stmt1 run repeatly until condition become false.

5.4 for loop


for (init_expr; cond_expr; step_expr) {

The for-loop will result follow steps,

  1. Evalution init_expr
  2. When cond_expr is true, run block_stmt1, else exit loop.
  3. Evalution step_expr and goto step 2.

The init_expr support declare statement, and step_expr support assign statement, example

for (var a = 0; a < 100; a += 1) {

5.5 for-in loop


for (variable in expr) {

The expr must return an iterable object, the variable will assign iterable object’s elements from first to last, and each time run block_stmt1.

Variable support declare, example

for (var a in items) {

5.6 break and continue

Break statement will exit whole loop, example,

for (var i = 0; i < 10; i+=1) {
    if (i == 5) {

The loop will exit when i == 5 is true.

Continue statement will exit current repeat,example

for (var i = 0; i < 10; i+=1) {
    if (i == 5) {



The continue skip print when i == 5 is true.

Chapter 6 - Function

6.1 Define Function


def name(var a, var b = 0) {

Name is function’s name, block_stmt is function body, a is required parameter and b is optional parameter.

Call a function, example

Define function with variable parameters, example

def name(var a, var b, var *c) {

Then call, example


In this function, parameter a is 1, parameter b is 2, and parameter c is [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], all extra arguments will fill into c as an array.

Define function with variable name parameters, example

def name(var a, var b, var **c) {

Then call, example

name(1, 2, foo=100, bar=200);

In this function, parameter a is 1, parameter b is 2, and parameter c is {'bar': 200, 'foo': 100}, all extra arguments will fill into c as an dictionary.

Function can have both variable parameters and variable name parameters, example

def name(var a, var b, var *c, var **d) {

Call function with variable arguments, example

var a = [1,2];

*a will expand to two arguments pass to function, like follow example

name(1, 2);

Variable name arguments, example

var a = {'a': 1, 'b': 2};

**a will expand to two name arguments pass to function, like follow example

name(a = 1, b = 2);

Function name is optional, example

var f = def(var a) {print(a);};

Then you can use f call function.

Function is expression.can be a argument, example

def hello(var f) {

hello(def(var a){print(a);});

6.2 Local Variable and Variable Scope

Every declared variable in function only visible in function scope, example

def func() {
    var a;
    var b;
    print(a, b);

Variable a and variable b is the function local variable, they are only use in function scope (except closure).

Function can has block scope, example

def func() {
    var a;
        var a;

First a and second a is different variable, in second a’s block, will unable use first variable a.

6.3 Nested Function and Closure

Function can defined with in a function, example

def func1() {
    def func2() {

If return a function defined in this function, that make returned function to closure function, example

def func1(var a) {
    def func2() {
    return func2;

When call func1(100), return value is func2 with a = 100 binding, and even func1 is returned, the variable a will still exist, because the func2 have reference of a, variable a will useable until func2 is destroyed.

If call func1 mutliple times, the func1 will return different func2 with different value binding, this is closure.

Chapter 7 - Class

7.1 Define Class


class Greeting {
    var welcome = 'hello';

    def greeting(var name) {
        print(self.welcome, name);

Define class without super class, lemon support multiple inherent, example

class Greeting(Hello, World) {

Class Greeting inherent from Hello and World.

var welcome in class is class Greeting attribute, function greeting is class Greeting method. The class’s method can call from class (can’t use self) or class’s instance (can use self).

Instance a class, example

var greeting = Greeting();

__init__ function, example

class Greeting {
    def __init__(var name) { = name;

__init__ will call after the instance create, arguments is passing to from class call, example

var greeting = Greeting('Zhicheng');

7.2 Class attribute and Instance Attribute

There are two different attribute the instance can have, class’s attribute and instance attribute, example

class Greeting {
    var name = 'Stranger'; // class attribute
    def greeting(var name) { = name; // instance attribute

Instance’s attribute is set in self or instance variable, the class define attribute is always class’s attribute, example

var greeting1 = Greeting();
print(; // class's attribute
print(; // instance attribute, set by = name

var greeting2 = Greeting();
print(; // still class's attribute = 'Zhicheng';
print(; // instance's attribute

