Getting Started with Static Website Generators

Kaitlin Newson (@kaitlinnewson), Digital Projects Librarian, Scholars Portal

Kim Pham (@tolloid), Digital Projects Librarian, University of Toronto Scarborough

Git repo:


  1. Installing Hugo & troubleshooting
  2. Background - what are static site generators, and why should I use them?
  3. Markdown
  4. Hugo directory structure
  5. Create a starter site
  6. Break
  7. Exercises
  8. Other useful tools
  9. Discussion

Installation troubleshooting

What is a static website?

  • Made up of HTML, CSS, & JavaScript
  • No back-end scripting languages, databases, or CMS
  • Displayed to user as it exists on the server

What is a static website generator?

  • Template language & markup language
  • Compiles into HTML/CSS files
  • Built-in server for testing
  • Many options - over 200 options on
  • Most popular is Jekyll (built with Ruby), followed by Hugo (built with Go)


Code4Lib Conference site

Historical Topographic Map Digitization project

Screenshot of the topographic maps website

Archives Unleashed

Screenshot of the archives unleashed website


  • Performance & speed
  • Less technical maintenance
  • Less resource intensive
  • Security benefits
  • Version control
  • Simple hosting options, e.g. Github pages


  • Learning curve
  • No editing environment (but there are options)
  • No dynamic elements


Content Management

  • Hugo natively supports Markdown and Emacs Org-Mode
  • but there are additional formats such as asciidoc that are supported via external helpers

Introduction to Markdown

Markdown is a relatively new syntax.

The overriding design goal for Markdown’s formatting syntax is to make it as readable as possible.
The idea is that a Markdown-formatted document should be publishable as-is, as plain text, without looking like it’s been marked up with tags or formatting instructions.


  • Readable
  • Durable
  • Legible, easy to understand
  • Supported on various content management applications

Make your own Markdown file

  • Lets practicing Markdown syntax in the browser using You’ll be able to enter Markdown-formatted text on the left and immediately see the rendered version alongside it on the right.

In your browser, go to

Dillinger automatically creates a new document for you. You may enter a title for the document in the textbox on the top of the page if you like.

Markdown Syntax


Headings are hierarchical. Use the hash symbol.

# for h1

## for h2

### for h3

and so on...

Paragraphs & Line Breaks

If I tried to type the following sentence into a Github .md file:


Today we'll be learning about Markdown syntax.
This sentence is separated by a single line break from the preceding one.


It would render as:

Today we’ll be learning about Markdown syntax. This sentence is separated by a single line break from the preceding one.


Paragraphs must be separated by an empty line, so leave an empty line between syntax.







Use to make easy markdown tables!

Markdown and Github

  • Markdown is used in many places in Github
  • Github has its own Markdown syntax, called Github Flavoured Markdown -
  • Dillinger is also integrated with Github


  • In Hugo, you would name your files as *.md or set markup=“markdown” in front matter.


Markdown Cheatsheet

Web Tools Comparison:

Many websites and publishing platforms also offer web-based editors and/or extensions for entering text using Markdown syntax.

Stackedit Dillinger Prose
Sync from Github - navigate to locate files Sync from Github - navigate to locate files More closely integrated with github
Automatic commit message from Stackedit Add your own commit message Add your own commit message
Messes with your markdown: Adds extra Stackedit comment into markdown No tampering No tampering


Why Hugo?

  • Speed (<1 millisecond/page)
  • Less dependencies
  • Built-in multilingual functionality
  • Integrations (Google analytics, formspree, disqus)

Hugo folder structure

	├── archetypes
	│   └──
	├── config.toml
	├── content
	├── data
	├── layouts
	├── static
	└── themes


Allow for the quick generation of a content type into a markdown file, such as a blog post

title: "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}"
date: {{ .Date }}
draft: true

hugo new post/


Defines site settings, like the url, language, meta information, which theme to use, etc.

Can be formatted at toml, yaml, or json.

	baseURL = ""
	languageCode = "en-us"
	title = "My New Hugo Site"
	theme = ""


Data used in the website, usually formatted as yaml or json.


  • Templates for how different parts of the site will be rendered.
  • Can use logic, if statements, loops, variable comparisons, mathematical operators.
  • Use dot notation, e.g. .Params references params set in the config file.
	{{ if isset .Params "title" }}

{{ index .Params "title" }}

{{ end }}


Contains any static assets, like images, CSS, or JavaScript.

When Hugo builds the site, content in this directory is copied over as-is.


Site themes

Creating a static site hosted with Github Pages

Follow along, and put up a blue sticky note if you get stuck.

We'll use this site for the exercises.

Generate your site & connect it to your git repo

Create your repository on github and copy the link

hugo new site mySiteName
cd mySiteName
git init
git remote add origin
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
git push -u origin master

Go to your repo on github, and you should see a couple of items have been added

Adding a theme

cd themes
git clone

Remove the .git folder in the theme directory so you can push it to Github later

Copy the theme's example site

cd .. (to your site root directory)
cp -r themes/hugo-creative-portfolio-theme/exampleSite/* .

See your site

	hugo serve

Go to localhost:1313 in your web browser

Modify your config.toml

Add this line for Github pages hosting:
publishDir = "docs"

Set your baseurl to:

Add your social media links under, and remove any empty ones

Get some images for the site

Options are available in the github repo under 'sampleImages'

Copy the images folder to mySiteName/static/img/portfolio

Create content

In your 'content/portfolio' directory, copy the markdown files in the git repo at exampleSite/content/portfolio/

Update the markdown files if you're not using the dog images

Push to Github pages

Press CTRL+C to stop the hugo server

git add .
git commit -m "build the site"
git push

Customizing styles

Depending on the theme, customizing the theme can vary - check the theme documentation.

For this theme, create a CSS file at

Modifying templates

When you override a template, copy the structure from the themes directory into your root directory.


See the README at

Other Tools

Learn more

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