7.3 Inheritance and super class

When class define a method have a same name with it’s super class, that’s will overwrite super class’s method, but you can use super call super class methods, example

class A {
    def hi() {
        print("hi, I'm A");

class B(A) {
    def hi() {
        super.hi();  // call A's hi function
        print("hi, I'm B");

In multiple inherent class, can specific a super class function, example

class A {
    def hi() {
        print("hi, I'm A");

class B {
    def hi() {
        print("hi, I'm B");

class C(A, B) {
    def hi() {
        super(B).hi();  // call B's hi function
        print("Hi, I'm C");

7.4 self and super object

In method self is reference instance of class. super can get super class’s method, in lemon function can dynamic assign, but the self’s binding will not change, example

class A {
    def hi() {
        print("hi, I'm A");
class B {
    def hi() {
        print("hi, I'm B");
var a = A();
var b = B();

a.hi = b.hi;
a.hi();  // call B's hi();

And beware of reference type in class, this may cause some confuse, example

class A {
    var names = [];

var a1 = A();

var a2 = A();

Both a1.names and a2.names is ['Zhicheng', 'John'], because names is class A’s attribute. set instance’s attribute in __init__ .

Chapter 8 - Exception

8.1 throw


throw expression;

Expression’s result need be a Exception object or instance of Exception’s subclass, example

class JustException(Exception) {

8.2 try-catch


try {
} catch (ExceptionType e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {

The finally stmts5 always run, after stms1 or any of catch catched.the catch can only catch instance of ExceptionType or instance of ExceptionType subclass, the var e is instance of Exception throwed by stmts1. catch (Exception e) can catch all exceptions, otherwise try-catch will throw upper level try-catch.

8.2 Exception objects

Chapter 9 - Import

9.1 import


import 'hello.lm';
import './hello.lm';
import '../hello.lm';
import '/Users/zhicheng/hello.lm';

Lemon have four path resolve,

9.2 Name Resolve

import support as to rename module, example

import 'hello.lm' as hello;

If no as in import, lemon will auto resolve module name, module’s file name will become module name, and change every unsupport character to _ to emit a legal module name, example

import 'hello-world.lm';

Module hello-world.lm will named hello_world.

Part II - Advance Part

Chapter 10 - Accessor

10.1 setter and getter


def foo_getter(var x) {
    return x + 1;

def foo_setter(var x) {
    return x - 1;

var foo = 0;

Anytime get variable foo’s value, will call foo_getter and pass foo’s original value to parameter x, foo_getter return a new value, that will be variable foo’s expression value.

Anytime(except in variable declare statement) assign foo’s value, will call foo_setter and pass new value to parameter x, foo_setter return a new value, that will be foo’s final value.

You can set multiple getter and setter, they’ll execute from bottom-up. first getter get variable’s original value, after getter will get previous getter’s return value.

The keyword getter is optional, example

def foo_getter(var x) {
    return x;

var foo;

10.2 basic usage


// have log of every time use variable
def foo_logger(var x) {
    // logging about x use
    var x;

// make a variable readonly in getter way
def readonly(var x) {
    return x;

// make a variable readonly in setter way
def readonly_setter(var x) {
    throw TypeError('trying set readonly object');

10.3 advance usage

Example of use accessor as a type checker.

def typecheck(var type) {
    return function(var x) {
        if (!x.__instanceof__(type)) {
            throw TypeError('wrong type');
        return x;

var a = 10;

a = 20; // ok

a = 'hello'; // not ok

Chapter 11 - Iterator

11.1 Iterator object and iterable object

In for-in loop, not only collection type, any iterator object or iterable object can use as right value, example

class Range {
    def __init__(var max) {
        self.max = max;

    def __iterator__() {
        self.value = 0;
        return self;

    def __next__() {
        if (self.value == self.max) {
            return sentinel;
        var value = self.value;
        self.value += 1;
        return value;

for (var a in Range(11)) {



First call __iterator__ get iterable object, then call __next__ and every iter, until __next__ return sentinel stop iterator.

Iterator object is used by builtin object like array and dictionary.

Chapter 12 - Coroutine

12.1 yield function.

yield function can dynamic make a function become a coroutine, example

def hi() {

var co = hi();



12.2 resume and transfer

resume and transfer both can continue run coroutine, but resume will returned to caller, transfer will transfer current coroutine’s execute context to another coroutine, so transfer can only call with in coroutine, transfer example Coroutine - Wikipedia

var q = array();

var p;
var c;
var n = 0;
def produce() {
    while (true) {
def consume() {
    while (true) {
        var a = q.pop();
p = produce();
c = consume();

Chapter 13 - Continuation

13.1 callcc function.

callcc is call-with-current-continuation

callcc take a function argument and call it with a continuation argument, the continuation can restart function with callcc’s position, example

var cont;

def f() {
    callcc(function(var cc) { cont = cc; }));

f(); // output 1 , 2
cont(); // output 2

13.2 Demo

Demo from wikipedia. Continuation - Wikipedia

var the_continuation;

def test() {
    var i = 0;
    callcc(function(var k){the_continuation = k;});
    i += 1;
    return i;


var another_continuation = the_continuation;


Part III - The C API

Chapter 14 - Input and Compile

14.1 initialize and set parameter

Example from main.c

struct lemon *lemon;
lemon = lemon_create();

         lstring_create(lemon, "os", 2),
lemon_input_set_file(lemon, "code.lm");

For simple reason I don’t add error check, check main.c for error check version.

Everything start with lemon_create(), this function initialize all party of lemon, and required object. after lemon_create initialize module with builtin_init, and manual initialize os_module, there is the place you add custom module. use lemon_input_set_file set lemon source code file or lemon_input_set_buffer set source code from string instead file. use lemon_compile compile source code, use lemon_machine_reset reset machine and finally lemon_machine_execute execute code. all part is done.

Chapter 15 - The Virtual Machine

15.1 execute and execute_loop

There are two execute function in lemon virtual machine, main.c use lemon_machine_execute and shell.c use lemon_machine_execute_loop, the different between is the lemon_machine_execute will clean up virtual machine’s stack and frame. lemon_machine_execute_loop only execute code, the state of virtual machine will keep at code finished state.

15.2 frame object

frame is most important object in lemon. It’s record the current call context, local variables. There are two type of frame

  1. lemon object frame
  2. C function frame

C function used by C callable object, because the frame will not returned by return opcode, so sometime need manual call lemon_machine_return_frame.

and frame also can use to capture values, example

struct lobject *
callback(struct lemon *lemon,
     struct lframe *frame,
     struct lobject *retval)
    /* use of previous function's return value */   
    return retval;

frame = lemon_machine_push_new_frame(lemon, 
    NULL, NULL, callback, 0);
/* call object */
retval = lobject_call(lemon, callable, argc, argv);
 * call lemon_machine_return_frame if needed, retval is returned from call object
// lemon_machine_return_frame(lemon, retval)

15.3 pause frame

There’s also a special frame, pause frame, lemon_machine_execute_loop will return if meet pause frame, example

struct lframe *pause;
pause = lemon_machine_add_pause(lemon);

lobject_call(lemon, callable, argc, argv);
retval = lemon_machine_execute_loop(lemon);
lemon_machine_del_pause(lemon, pause);

This is design for C function call lemon function and need return value from function. if return value is not urgant, regular frame can do the trick.

Chapter 16 - Create Function and Type

16.1 C function demo.

Create a C function in lemon only need one c function, example

static struct lobject *
hello(struct lemon *lemon,
      struct lobject *self,
      int argc, struct lobject *argv[])
    return lemon->l_nil; // this is required

And add function to lemon before compile.

const char *cstr = "hello";
struct lobject *name = lstring_create(lemon, cstr, strlen(cstr));
struct lobject *function = lfunction_create(lemon, name, NULL, hello);
lemon_add_global(lemon, cstr, function);

16.2 object demo

Create a new object required a structure and a function, example

struct an_object {
    struct lobject object;

static struct lobject *
an_object_method(struct lemon *lemon,
         struct lobject *self,
         int method, int argc,
         struct lobject *argv[])
    switch (method) {
        return lstring_create(lemon, "an_object", 8);

        return lobject_default(lemon, self, method, argc, argv);

Create object use lobject_create ,example

struct lobject *object = lobject_create(lemon,
    sizeof(struct an_object), an_object_method);

All LOBJECT_METHOD_XXX defined in lobject.h. More example please check lemon’s source code.

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